The two techniques for accessing the underground mines of The Chasm in Genshin Impact involve gliding to the center of the chasm’s maw. The entrance to the Underground Chasm may be the gateway to even greater explorations in Teyvat.
Afterward, gamers may use the new Teyvat map to get there quickly. For a long time, miners have used the Underground Chasm. However, before the protagonist wakes up, normal operations are suspended because of unexplained phenomena.
Since Genshin Impact came out, players have been eager to discover The Chasm. Now, with version 2.6, they can do just that. There are, however, several tasks that must be completed before the underground region can be explored.
Adventure Rank 28 is recommended for new players, as is completing Act 3 of Chapter 1 to access Chasm. In addition, to access the Chasm Underground Mines in Genshin Impact, you must have completed the Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering Quest.
Participants in The Chasm Delvers quest chain will have access to the new area and its features. The Chasm content has been out for a while, but there have been no updates, and there probably won’t be any until anything drastically changes.
Even with the addition of the Sumeru region to Genshin Impact, Chasm plays a significant role in the tale. There are many methods to enter Sumeru, some of which are more complicated than others. It is strongly suggested that players stick to the main story and join the Chasm Underground Mines to advance the Archon Quest in Sumeru, as this is the quickest and most direct method.
Players who aren’t as far along in the adventure may also consider unlocking the Chasm Underground Mines to enter Sumeru more efficiently and get some of the ascension and talent materials.
Genshin Impact Brave the Chasm Mines
How To Enter The Chasm Underground Mines In Genshin Impact
In Genshin Impact, there are two ways to access the underground mines of The Chasm:
Activate The Chasm’s Underground Mines’ elevator.
Enter The Chasm’s Maw.
First, you’ll need to find a way to go to a lift above The Chasm’s depths. There’ll be a switch to flip on the mechanism once you get there. You’ll trigger a loading screen by clicking this link and be sent straight to the Chasm Underground Mines.
The second option requires Travelers to descend the massive shaft in the center of the Chasm. Drop damage won’t be a game-ender like it was at the Enkanomiya entrance in Genshin Impact. Since the character will be teleported soon after the loading screen, they can access the Chasm Underground Mines without delay.
When players first reach the mines below ground, a brief cutscene will begin, showing the Traveler making his way across one of the bridges. They’ll then meet up with Jinwu and Zhiqiong. Some time ago, a group of miners disappeared in the Underground Chasm, as Jinwu would explain.
Players need to investigate possible leads on Uncle He’s whereabouts to aid in this investigation. Unfortunately, nobody has seen or heard from Uncle He in a long time. Travelers looking for him must begin the quest Genshin Impact, Missing Miner.
If neither of these entrances works, it’s probably because the player hasn’t completed the Quest. The Underground Mines in The Chasm can only be accessed by destroying the Bedrock Keys in the Chasm section of Genshin Impact.
Unlocking the Lost Valley Domain in Fuao Vale is also highly recommended. Ayato Kamisato and Xiao receive the finest equipment from this Artifacts Domain. More so, the two-piece set is usable by nearly every playable character in Genshin Impact. Genshin Impact may now be purchased on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch port is currently in the works.
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