Valve released the first-person shooter Half-Life 2 in 2004. Valve released it through their Steam distribution platform.
Half-Life 2 expands upon the formula established in the first game by incorporating shooting, puzzles, and a narrative and introducing new elements like vehicles and physics-based gameplay.
Players play Gordon Freeman as he joins a resistance organization to rescue the Earth from the grip of an extraterrestrial civilization, the Combine.

Half-Life 2 PC Requirements
- CPU: Info
- CPU SPEED: 1.7 GHz
- RAM: 512 MB
- OS: Windows 7, Vista, XP
- VIDEO CARD: DirectX 8.1 level Graphics Card (requires support for SSE)
Half-Life 2: Can Your PC Handle It?
For the game’s installation, you’ll need at least 6 GB of free space on your hard drive. For Half-Life 2 to run correctly, your computer needs at least 512 MB of RAM. To run the game, you’ll need a graphics card capable of at least the NVIDIA GeForce 6200.
Running Half-Life 2 requires a processor with at least 2.00 GHz processing speed on an Intel Pentium 4. PCs running Windows 7 and later, including Vista and XP, will be able to play Half-Life 2. Linux and Mac OS X editions are also available. Download size with Half-Life 2 installed: 3.5GB.
Half-Life 2: Painting Ravenholm Red and White with Death and Destruction
Steam was a year old when Half-Life 2 came out, but my dad and I didn’t bother with it because of its military green color. When I wanted to play Half-Life 2, I had to put the disc in one of those cumbersome CD cases that required some force to click into place and felt flimsy in my hands when I swung open the cover.
The cover prominently featured Ravenholm, the town everyone warns you not to visit yet where we find ourselves regardless of whether or not there was a manual or artwork included with the CD.
My earliest recollections of Half-Life 2 are, to put it mildly, chaotic. Only in the HL2 beta did the zombies wear blue civilian jumpsuits, and there was also that CD case. Like other PC games, the original copies of Half-Life 2 were sold in DVD boxes. Therefore I can’t find it online.
Half-Life 2
— Source Engine Aesthetics (@sourcepics) January 16, 2023
And Gordon and Alyx, not Ravenholm, are the ones who are depicted in the artwork most of the time. Regardless, one of my first recollections of a game that would go on to become a favorite is of rushing across Ravenholm with the gravity gun and throwing paint cans to stain those blue overalls white.
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This was the scariest level but also the one that could be introduced to a child with the slightest difficulty. However, I grew up in a household where slasher movies were regular fare. My father took my brother and me to the movies weekly, and he would repeatedly play the same scary movies, like Alien and Evil Dead (Fortnite).
By comparison, Ravenholm’s gut-wrenching difficulties were a cakewalk. You’re given a new tool at the outset—the gravity gun—and the whole level serves as a giant playground where you can experiment. Zombies can be killed with various household items, including paint cans, explosive barrels, and sawblades.
As a kid, I used to constantly repeat the level and play it from beginning to end, attempting different strategies for defeating each opponent, which took away from the overall fright factor. Once I figured out how to use the gravity gun to shove headcrabs until they passed out, I stopped worrying about them getting away.
Then I learned how many bruising poison zombies could be taken out with a simple wooden box. I have forgotten the correct response, but I recall passing away more often than is comfortable.
After a while, I had seen every last sight and done every last activity in Ravenholm. Fortunately, my father had discovered (or, more likely, researched online) a change-level command flaw that allowed him to reintroduce the blue gravity cannon from the game’s conclusion into earlier stages.
The blue gravity gun is an upgraded version of the standard black one, allowing the user to rip larger objects off walls and kill foes with a single grab. You can no longer use the crowbar or any other weapon because this is the only means of bringing down the Citadel from within once you have it.
Imagine how strong it would feel in a town full of zombies, given how effective it is against the Combine’s human empire’s nerve center. Although I recall feeling unstoppable, I don’t remember efficiently eradicating my enemies and adversaries.
Half-Life 2: Episode 2
— Source Engine Aesthetics (@sourcepics) January 23, 2023
Instead, I recognize that it could make cloned corpses of indestructible NPCs, which you could throw around everywhere and have the living NPCs ignore your actions and carry on with their predetermined scripts as if nothing had occurred.
It was the same kind of gallows humor I found amusing in the original Half-Life when I would sneak in trip mines and scatter them throughout the pre-disaster areas. It had returned, but with a new powerplant.
It’s fun to comb over the nearly two decades’ worth of memories I’ve made while playing Half-Life 2—I do so at least twice a year. Even though I remember the opening, City 17, G-Man, Barney dropping the crowbar, and the boat level, Ravenholm is the most memorable because of my associations with it, the constant reboots, and the different ways in which I was challenged to conclude.
Even though I’m sure it drove my father crazy to see my stall out on Nova Prospekt and the later levels, I’m glad I didn’t know because, to this day, the sound of a far-off crow and the low hum that creeps in as you take that first step still gives me the chills.
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