Looking for some Medieval 2: Total War cheats? Using cheats in video games has been around for a while, especially in strategy games like this one. Not every game has cheats, though. For example, Civ 6 doesn’t have them.
But Medieval 2: Total War is still popular, even though it’s an older game. It can be tough sometimes, so cheats can be a big help. You can use cheats to get more money or give your characters special traits.
We’ve made this guide to cheats and console commands to help you out. A big thanks to Steam user Sir_Calcium1066 for putting together a detailed guide. We’re only covering cheats you can use in the game without messing with any files because that’s more like modding than cheating.
Medieval 2 Total War Cheats

Similar to other games, you can open the command console by using the keyboard’s tilde (\) or similar key. Using the up arrow key will restore your last input.
Command | Description |
add_population | Adds the specified amount of population to the desired settlement. You can use a negative value to remove population. |
add_money | Gives you the desired amount of money. You can insert [faction name] before the value to give money to another faction instead. Using a negative value removes money. |
toggle_terrain | Changes the way the map terrain is displayed in the game. |
toggle_fow | Toggles the fog of war on/off. |
create_unit | Creates the desired unit within the chosen settlement or character’s army. Setting the amount, experience, and armor/weapon levels is optional. |
process_cq | Completes all pending construction work at the specified settlement. |
control | Switches the faction you are playing as to the chosen faction. |
character_reset | Resets a character back to the settings they had at the start of the current turn. |
move_character | Moves the specified character to chosen coordinates, which can be found via the show_cursorstat command. |
surrender_regions | Surrenders all regions belonging to the chosen faction to the rebel faction. |
auto_win | Makes either the attacker or the defender win the next auto-resolved battle. Needs careful timing if you want to use it on one of your own battles. |
bestbuy | Toggles a cheat that makes everything 10% cheaper. |
disable_ai | Disables all AI, or just the specified AI. |
jericho | Causes walls to crumble in siege battles. |
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