Sims 4 High School Years is a fan-made expansion pack that adds new content and gameplay to the popular life simulation game. The group focuses on the high school experience of teenage Sims as they attend classes, join clubs, go to prom, and deal with drama. The group also introduces new skills, traits, careers, sentiments, and more.
If you want to spice up your game or explore the new features of the pack, you can use some cheats to unlock them. Cheats are codes that you can enter in the game’s console to modify certain aspects of the game, such as your Sim’s skills, traits, relationships, and more. Cheats can help you customize your game, create unique stories, or have fun.
However, before you can use cheats, you need to enable them first. To do that, you need to open the cheat console by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C on your keyboard if you’re playing on PC or Cmd + Shift + C if you’re playing on Mac. For consoles, you need to press all four shoulder buttons at the same time. Then, you need to type testing cheats true and hit enter. This will enable the cheats and allow you to use them.
In this article, we will show you some of the most valuable and exciting cheats for Sims 4 High School Years and how to use them. We will also provide some links to more detailed guides on the pack’s features and options.
Sims 4 High School Years Cheats
These cheats allow you to modify your Sim’s high school status, such as their grades, graduation, and clubs.

To use these cheats, you need to type careers followed by a command, such as add_career, promote, or remove_career. For example, to add the Cheer Team club to your Sim, you need to type careers.add_career careers_Volunteer_HSTeam_CheerTeam.
Here are some of the high school cheats and their commands:
- High School Grade: careers. promote highschool
- High School Dropout: traits.equip_trait trait_HSExit_Dropout
- Earned GED: traits.equip_trait trait_HSExit_EarnedGED
- Expelled: traits.equip_trait trait_HSExit_Expelled
- Graduated Early: traits.equip_trait trait_HSExit_Graduate_Early
- Graduated with Honors: traits.equip_trait trait_HSExit_Graduate_Honors
- Graduated as Valedictorian: traits.equip_trait
- trait_HSExit_Graduate_Valedictorian
- Cheer Team: careers.add_career careers_Volunteer_HSTeam_CheerTeam
- Chess Team: careers.add_career careers_Volunteer_HSTeam_ChessTeam
- Computer Team: careers.add_career careers_Volunteer_HSTeam_ComputerTeam
- Football Team: careers.add_career careers_Volunteer_HSTeam_FootballTeam
Skill Cheats
These cheats allow you to set your Sim’s skill level for the new skills introduced in the pack, such as Entrepreneur and Video Game Streamer.
To use these cheats, you need to type stats.set_skill_level followed by the skill name and the desired level. For example, to set your Sim’s Entrepreneur skill to level 5, you need to type stats—set_skill_level adultminor_entrepreneur 5.
Here are some of the skill cheats and their names:
- Entrepreneur: adultminor_entrepreneur
- Video Game Streamer: adultminor_streamer
Trait Cheats
These cheats allow you to add or remove the new traits introduced in the pack, such as Overachiever, Party Animal, and Socially Awkward. To use these cheats, you need to type features.equip_trait or traits.remove_trait followed by the trait name.
For example, to add the Overachiever trait to your Sim, you need to type traits.equip_trait trait_HighSchool_Overachiever.
Here are some of the trait cheats and their names:
- Overachiever: trait_HighSchool_Overachiever
- Party Animal: trait_HighSchool_PartyAnimal
- Socially Awkward: trait_HighSchool_SociallyAwkward
For more information on the new traits and their effects, you can check out this guide.
Sentiment Cheats
These cheats allow you to add or remove the new sentiments introduced in the pack, such as Crush, Bitter about Broken Prom Promise, and Close from Ditching Prom Together. Sentiments are emotional bonds that Sims form with each other based on their interactions and experiences.
To use these cheats, you need to type sentiment_add_sentiment or sentiment_remove_sentiment followed by the sentiment name and the target Sim’s ID. For example, to add the Crush sentiment to your Sim for another Sim, you need to type sentiment_add_sentiment crush_lt_generic [target Sim ID].
To find the target Sim’s ID, you need to type sims.get_sim_id_by_name followed by their first and last name. For example, to find the ID of Bella Goth, you need to order sims.get_sim_id_by_name Bella Goth.
Here are some of the sentiment cheats and their names:
- Crush: crush_lt_generic
- Bitter about Broken Prom Promise: hurt_st_hsprom_brokenditchpromise
- Close from Ditching Prom Together: close_st_hsprom_skippingpromtoether
- Bonding Moment: close_st_throwfootballbondingmoment
- Creeped Out: creepedout_st_generic
- Guilty about Broken Prom Pact: guilty_st_hsprom_brokenditchpact
- Good First Impression: goodfirstimpression_lt_generic
- Impressed by Promposal: impressed_st_hsprom_promposal
- I Know They’ve Got My Back: close_st_hsprom_gotmyback
- Lasting Memories: close_st_hsprom_lastingmemories
- Lame Adventures: lameadventures_st_generic
- Two Peas in a Pod: close_st_hsprom_twopeasinapod
- They Understand: close_st_hsprom_theyunderstand
- Resentful About No Prom Invite: resentful_st_hsprom_noinvite
Career Cheats
These cheats allow you to add, remove, promote, or demote the new careers introduced in the pack, such as Simfluencer and Video Game Streamer. To use these cheats, you need to type careers followed by a command, such as add_career, remove_career, promote, or demote, and then the career name. For example, to add the Simfluencer career to your Sim, you need to type careers.add_career career_Teen_SimsfluencerSideHustle.
Here are some of the career cheats and their names:
- Simfluencer: career_Teen_SimsfluencerSideHustle
- Video Game Streamer: career_Teen_StreamerSideHustle
These are some of the most valuable and exciting cheats for Sims 4 High School Years, but there are many more that you can discover and use. Cheats can help you enhance your game and create your own stories, but they can also cause glitches and errors, so use them at your own risk. If you want to turn off the cheats, you can type testing cheats falsely in the cheat console. Have fun and enjoy the high school years of your Sims!
This is everything you need to know about the Sims 4 High School Years Cheats. You can also read our guides on HOI4 Cheats and Gunblood Cheat Codes. Stay up to date with for the most recent gaming news and guides.