Pokemon Diamond and Pearl’s new evolution stones are back for Scarlet and Violet. The Shiny Stone, which is needed to evolve only one type of Pokemon, was one of them.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have the most evolution items of any game in the series. Plus, a ton of Pokemon can only develop by learning and using a particular move, like Annihilape.
More will join them if regional varieties like Galarian Slowpoke and Pokemon Legends: Arceus cross-generation evolutions like Kleavor are implemented.
There are a lot of evolution components to deal with, whether you’re trading a Pokemon sporting a Metal Coat or going through the lengthy process of evolving a Charcadet. To that end, how can players get a Shiny Stone, and what should they do with it once it becomes available?

Where to Find a Shiny Stone in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
If a player captures 150 different Pokemon, they will be rewarded with a free Shiny Stone. The Shiny Stone is only one of many unique things the player can get, thanks to the Pokedex. Porto Marinada is an auction house where you could potentially find Shiny Stones.
Random patches of the earth may also contain Shiny Stones. Just to the northeast of Alfronada, you’ll find a single Shiny Stone. Amidst the mountains, at the banks of a lake.
Where to get Shiny Stones in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet #guide #PokemonScarletViolet https://t.co/dEXfrCpYzR pic.twitter.com/zoe2jblPJF
— The Nerd Stash (@thenerdstash) November 23, 2022
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Which Pokemon Evolve with a Shiny Stone?
There are four known Pokemon that require a Shiny Stone to evolve. Only one of those four is included in the core Pokemon Scarlet & Violet game. Shiny Stones may be used to develop the following Pokemon:
- Togetic
- Roselia
- Minccino
- Floette
Only one of these four, Floette, is featured in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Even though Scarlet and Violet have a wide variety of Pokemon in their code, none of the other three can be caught without hacks. It is unknown if or when they will be added through downloadable content or other upgrades.
The only way to evolve Floette into Florges in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is with a Shiny Stone. Even without a Shiny Stone, users can still add the Pokemon to their Pokedex.
Florges is located in northern Paldea, close to Ortega’s Team Star facility. As a bonus, it shows up in fights against five-star Tera Raid bosses. The Nintendo Switch now supports Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
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