Hogwarts Legacy Controversy: Millions of people like the Harry Potter books and the world they helped create. It’s terrible that J.K. Rowling, the author who created the series, has repeatedly shown that she is the worst type of anti-transgender bigot.
Due to the impending release of the expensive Harry Potter video game Hogwarts Legacy, racism is again in the news. It’s also likely the cause of the recent anti-Hogwarts Legacy outpouring on the well-known left-leaning subreddit r/GamingCircleJerk.
As suggested by its name, r/Gaming CircleJerk is a “circlejerk” subreddit that parodies r/Gaming in a lighthearted manner. A gentle reminder from your modteam that this woman is a TERF, and everyone who vows to assist her economically is also a transphobe was posted by moderator GrizzlyPeak72 on Wednesday.
While the majority of posts are jokes, there are a few “unjerk” posts that are real. Over 3,700 comments were left on that single post, which was just the beginning. The term “trans-exclusionary radical feminist,” or “TERF,” refers to self-described feminists who, when it comes down to it, are more or less against the right of trans persons to exist in society.

I won’t include Rowling’s previous transphobic remarks here because they are widely searchable online. Let’s say it wouldn’t be unfair to label her a TERF. The post and the general mindset undergirded it was discussed on Reddit and in other online communities.
Some objected, saying that approving Hogwarts Legacy did not entail endorsing Rowling’s viewpoints. Others claimed it did since purchasing the game financially supports the discriminatory author. Some commenters brought out the problematic elements of the Harry Potter canon.
Despite Rowling explicitly reiterating TERF doctrine, some people still think she isn’t a TERF. It is not surprising that many members of the GamingCircleJerk subreddit have expressed support for mod GrizzlyPeak72’s initial post in brutal and lighthearted ways because the community frequently parodies the narrow-minded anti-gay, anti-woman, and anti-trans views that regrettably still prevail in gaming communities.
More than 1,000 transphobes have been removed from the subreddit, according to GrizzlyPeak72, who wrote the original “unjerk.” In addition, several people who pirated the game have stated that they still want to play it.
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Even some members of the Harry Potter subreddit have voiced their reservations about the game due to both its themes and the creator’s political stances. But in the end, this is familiar territory because discontent with Rowling’s worldview dates back to the first volumes.
Long-standing criticisms of the series focus on its clichéd portrayals of non-white characters (when they appear at all), its clumsy allegories for racial and social inequality, and its perhaps antisemitic and racist depictions of house elves and goblins.
The goblins constantly rebel in the Harry Potter canon due to discrimination. Unfortunately, the plot description for the open-world action RPG game Hogwarts Legacy as we currently know it involves your character putting down a goblin uprising that is supportive of dark wizards, raising the possibility that you’ll essentially be playing the role of a magical policeman, suppressing those who are fighting for a more just and equitable society.
Hogwarts Legacy transphobia controversy fuels Reddit drama: https://t.co/UbhPZYF63P pic.twitter.com/NlXByY22ET
— Kotaku (@Kotaku) December 28, 2022
Furthermore, the fact that the Hogwarts Legacy’s previous chief designer was an alt-right Gamergate troll is troubling. Together, the entire Harry Potter series is being reexamined as fans come to terms with the possibility that one of their childhood favorites may not be as great as they remember and struggle to decide whether they can distinguish between the artist and the work, especially when the artist is still making sizable profits from work.
Your legacy is what you make of it, the video game Hogwarts Legacy warns players. When debating whether to purchase the game, that is probably the most significant thing to bear in mind.
Why I Plan To Play HOGWARTS LEGACY Despite The Issues https://t.co/eVvfetIOld #HogwartsLegacy #Controversy #AnticipatedGamesof2023 #Opinion #GamerOpinion #Gaming @HogwartsLegacy @PortkeyGames @WBGames @AvalancheWB
— GameTyrant (@GameTyrant) January 3, 2023
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