Hogwarts Legacy is coming out next month, so we talked to some of the creative minds behind the game about how it came to be. Expert opinions on this mammoth undertaking were provided by Moira Squier, Chandler Wood, Alan Tew, Troy Johnson, and Boston Madsen.
Collaboration on the Story’s Evolution With Moira Squier
Ultimately, your Hogwarts Legacy will be determined by the choices you make, but you can choose from a number of different tales featuring everything from brand-new characters to enigmatic Ancient Magic, and even a few recognizable figures from the Harry Potter series.
Writers led by Narrative Lead Moira Squier, who has extensive experience in the Wizarding World through her work on games like those you may remember from your youth, have worked hard to make your time at Hogwarts feel as authentic as possible.
When You First Started Working on This, What Were Your Initial Impressions?
Open-world role-playing games have been a goal of ours for quite some time. But until recently, nothing else had worked. There wasn’t enough material, and the necessary technology wasn’t available… In retrospect, we should have expected this sooner. Wow, we’re lucky to be asked to work on this game. I’ve been waiting decades for this game, so it’s like a dream come true.
You see, we wanted to pick an era in which there were no heroes; no Newts, no Harrys, just you. We took care to ensure that we weren’t in the middle ages, but that we were also not too near to the historical period for the fans to recognize anything. That means Voldemort won’t suddenly appear tomorrow, for instance.
This is your own universe. From a design perspective, the Victorian era is also stunning. As a result, we had a lot of room to experiment.
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How Different Are Hogwarts From the Late 1800s From Hogwarts From the 1990s? This Was During the Reign of Harry
In many ways, it’s the same, and that’s a beautiful thing. The architects did a fantastic job with this castle. In the movies, the action would transition quickly from one location to another, but with the game, you get the complete picture. While you have the ability to sprint and use a rapid travel system, you will likely find yourself simply wondering what is that. while you explore the castle.
Perhaps there is some kind of conundrum to be cracked. You never know what you might find in there—a painting, a secret area, etc. As I’ve watched other players engage in the game, I’ve found myself often asking, wait, what is THAT room? I’ve spent so much time playing that I’ve lost track. It’s instantly recognizable as Hogwarts, but the level of detail, complexity, and exploitability much exceeds anything we’ve done previously.
How Was Your Experience Working With the Writing Team to Develop New Characters? How Did You Find Bringing in New Members?
The whole writing staff gathered together once a week to share their best pitch ideas. We aimed for a varied faculty, student body, retail vendor base, etc. The participants drew on their own life stories. We’d love it if, while playing the game, you recognized a relative in one of the characters.

In addition, we aimed to include recognizable names and places whenever possible; for example, you may learn that there is a Weasley, a Rookwood, etc. We appreciated getting to know Professor Black more because he is a well-known literary portray.
Everett, Sebastian, and Poppy are just a few examples of the new cast that have engrossing personalities and interesting histories; I already consider them close friends. I thought everyone did a fantastic job with that, and the characters really force you to think on your feet. If you truly care for your friends, you will compensate them, and they will do the same for you.
Face-off With Troy Johnson
Players in Hogwarts Legacy will be able to engage in dueling, a central mechanic of the game, where they can use familiar spell combinations or even employ non-magical methods, such as the strategic use of plants and potions, to defeat their opponents. Mandrakes were used by Professor Sprout during the Battle of Hogwarts, as we’re sure you all recall.
In Hogwarts Legacy, What Are the Many Forms of Combat?
We wanted the gamers to be able to play their way in combat, therefore that was a big focus of our design. Do you aspire to be a powerful spellcaster and a witch or wizard who engages in battle? Is it your goal to master every magic trick? Need a new method to express yourself? Why not try learning new combinations? Or perhaps you’d rather prepare in advance by cultivating plants and concocting medicines.
And spending the time and energy to ensure that you’re prepared so that you can simply dominate the battlefield with those weapons when the time comes? Or are you hoping to engage in some sort of Black Magick? So, you want to know the Unforgivable Curses, right? Do you want for the fantasized raw power of Dark magic to annihilate all in your way?
Can You Tell Us Which of the Harry Potter Spells We Know Will Help Us Win?
How about you use the Disillusionment Charm to sneak up on everyone from behind, then use Petrificus Totalus to pick off one by one until you have a manageable number of opponents? Whatever you decide to do, do it. Our goal was to accommodate each player, regardless of their identity or preferred style of play, in fulfilling their fan-favorite ideal.
Hunt for Chandler Wood’s Easter Eggs
We met with Chandler Wood, Community Manager at Avalanche, who gave us some insight into the massive game’s attention to detail. But we obviously don’t want to spoil anything, so we’ve asked Chandler to be vague.
