Developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks, Starfield is an upcoming action role-playing game. Bethesda announced this during their 2018 E3 press conference.
The game is Bethesda’s first original IP in almost 25 years and takes place in a futuristic space setting. Expect it sometime in the first half of 2023 for Windows PC and Xbox One S.
Starfield Gameplay
Seeing Bethesda release a new game and one set in space at that must have come as a surprise. The sci-fi role-playing game Starfield is the developer’s first original intellectual property in 25 years. Despite the developer’s best efforts in the ’90s, the canceled space-themed match was a critical and commercial failure.
The development team has emphasized Starfield and hopes to release it for Xbox Series X|S, so it looks like it will avoid the same fate. It is the studio’s priority, with only a fraction of its staff maintaining support for Fallout 76 and The Elder Scrolls: VI.
Each of Bethesda’s four primary studios—in Austin, Dallas, Montreal, and Rockville, Maryland—contributes to Starfield’s creation. Fans of Bethesda have been wondering since Starfield was announced if it would be compatible with current-gen hardware thanks to a new and improved engine.
After all, the studio’s previous games had a history of being plagued by bugs and seeming antiquated even when they were first released. While the specifics of Starfield’s performance have yet to be revealed, Bethesda has publicly said that the game would employ the same Creation Engine used in Skyrim, Fallout 4, and Fallout 76.
This might put some people off at first, but the engine has improved so much since 2011 that it might as well be brand new. GamesRadar says that Bethesda has made substantial changes to the engine, to the point that referring to it as “the same” isn’t entirely accurate.
We made a lot of changes for Fallout 76,” Howard said. It has a brand-new lighting model, landscape system, and renderer. Then there are the upcoming alterations in Starfield and Elder Scrolls VI, which are pretty far off in the future. Ultimately, there may not be cause for alarm that Starfield is still using Creation Engine.
At E3 2018, you may play a demo of Starfield. Since then, four years have passed, and the state of the game has only improved. One of the main reasons we publicized the game we’re working on right now is because it’s looking so good.
We have a runway ahead of us, and we know what’s occurring,” Howard told GameSpot in 2018. “It has all you’d anticipate and more,” Howard said of Starfield’s gameplay and what to expect from the game in contrast to past Bethesda titles.
To paraphrase, “It’s different, but if you sat down and play it, you’d recognize it as something we made, if that makes sense? Our genetic material is contained within it. The game “has aspects that we enjoy,” Howard told Eurogamer in 2018.
Starfield’s user interface and characters may have been revealed in 2020 through leaked photos. Now that we’ve seen the game in action, we can confirm that the leaks were legit. A second leak from Reddit (reported by GamesRadar) claims that each planet in Starfield is more giant than Skyrim itself; this is also unconfirmed.
Will we hear something on November 11? #Starfield 🤞🚀✨
— The Starfield Countdown (@Starfield_Count) November 10, 2022
The developers are being coy about Starfield, but fans of “traditional” Bethesda games may rest assured that they will be pleased. The Elder Scrolls: Blades and Fallout Shelter are just two examples of the newer, experimental work the business has been doing in recent years, both of which are games optimized for mobile devices. Starfield, on the other hand, will be nothing like that, but it is unclear what we will do there.
Howard explained the game’s setting and protagonists to The Telegraph, saying, “The game is set roughly 300 years or so in our future, and Constellation is this kind of the last gang of space explorers.” Like a cross between NASA and Indiana Jones and the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, they are on a mission to find the truth.
There are many other groups to join in the game, but that’s the major one. Structure-wise, it’s comparable to Skyrim in that you can play whatever you like, and multiple groups may align to create your ideal experience.
There’s no indication from Bethesda so far that the game will allow for unrestricted space travel like in No Man’s Sky, but that doesn’t mean it definitely won’t. Howard has confirmed that science and religion will play a role in Starfield.
When people look up at the sky, they often wonder about enormous questions like the ones we pose in the game. “What do we know about what’s out there? What are we doing here, exactly? Which way did we travel to get here? And then we talk about religion and science.

Then, in 2022 at the Xbox Showcase, Bethesda finally demonstrated the game, and judging by early reviews, Starfield appears to be what players were expecting, which isn’t always a negative thing. The gameplay trailer opened with a shot of a vast (and entirely customizable) spaceship touching down on a planet.
From that vantage point, the protagonist can be seen adventuring, fighting foes, collecting supplies, and infiltrating the enemy stronghold. As is typical for Bethesda games, the video demonstrated both third- and first-person camera angles.
While the core gameplay loop will play out similarly to previous Bethesda games, most of the action appears to significantly improve. There’s a point in the game where it becomes a first-person shooter, and we can’t wait to see how that works out with different kinds of weapons later on in the plot.
The idea that there will be 1,000 planets to discover in Starfield is also a talking point. It’s not obvious whether or not these planets have been hand-made or are generated procedurally, like in No Man’s Sky, but one thing is certain: Bethesda’s newest adventure will be massive.
Inevitably, you’ll have to talk to NPCs, go on quests, gather materials, and fight aliens. Although there are many similarities between Starfield and No Man’s Sky, it appears that Starfield will focus more on the action.
