There’s a leak about a new Genshin Impact character called Clorinde. She’s shown up in the story a few times already. The Fontaine region has introduced many new characters, and most of them are likely to become playable soon.
Genshin Impact has included four characters from the Fontaine region. The newest one is Neuvillette, which uses a Hydro catalyst. If you want the Chief Justice of Fontaine on your team, you need to act fast because his banner is set to end on October 17.

A recent post on the Genshin Impact Leaks subreddit shared more info about a new character named Clorinde, first seen in the Fontaine teaser. In the teaser, she caught everyone’s attention by wielding a gun, creating excitement in the community.
The leaks suggest that Clorinde will be a powerful five-star character, serving as the main DPS in Genshin Impact. However, it’s essential to be cautious about these leaks, as Clorinde’s release date is likely several months in the future.
Even though Clorinde has appeared a few times in the Fontaine story, we don’t know much about her. Neuvillette did mention that she’s part of the Champion Duelists, a group of really good fighters. In Fontaine, if someone’s in trouble, they can request a trial by combat and go up against one of these skilled duelists for defense.
The Chief Justice said Clorinde is the best fighter in the group, so in the next Genshin Impact update, she might have powerful DPS abilities. We don’t know when she’ll be released, but it seems likely she won’t be in a special banner in version 4.2.
The Developer HoYoverse has set aside this update for two more characters, Furina and Charlotte. Some fans in the comments are unsure whether to summon Furina or save their Primogems for upcoming characters like Clorinde. There’s a possibility that Clorinde might be introduced in the same update as the new Geo user, Navia.
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