It’s commonplace for games to have a pause button, especially those with lengthy cutscenes and plenty of talking. One should always be prepared to exit the room if only to get some fresh air. Given the number of characters you’ll interact with and the duration of the game’s tale cutscenes, it’s only logical to question if you can pause Hogwarts Legacy’s cutscenes.
Can I pause the Hogwarts Legacy cutscenes?
Unfortunately, there is currently no way to halt a cutscene in Hogwarts Legacy. The player has no control over the cutscenes and may simply press a button to advance the story (either Triangle on PlayStation, Y on Xbox, or right-click on the PC mouse and keyboard). The good news is that workarounds exist for the majority of systems.
Hogwarts Legacy cutscenes >>>>
— MRags (@MRagsTV) February 7, 2023
The Console Player’s Guide to Pausing Cutscenes
Going into the Home menus of your console will allow you to pause Hogwarts Legacy. To start a game on an Xbox One S, simply press or hold the Xbox button. A simple button push on the PS5 won’t halt the cutscene, since it will keep going in the background. To halt Hogwarts Legacy permanently, players must press and hold the PlayStation button.
In-Game Scenes: Pausing on PC
There is no way to pause the action on the PC platform. There is no response to the standard keyboard shortcuts for switching between windows (Alt+Tab) or closing the window. A PC player is expected to sit through a cutscene until a break is available.

This is now how you stop sequences in Hogwarts Legacy. If developer Avalanche Software fixes another method to pause cutscenes, we’ll include it here. Please feel free to peruse our Hogwarts Legacy Guide portal in the meanwhile, where we’ve posted crash patches for PC players and instructions for obtaining one of the three Unforgivable Curses.
We hope you have found all the relevant information about the Hogwarts Legacy Cutscene: The Most Important Feature You Need To Know. For more latest news and information keep in touch with us here.
Frequently asked questions
Can you pause Hogwarts Legacy cutscenes?
It's possible to fast-forward through the cutscene and continue interacting with the game's characters. If you're playing on a console, though, you can pause a cutscene by pressing the home button. While not technically part of the game, pausing by pressing the PS button on your PS5 will do just that.
Is Hogwarts Legacy inappropriate?
Is It Age-Appropriate for Kids to Watch Hogwarts: The Legacy? Blood, Fantasy Violence, Mild Language, Use of Alcohol, and Interactable Elements for In-Game Purchases are all listed as Content Descriptors for Hogwarts Legacy, which has a Teen (13+) rating.