Some details about the future of the night elves have been hinted at by a leak from the upcoming central World of Warcraft content update. Fans have been speculating about the leak since it was posted on social media as World of Warcraft gears up to deliver Patch 10.1, Embers of Neltharion, in the coming days.
The burning of Teldrassil, one of the most tragic events in World of Warcraft, left the night elves without a home, and they vowed retaliation against Sylvanas Windrunner and the Horde. One of the main themes of Battle for Azeroth was this retribution quest.
The night elves’ souls that perished in the conflagration were unintentionally consigned to The Maw in Shadowlands. But because of the player character’s efforts, some souls were saved and sent to Ardenweald.

The Winter Queen sent a new world tree seed from the night elf souls liberated from The Maw to Malfurion Stormrage, Tyrande Whisperwind, and Ysera at the end of Shadowlands. The source was later put inside the Emerald Dream to protect it from danger. The efforts of this attempt might soon pay off.
The seed mentioned above may soon blossom into a tree that emerges from the Emerald Dream and into Azeroth as a “symbol of hope” for the night elves and perhaps a new home in the future, according to a leaked World of Warcraft cinematic.
The idea that the new world tree might be off the coast of the Ohn’aran Plains, where the Green Dragonflight has a presence, may gain support from the leaked cinematic. The existence of a hypothetical world tree may not surprise given the night elves’ close connection to Ysera and the Emerald Dream.
The leak received a mixed response on social media. Some players enjoyed the addition of more night elf mythology. Others viewed the leak as absurd and disrespectful to devoted World of Warcraft gamers. Some even criticized Blizzard’s storytelling by citing Ysera’s sacrifice in Legion and questioned why it wasn’t placed in Kalimdor, the land the night elves had called home for ages.
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However, Blizzard is not finished telling the tale of the night elves. Only time will tell what lies ahead for the night elves and what movements their enemies may make, with World of Warcraft Patch 10.2 potentially taking place in the Emerald Dream.