The massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) known as World of Warcraft (WoW) was first introduced by Blizzard Entertainment in the year 2004. The vanilla version of the game, which was given the name World of Warcraft Classic and released in 2019, gave players the opportunity to explore the main game prior to the release of any of the expansions of the game.
Now, in the year 2021, they are going to provide a reboot to the 2019 version, which will allow all players to begin the game from scratch. With the next Season of Mastery update, World of Warcraft Classic will at long last provide all of its players with the opportunity to begin playing the game from scratch.
The next chapter in World of Warcraft:#Dragonflight 🐉
— World of Warcraft (@Warcraft) April 19, 2022
This time around, there will be a few additional tweaks made to the World of Warcraft Classic content that will be introduced during the Season of Mastery event. The event will begin with the very first chapter of the World of Warcraft storyline and work its way forward.
The open beta for the World of Warcraft Classic expansion, Season of Mastery, will begin on October 5. On these worlds, all players will have the opportunity to try out the new gameplay and quality of life updates that are coming to Classic.
In The Next World Of Warcraft Classic Season Of Mastery, What Changes Can Players Expect To See?
Blizzard Entertainment has made the decision to introduce new worlds for the Season of Mastery event. This will provide new players with the opportunity to begin, while also providing the existing player base with a clean slate from Level 1.
A More Rapid Unlocking Of Phases
In contrast to World of Warcraft Classic, Season of Mastery will complete all six stages in a shorter amount of time (over a period of 12 months), with each phase unlocking approximately every two months on average. This will make it easier for new players to adjust to and appreciate all of the game’s original elements as quickly as possible.
The following is a summary of the current plan for all six phases:
- Molten Core, Onyxia, Maraudon, the PvP Honor System, and Battlegrounds are all included in Phase 1, which is the launch of the WoW Classic Season of Mastery (up from Phases 3 and 4)
- Phase 2 – Dire Maul, Azuregos, Kazzak
- Blackwing Lair, Darkmoon Faire, and the beginning of Darkmoon deck drops occur during Phase 3.
- Phase 4 – Zul’Gurub, Green Dragons
- Phase 5: The Ahn’Qiraj War Effort Begins, and Ahn’Qiraj Raids Start Operating Based on What the War Effort Demands
In this phase, the Scourge will be invading Naxxramas. The majority of the stages are quite similar to the World of Warcraft Classic version, with the exception that they are making a significant change with Season of Mastery, which is player vs player combat.
Faster Levelling
Players will be able to level up more quickly thanks to World of Warcraft Classic’s Season of Mastery content update. Gains in experience will be calibrated to be somewhat near to 1-60 XP rates, with more XP awarded when completing quests than was previously the case.

This will assist the newer players in reaching their goal levels more quickly and competing on an equal footing with the more experienced players.
Raid Boss Tuning
World of Warcraft Classic made an attempt to recreate the level of complexity and challenges presented by the 1.12 patch for the original World of Warcraft game. However, it did not go according to plan since several of the confrontations throughout the raid turned out to be simpler than expected.
Players entering World of Warcraft Classic had accrued more experience and were better equipped than ever before, and the consistent content patches further boosted player strength. Bosses in World of Warcraft Classic: Season of Mastery will have their difficulty adjusted to be a little higher to reflect the overall rise in player capability.
The following are some of the new modifications that have been made (although this list is not exhaustive):
- In Raid instances, buffs that affect the whole world, such as “Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer” and others, are disabled.
- Reintroducing gameplay elements that were initially cut from some raid bosses but have now been reinstated
- No maximum number of boss debuffs (up from 16 debuffs in WoW Classic)
- Boss HP has been increased to compensate for the removal of the cap on debuffs and player buffs.
Since World Buffs were not well received by the players in general, this will likely be seen as a positive move by the vast majority of them. Because of these adjustments, it should be somewhat simpler for novice players to understand all of the new content that will be introduced with the World of Warcraft Classic Season of Mastery.
Variations In The Quality Of Life
The Season of Mastery update will also bring certain modifications to the World of Warcraft Classic. These adjustments, in comparison to the original World of Warcraft Classic, will help provide a more enjoyable experience for players.
The following are some examples of these:
- Stones used at meetings were repurposed as summoning stones.
- Nodes dedicated to mining and herbalism have been increased.
Players may anticipate more adjustments to raid encounters (such as removing global benefits while participating in raids), modifications to the debuffs applied by raid bosses, expanded collecting nodes for professions, and other content updates.
These are some of the positive adjustments that will hopefully make the World of Warcraft Classic Season of Mastery more enjoyable for novice players.
The inclusion of greater gathering node spawns will make the economy more constant this time around, which will make seasoned players pleased at the same time. This will make both groups of players very happy.
Even while it is yet unknown how existing players will respond to the planned changes, there is no doubt that new players will have a fantastic time playing the reimagined version of the World of Warcraft classic expansion!
Final Words
We hope you have found all the relevant information regarding the World Of Warcraft Classic: Season Of Mastery Will Start Again. Stay tuned with us at for more latest and updated information