Call of Duty Zombies Mode: Players of Call of Duty: Zombies hope that the developer, Treyarch, can fix the problems that have plagued the last four expansions and modes with the upcoming one. Despite having a good gameplay loop, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s maps lacked fascinating locations, and there were remarkably few of them.
With its lack of Survival gameplay, Call of Duty: Vanguard was doomed before it even launched, and the supplementary content did little to appease players’ concerns. The lack of a Zombies-exclusive cast was a significant problem in both Vanguard Zombies and Black Ops Cold War Zombies.
The Call of Duty series has become increasingly inclusive as time has progressed. In Activision’s ideal world, users may also use their Spec Ops and Zombies cosmetics in Warzone. Players will be using the same Operators as in every other game mode.
Thus, they won’t experience the unique casts from previous Treyarch Zombies modes. Treyarch and Activision should think about returning to their roots and reintroducing dedicated Zombies casts because the dialogue for these characters is sorely missing.

Why The Next Call of Duty Zombies Mode Needs a Unique Cast
Despite a few intriguing ideas, many players have found investing in the Dark Aether tale challenging since they control generic campaigns and multiplayer avatars rather than the familiar faces from the Zombies series.
Richtofen and Dempsey’s likability and chemistry made them fan favorites, ensuring that players were cracking up even as they wiped off legions of the undead. While the additional humor was appreciated, the more severe material highlighted the value of an original cast.
Treyarch now had a new tool for telling its story, and the unique Zombies characters that spoke hundreds of lines of the speech made each level feel more substantial. After a dramatic incident depicted in an Easter egg or cinematic, players could overhear two of the game’s protagonists discussing how they felt about it.
like to extend, what I come to is that I want the next version of Call of Duty mobile to have the menu more similar to that of Black ops 2 on consoles, especially in zombie mode with the same background that has the same mode in black ops 2 and its song, which add the transit map
— July Skull (@TheSkullZombie0) December 21, 2022
Players could get the impression that they were in control of real people when they explored a spooky new area, and Takeo and Nikolai commented on what they saw. Fans of Call of Duty Zombies’ backstory looked forward to the dialogue in each new map because they wanted to know how their favorite characters were developing.
This way of storytelling is now obsolete because of the Operator system. In most cases, characters will remain mute, only speaking up to respond to a ping or celebrate a multi-kill. It’s not surprising that there aren’t enough Operators talking to each other, given how many different combinations there are.
Still, it becomes a lot tougher to get immersed in the primary goals of Call of Duty: Zombies when there is little reason to care about the Operators players are controlling, especially as some are campaign characters with storyline armor since they emerge later in the chronology.
Zombies have ultimately lost some of their characters due to using generic map settings, but adding Operators is also problematic. Even though Dark Aether entities were utilized in Vanguard to create engaging discourse, it was a far cry from the dialogue in earlier games.
A unique cast of characters made just for Call of Duty Zombies is essential for reviving the mode’s sense of individuality. It might be impossible to recreate the brilliance of the Primis/Ultimis teams, but even characters on par with Victis or Chaos would be an improvement. On the other hand, it would be refreshing to watch a star-studded cast in action once more.
Among the many modes that have suffered due to Warzone’s introduction to Call of Duty, Zombies is often cited as one of the worst affected. The loss of microtransaction revenue is probably Activision’s primary issue about reintroducing original Zombies casts, although this could be easily remedied by creating a dedicated Zombies cosmetics store.
Since there will be so few playable characters in Zombies, fans may still express their preferences by customizing their favorite’s appearance and arsenal with skins and items.
Recent installments in the Call of Duty: Zombies series have lacked the originality of their predecessors, but maybe that trend will soon be reversed. Removing Operators and reintroducing the idea of a Zombies-only cast is a great place to begin.
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