Is it time to get some Hearts of Iron IV hacks? Grand strategy games offer a fantastic strategic sandbox to play in, but they can also be challenging. If you’re aiming for a specific long-term goal, you’ll often need everything to go perfectly as planned, or your entire run will be spoiled.
Of course, there are other reasons to play, and there is a very vibrant Hearts of Iron 4 mods scene that will allow you to enjoy the game in new and exciting ways. However, if you want to put the vanilla game through its paces, you may require some assistance in other areas. Hearts of Iron IV, like most games, contains a command console that allows you to shortcut your way to various results by using console commands.
If you want to read similar instructions for Victoria 2, EU4, and Crusader Kings 3, please do so. We can’t take whole credit – there’s a good resource in the form of the official Paradox wiki, as well as this handy Steam guide that we’ve utilized to help compile the relevant information. We haven’t mentioned all available commands, but we have the most interesting ones for gameplay.
HOI4 Cheats

One thing to keep in mind about the console commands listed below is that many of them require the nation ID tag. For example, ‘ENG’ stands for Great Britain. There’s an easy approach to find the nation tags you’re looking for. Bring up the command terminal (typically TAB, but it depends on your keyboard), type tdebug, and then hover over the nation you want to see the tag for.
You may also use this method to find state and province IDs, although you may need to switch map modes to get the correct information.
- gain_xp [amount] – The selected leader or general will receive the amount specified. XP
- cp [amount] – Use this command to boost your Command Power (up to 100%).
- st [amount] – Increase stability (up to 100%). By employing a negative number, you can eliminate stability.
- ws [amount] – Increase war support (up to 100%). Use a negative value to remove support.
- allowtraits – Removes restrictions on generic trait assignment using this command.
- [amount] add_equipment [Name of the equipment] – Use this to add any number of items to your stockpiles (not naval). To use it, you must first conduct study about it.
- [amount] add_latest_equipment – As with the preceding, it will only add the specified amount of items to the equipment shown on the logistics screen.
- [Country] whitepeace [country tag] – This will immediately enforce a white peace between the two nation tags supplied.
- teleport [province id] – Teleport selected ships or armies to the supplied province id in an instant.
- Allows you to use any diplomatic action (for example, declaring war) without explanation.
- instantconstruction – Activates or deactivates the construction cheat, which causes all construction to occur. instantaneously
- [slot id / ‘all’] research – This can be used to investigate all equipment or just items in a particular slot.
- research_on_icon_click – Use this to perform an immediate search on any technology that you click on.
- annex [country tag] – Begin annexing the supplied country tag, incorporating their area into your country.
- winwars – Get the highest possible war score for each fight to which you are currently committed.
- [amount] manpower – Add the specified quantity of manpower to your reserves.
- [country tag] – This is used to change the country you’re playing as. A nation tag will be required.
- observe – This is more of a fun approach to watching the gameplay itself than a cheat.
- [country tag] set owner [state id] – Assign or transfer ownership of a state to a specific country.
- [country tag] setcontroller [province id] – Set/change a state’s controller to a certain country.
- xp [amount] – Accumulate the stated amount of experience across all pools (Army, Navy, and Air).
- pp [amount] – Acquire the stated level of political power.
- [Ideology of Civil War] [country tag] – Start a civil war within a country with the selected ideology: “fascism,” “democratism,” “neutrality,” or “communism.”
- add_party_popularity [ideological group] [amount] – Increases the popularity of the specified party by the stated amount, with the same possibilities as above.
- set_ruling_party [ideology group] – Makes the provided ideology group the ruling party: ‘f’ for fascist, ‘d’ for democracy, ‘n’ for neutrality, and ‘c’ for communist.
- focus.nochecks – Allows you to bypass the requirement for focus.
- focus.ignoreprerequisites – This function allows you to ignore focus prerequisites.
- decision.nochecks – Enables you to disregard decision requirements.
- nuke [amount] – Adds the number of nukes specified to your country’s arsenal.
- yesman – Causes country AI to accept any diplomatic offers automatically.
- deleteallunits [country tag] – Removes all armies and fleets associated with the supplied nation tag.
- fronts – Turns on or off the visibility of foreign fronts.
- traderoutes – Turns on and off the visibility of trade routes.
- Toggles the visibility of the tactics debug tooltip using debug_tactics.
- Nomapicons – Turns off the visibility of map icons.
- Nopausetext – Enables or disables the pause menu.
- morehumans [amount] – Increases the number of people. To subtract, use a negative number.
- add_autonomy [country identifier] [amount] – Increases or decreases the autonomy level of the chosen country.
- Adds the supplied country tag to your interest using add_interest [country tag].
- Removes the supplied nation tag from your interest with remove_interest [country tag].
- fow – Turns on/off fog of war. You may also enter a provincial ID to toggle fow in a single location.
- savegame – Compels you to save your game.
- insert_core [state id] [country tag] – Adds the specified state to the specified country as a ‘core’.
- error – This command prints errors from the log file.
- [unit id] should be moved. [province id] – Transfers the specified unit to the specified province.
- Weather – Turn on/off the weather.
- tag_color [rgb] – Change the color of your current country’s tag.
- Instant_wargoal – Allows you to utilize any war goal without having to justify it.
- airealism – This is a joke command that is supposed to get the AI to start smack-talking players. Still, it isn’t conducive because the chat window isn’t available in single-player, and the command console isn’t available in multiplayer.
This is everything you need to know about the HOI4 Cheats. You can also read our guides on GTA V Cheats and Gunblood Cheat Codes. Stay up to date with for the most recent gaming news and guides.