Are There Any Hidden Easter Eggs in Hogwarts Legacy That Players May Find Funny?
It’s possible that there will be numerous references to familiar elements scattered throughout the game. Keep an eye out for that one water creature that would appreciate a piece of toast for breakfast… this is especially true if you belong to a specific house! Potentially useful items can be found just by loitering around the Black Lake.
I would also suggest exploring a specific lake in the Forbidden Forest and keeping an eye out for anything that might be a reference to canonical series moments.
Plenty of tiny things are happening away from Hogwarts. A shed that, in the present day, stores tools for maintaining the grounds may be discovered… Nonetheless, it’s possible that the shed will be inhabited at some point in the future…
The Boston Madsen Look and Feel
Boston is a Senior Environment Artist working on Hogwarts Legacy, contributing to the refinement of the game’s visual quality by contributing to the design and construction of Hogwarts and its environs.
Which Easter Eggs Did You Like Working on the Most and Why?
There are a lot of interesting bits of lore in the books, and I really enjoy reading them. Thank goodness we have the house hourglasses; I don’t recall seeing them portrayed very accurately in the films. The final design was gorgeous, in my opinion.
Also, keep an eye out for the characters that make cameo appearances in J.K. Rowling’s paintings and the locations she mentions in her books.
How Can We Change Our Playthrough to Find Hidden Content?
Sure, give the pear a little twitch! Perhaps you could also tap on some barrels. And if you’re not a member of a certain house, just wait until you hang out in front of their common area to see what happens!
Give Us an Example of a Minor Point That You Believe No One Will Notice
Candy in Honeydukes wrappers! The Hogsmeade idea team and artists spent considerable time considering what might have been available in the 1800s without resorting to modern conveniences like cellophane or plastic. The materials we used have to be appropriate for that time period. This may seem like a trivial point, but I appreciate the effort. What happens if nobody takes notice?
With Alan Tew at the Helm
Even though Alan had the advantageous position of Game Director on Hogwarts Legacy, he still finds surprises in the experience.
Game Director Alan Tew and Narrative Director Moira Squier share their journeys that led to #HogwartsLegacy and just what it means to work on such a beloved franchise. pic.twitter.com/DiKt5EBLCv
— WB Games Avalanche (@AvalancheWB) February 17, 2023
Can You Name One Minor Flaw in the Game That You Guarantee No One Will Catch?
I’m going to play coy for a second, but I’ll admit that this has piqued my interest. You probably think I’ve had plenty of practice at the game. Even yet, I frequently uncover surprises and insights that had previously eluded me. You can change your style whatever you choose, but when a character once remarked on how I appeared, I was taken aback and my jaw literally dropped. I found the whole thing to be quite humorous.
The Great Hall’s entrance features stained-glass windows that shift color with the seasons. And I found out about it while we were preoccupied with other things!
Who From Harry’s Time Period Would You Most Like to See Added to the Game?
Because of my deep affection for Luna, I sometimes fantasize about the possibility of counting her among the fictional friends I could make in this vast and wonderful cosmos. Yes, I am a Ravenclaw and I am very pleased with that fact.
The Thing You’re Most Pleased With is
To avoid saying Hogwarts, the castle itself is almost impossible. Bringing the school to life is an enormous challenge. The first building in most games isn’t bigger than the initial city. As well as throw you headfirst into the action. Considering how large Hogwarts is, there must be a corner of the school that reminds students of their own homes.
There must be a compelling reason to revisit this. As a result, it’s crucial that every last element is designed with the fans in mind, that it features a fantastic gameplay area, and that many landmarks be recognizably the same. The accomplishments of the group are so substantial that I can’t help but feel immense satisfaction and satisfaction. Basically, I just wanted to give it a sense of life and make it more interesting.
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When the scene is set, the music begins to play, and you know you’ve arrived at what you’ve been reading about in your head. To be present, in the sense that you are reading this, would mean what? Occasionally, it just seems like that. Moreover, I am free to abandon the controller without consequence. That I am here astounds me. Nevertheless, I enjoy that sensation immensely. And I really think they did an outstanding job as a team.
On February 10, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S will release in North America, and on April 4, PS4 and Xbox One will release in Europe, and on July 25, Nintendo Switch will release in the rest of the world.
We hope you have found all the relevant information about the Hogwarts Legacy Unpacked: Experts Share Their Insights in Exclusive Q&A. Stay tuned with us here for more latest news and information.
Frequently asked questions
Will there be romance in Hogwarts Legacy?
Hogwarts Legacy lacks romanticism.
Will Hogwarts Legacy let you play Quidditch?
The official FAQ states, “Quidditch is not playable in Hogwarts Legacy.” The FAQ adds that “broom flight for traversal and broom race challenges are part of the game”.