I was prepared for a shitshow before diving into the newest Saints Row game, which is confusingly named merely Saints Row. Many prominent YouTube channels criticized the game, saying it had no character, was boring, and was the worst release of 2022. Media reviews were much more negative. But even though I feel like I’ve played this game before, I’m still having a fantastic time playing it for around 14 hours on Xbox Series X.
Not to be confused with the original game, Saints Row is a reimagining of the famous open-world crime-em-up series. It was only released last week, and it has a whole new cast of people, as well as a new Saints commander and a location in the Southwest.
We are not backing down on this. It’s brand new, we get the knee jerk reaction, no one has rebooted like this before. We have lots more to show.
— Saints Row – OUT NOW! (@SaintsRow) August 26, 2021
Saints Row
This new relaunch may have the same name as the more realistic original game, but it has more in common with Saints Row the Third, which has a bizarre environment full of bizarre tasks and a group of affable misfits who are both brutal killers and wonderful pals. This new Saints incarnation’s backstory is revealed for the first time, allowing you to participate in the establishment of the most infamous criminal organization in history.
First things first: Indeed, the many reported problems and flaws in the latest Saints Row installment remain annoyingly present. Players are reporting soft locks and other troubles after finally getting the game to launch, particularly on PC. Nonetheless, I’ve been fortunate enough to have just a couple of small glitches throughout my time with the game on Xbox Series X, such as a character animation failing or a menu freezing up. The lack of significant technical difficulties has allowed me to concentrate more on the game’s content, which I much like.
Taking situated in the fictitious southwestern city of Santo Also, this new Saints Row has a setting that I find very appealing. The “open” component of the experience, the freedom to move anywhere, is wasted without intriguing and engaging environments to explore in open-world games. And Santo Ileso is a wonderful and beautiful vacation spot with several enormous canyons, valleys, deserts, and a unique blend of rural and urban life. Occasionally, dust storms can roll in and cover everything in a thick layer of brown dust, making it difficult to see.
Even while the remainder of the game isn’t quite as original, Saints Row’s southwest desert charm definitely helps to set it apart from the many other open-world games that seem concerned with reproducing the same four towns or jungles.

What about Saints Row 3, Saints Row 4, or Gat Out of Hell? Given that the next Saints Row has a lot of gameplay in common with the other games in the series, I’m hoping the answer is yes. This goes beyond merely being able to drive and shoot. It seems like every aspect of the game—menus, map development, character customization, side missions, and activities—were lifted directly from these older titles.
My future wife popped in to see me perform at one point. She had played all the previous games and, after 30 minutes of seeing me finish missions, side activities, and level up my character’s stats and perks, she said, “Oh, it’s just more Saints Row, huh?” This question has a positive affirmative response.
As a fan of the series (and someone who really needs a vacation from Grand Theft Auto Online), I can attest that the latest Saints Row installment is fantastic. I like the new characters, but I can see how other people would find them annoying, so if the previous games became old for you, that’s your call.
However, if you’re looking for an open-world criminal game in which you play as a British lady who can disguise herself as a werewolf and use rifles, pistols, and fire punches to destroy her enemies’ food truck empire, then this could be just up your alley. Sure, reviewers shouldn’t be showering the new Saints Row with acclaim because it’s a generation-defining masterpiece. But every once in a while, it’s great to take in some ridiculous, janky open-world action, particularly when it’s set against such a gorgeous setting.
Final Words
Going into the latest Saints Row game, which is just called Saints Row, I was expecting a shitshow. Reputable video game review channels on YouTube panned the game, calling it uninteresting, lacking in personality, and the worst release of 2022. The press was mostly unfavorable. Despite the fact that I feel like I’ve played this game before, I’ve spent the last 14 hours enjoying it immensely on Xbox Series X.
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