The character creator in Starfield will be extensive, allowing players to have access to a wide variety of abilities. These abilities are similar to those found in other Bethesda games, but with a space setting. The items you discover on your travels can be used to create a wide range of useful items, such as weapons, armor, tools, and even edible treats.
Because many planets have dangerous creatures that will put your skills to the test, you’ll need all the help you can get. While venturing to new worlds, you’ll have the option of establishing your own outposts, which will help in the collection of materials. The outpost can be managed more easily while you’re away on a quest if you hire other NPCs to help out.
Starfield features ship combat, expanding the action beyond the planets themselves. Furthermore, you can count on the usual Bethesda staples such as factions, a persuasion system, lockpicking, and around 111,000 lines of dialogue (almost twice as many as Skyrim).
And 11/11/22 slipped away with no mention of #Starfield 😔
Next up is TGA in December!
— The Starfield Countdown (@Starfield_Count) November 12, 2022
Starfield Release Schedule
Microsoft reaffirmed Starfield’s release date of summer 2023 as part of the recent Xbox and Bethesda Games Showcase 2022. Eleven years after The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’s first release, the developer was preparing to release Starfield on November 11, 2022. But Bethesda announced a delay on May 12, 2022, saying it wouldn’t be out until the “early half of 2023.”
Some speculated that Bethesda had planned to release Starfield considerably sooner, in 2020 or 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic may have slowed development and delayed Starfield’s shipment date past 2021 if the firm had planned to ship the game at that time.
The bad reception of Fallout 76 in 2018 has undoubtedly prompted Bethesda to take its time developing its next title. And Bethesda certainly doesn’t want to repeat the mistakes of Cyberpunk 2077’s premature release.
Most of the time, Bethesda works on several different projects at once, with one receiving the lion’s share of attention while the others sit on the sidelines and gestate. Since the trademark application for Starfield was filed in 2013, we may assume that the corporation had been considering the idea for some time prior to that.
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Starfield Will Be Available For The PC And Xbox One X|S
Since Bethesda is now a first-party Microsoft developer, it’s apparent that the game won’t be coming to PlayStation or Nintendo. GamesBeat’s Jeff Grubb said, before the game’s presentation at E3 2021, that Starfield will be Xbox One and PC-exclusive. Soon after, Microsoft officially acknowledged the matter.
Discover what's out there 🚀✨ #Starfield
— The Starfield Countdown (@Starfield_Count) November 13, 2022
Following its E3 2021 appearance, Bethesda clarified that Starfield will only arrive for Xbox Series X|S and PC, putting to rest any speculation that the game will also come to Microsoft’s previous-generation console, Xbox One.
In an interview with The Telegraph, Howard added, “You never want to leave anybody out, right? A better final product will result from your ability to narrow your focus and declare, “This is the game I want to produce, and these are the platforms I want to make it on.”
Given the breadth of the game, it only seems sensible that it would be compatible with modern systems. Starfield will also be available on Xbox Game Pass from the get-go, letting even more people enjoy it from the get-go.
Starfield Trailer
The first gameplay footage of Starfield was shown at Bethesda’s 2018 E3 conference, and aside from setting the mood, it didn’t disclose much. In an interview with NoClip, Howard revealed that Bethesda was initially hesitant to announce the game so soon, but that fans had already guessed the company was working on Starfield when the trademark application for the name was filed in 2013.
The team wanted to provide fans a roadmap for what to anticipate from Bethesda Game Studios going ahead, so they opted to tear the veil off—though some fans have pointed out that this was perhaps too soon.
Some on the internet are skeptical that the timing of Starfield’s announcement wasn’t planned to divert attention from the poor reception Fallout 76’s launch had received.
It’s likely that the announcements of Starfield and The Elder Scrolls: VI were made to appease fans while they waited for an online Fallout game, as the developer must have anticipated their negative reception. But Bethesda would never accept that.
At E3 2021, Bethesda revealed more of Starfield and its official release date. The two-minute teaser didn’t show any actual gameplay, but it did give viewers a sense of the game’s visual style and general mood and themes.
Indeed, it featured stunning in-engine visuals. The trailer shows a character preparing a spaceship for launch, but it’s not obvious if this is a player-controlled activity. Additionally, we saw the interior of the spaceship, a curious robot, and the planet itself.
Then, in the middle of March of 2022, Bethesda released a new longer video for Starfield with additional gameplay footage and developer commentary. Nearly 15 minutes have passed since the trailer’s first release, yet still, no actual gameplay has been demonstrated.
Developers worked on the game’s landscapes and characters in addition to the footage. The trailer states that Bethesda is committed to keeping Starfield realistic.
Then, during the Xbox and Bethesda Games Showcase 2022, four years after its initial revelation, Bethesda demonstrated gameplay for Starfield. The creator provided a comprehensive look, showing off 15 minutes of brand-new gameplay for the next game. Below, we’ll go into more specifics regarding its gameplay.
Final Words We hope you have found all the relevant information about the Starfield Gameplay, Release Schedule, Platforms, And Trailer. Stay tuned for the latest news and information at