In Genshin Impact’s Mondstadt area, there are lots of Chests with rewards. But there are also special hidden treasures that not everyone knows about. These Chests give you Primogems and materials that can be useful.
Finding these Chests might also earn Achievements, giving you even more Primogems. There are different types of chests in the game, from basic ones to really rare ones.
Some you can find just by exploring, while others need you to solve puzzles. But there are a few Chests that are hidden right in front of you, and to get them, you need to look closely and be curious.
Some of these things you find in Genshin Impact aren’t fancy chests. Some are special ones called Exquisite Chests. But every treasure you can get is worth trying, even if you must glide or climb to reach it.

There are hidden chests worldwide of Teyvat, but you should start by looking for hidden treasures in Mondstadt. This is the first place you can explore the game made by HoYoverse. So, both experienced and new players should be able to find most of these treasures there.
1. Exquisite Chest in the Ocean
The first hidden treasure players should find in the Mondstadt area of the game Genshin Impact is in the middle of the ocean to the west of Stormbearer Point. It’s not hard to open because it’s just buried in the sand. But the real challenge is getting there.
When the game first came out, players only had one way to get to this special chest. They had to glide from the farthest point to the west on Stormbearer Point to a small island without using all their energy.
Besides making their energy last longer by collecting special items at the Statue of the Seven, players can also use a gadget called the Red Feather Fan from Inazuma’s Reputation system to help them.
If you finished the Inazuma story in Genshin Impact and want an easy but slow way to get to the hidden treasure on Mondstadt island, you can use a special boat called the Waverider. First, teleport to the Ritou’s Statue of the Seven in Inazuma.
Then, use the Waverider boat and sail it north. You’ll pass by places called Cape Oath and Musk Reef. After a few minutes of sailing, you’ll reach the treasure spot.
You don’t need to fight enemies to open the special chest there. Just collect your rewards, which include Primogems, weapons, artifacts, Anemo Sigils, and more.
2. Luxurious Chest in the Ocean
The next secret treasure in Genshin Impact’s Mondstadt can be found on the same island, but it’s tricky to reach. Once players find the first special chest on the shore, they should explore further into the small island.
The special treasure chest is hidden at the very end of the island, just past a stone arch in the ocean. The game has no special trick that makes it easier to get to this treasure.
Players need to find the stone arch, glide over it if they can, then drop into the water and swim until they find the treasure. It’s tucked away in a crack in the wall.
Just like the special chest on the empty island, this secret treasure in Genshin Impact doesn’t need you to fight any enemies to open it. But be aware that a few big robots called Ruin Guards are on the island.
The good news is, if you come to this island, you’ll earn an Achievement. And if you finish the “Time and Wind” quest here, you’ll get more rewards, like Hero’s Wits and precious Primogems. Remember, it’s best to find hidden treasures and finish the quest all in one trip.
3. Luxurious Chest in Mondstadt Cathedral Courtyard
Experienced players know the next hidden treasure because it has been in Mondstadt City since the game started in 2020. But if you’re new to the game, it might be a secret.
If you know about characters like Rosaria or Barbara and have been to Mondstadt Cathedral, where they work, there’s a special chest waiting for you in the courtyard. This chest is called a Luxurious Chest, which you can find at the top of the bell tower.
You can also see this on a map on the HoYoLAB website, which helps players find things in the game. But wait, here’s something you might not know yet. In the city of Mondstadt, in the game Genshin Impact, players can find a special hidden treasure.
To get it, they need to do a little test. They can start this secret challenge by jumping onto a specific spot on a wall in the northern part of the city. When they do this, they’ll see many glowing rings appear one after the other. The good thing is there’s no rush to finish this challenge quickly.
Players can take their time to complete it without falling off the wall. And if they manage to do it, they’ll get a nice reward called the Luxurious Chest. If you’re unsure how to do it, there’s a video on YouTube by Genshin Impact Gaming that shows exactly what to do.
4. Luxurious Chest at the Top of Stormterror’s Lair
In Genshin Impact, there’s a secret treasure many players miss because of where it is. You can find it near the entrance to a big boss fight in the game. The special chest is on a high place called the Trounce Domain, and to get it, players need to climb up the outside part.
This is often forgotten because players are focused on a big exciting boss battle when they go there for the first time. Once they finish it, they’ll probably continue with the plan without remembering to explore. But if they go back and climb outside the dome, they’ll see a Luxurious chest.
It’s easy to reach and has great stuff inside. But once they get the stuff, they shouldn’t use teleporting or gliding to leave. Instead, they can climb inside the arch’s pillars to find a special glowing thing called an Anemoculus. It’s like a secret reward in the game Genshin Impact.
5. The Luxurious Chest Between Stormbearer Mountains and Stormbearer Point
In Genshin Impact, looking around and finding everything can be tough. The game world is big, and you can easily miss important things because of its size. This is why the final hidden treasure in Mondstadt is so hard to find.
Even though it’s right where you can see it, this special chest called the Luxurious Chest is placed way up in the northern part of the Nation of Freedom. If players never go all the way to the edges of the map, they might not even see it.
The Chest is on a tall post, in front of a waterfall, between Stormbearer Mountains and Stormbearer Point. According to HoYoLAB, players need to go to the edge of a cliff, hop onto a rock near the waterfall, and then reach the platform where they can find the not-so-hidden treasure.
Getting it is easy because there are no puzzles or enemies to deal with from Genshin Impact, but it’s a secret because it’s easy to miss.