The Warlock metamorphosis rune is a new feature in WoW Classic Season of Discovery that allows you to transform into a powerful demon and tank for your party. This rune is one of the most sought-after items in the game, as it gives you access to a unique and fun playstyle that was never possible before.
However, getting this rune is not easy, as it requires you to complete a long and challenging questline that spans across multiple zones and dungeons.
In this guide, we will show you how to get the warlock metamorphosis rune, what it does, and how to use it effectively in combat. We will also provide some tips and tricks on how to optimize your gear, talents, and rotation for demon tanking.
What is Warlock Metamorphosis Rune?

The Warlock metamorphosis rune is a new item that was introduced in the WoW Classic Season of Discovery. It is a rune that can be engraved on your gloves, and it grants you the ability to cast Metamorphosis, a spell that transforms you into a demon for 30 seconds. While in demon form, you gain the following benefits:
- Your armour is increased by 600%.
- Your threat generation has increased by 500%.
- Your melee attack power is increased by 20% of your spell power.
- You gain access to new abilities, such as Demon Charge, Immolation Aura, and Demonic Slash.
Metamorphosis has a 3-minute cooldown, and it consumes 50% of your maximum mana when cast. You can cancel the transformation at any time by right-clicking the buff icon.
How to Get Warlock Metamorphosis Rune?
To get the warlock metamorphosis rune, you need to complete a questline that starts in The Barrens and ends in Ashenvale. The questline is available for both Horde and Alliance players, and it involves collecting various items, killing enemies, and performing rituals. Here are the steps to get the warlock metamorphosis rune:
Collect the Orb of Des and the Bough of Altek
The first step is to collect two items that are hidden in two towers in different zones. The Orb of Des is located in the Tower of Ilgalar in Redridge Mountains, and the Bough of Altek is located in the Tower of Althalaxx in Darkshore. You need to climb to the top of each tower and loot the items from the chests. Be careful, as the towers are guarded by elite enemies that can be hard to solo.
Start the Questline in the Barrens
The next step is to go to The Barrens and find Doan Karhan, a human NPC that is located near Camp Taurajo [49, 57]. He will offer you the quest The Orb of Soran’ruk, which requires you to collect four items:
- 3 Soran’ruk Fragments, which drop from Twilight Acolytes in Zoram Strand in Ashenvale or Blackfathom Deeps dungeon.
- 1 Large Soran’ruk Fragment, which drops from Shadowfang Darksouls in Shadowfang Keep dungeon.
After you collect the items, return to Doan Karhan and turn in the quest. He will then give you the next quest, which requires you to turn in the Orb of Des and the Bough of Altek that you collected earlier.
Collect the Blood of the Legion and Perform the Ritual
The third step is to collect 10 Blood of the Legion from various demons in Demon Fall Ridge in Ashenvale. The demons are Felguard Legionnaires, Legion Hounds, Mannoroc Lashers, and Searing Infernals. After you collect the blood, go to the summoning circle at [79, 80] and interact with it to start a ritual.
You will need to use Drain Soul on each demon that spawns in the circle and finish off the Searing Infernal with a killing blow. A Mysterious Traveler will then appear and offer you the final quest.
Return to Doan Karhan and Get the Rune
The last step is to go back to The Barrens and turn in the quest to Doan Karhan. He will then reward you with the warlock metamorphosis rune. Right-click the rune to learn it and engrave it on your gloves. Congratulations, you can now become a demon tank!
How to Use Warlock Metamorphosis Rune?
To use the warlock metamorphosis rune, you need to cast Metamorphosis when you are in combat. You will transform into a demon and gain the benefits mentioned above. You can then use your new abilities to tank for your party and deal damage to your enemies. Here are some tips and tricks on how to use the warlock metamorphosis rune effectively:
- Use Metamorphosis when you need to generate a lot of threats or survive a burst of damage. For example, you can use it at the start of a boss fight, when you pull a large group of mobs, or when you face a powerful enemy.
- Use Demon Charge to close the gap with your target and stun them for 3 seconds. This is useful for interrupting casts, preventing escapes, or initiating combat.
- Use Immolation Aura to deal fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards of you every second. This is useful for increasing your threat and damage output, especially against multiple enemies.
- Use Demonic Slash to deal physical damage to your target and reduce their armour by 15% for 15 seconds. This is useful for increasing your damage and making your target more vulnerable to your attacks and your allies.
- Use your normal spells and abilities when Metamorphosis is on cooldown. You can still use your curses, dots, drains, and nukes to deal damage and support your party. You can also use your demon pet to help you tank or deal extra damage.
- Use your defensive cooldowns and consumables when needed. You can use Hearthstone, Soulstone, Shadow Ward, Death Coil, and other items and spells to heal yourself, avoid damage, or escape from danger. You can also use potions, elixirs, flasks, and food to boost your stats and performance.
How to Optimize Your Gear, Talents, and Rotation for Demon Tanking?
To optimize your gear, talents, and rotation for demon tanking, you need to focus on the following stats and skills:
- Stamina: This is your most important stat, as it increases your health and survivability. You want to have as much stamina as possible, especially when you are tanking hard-hitting enemies or bosses.
- Spell Power: This is your second most important stat, as it increases your damage and healing output. You want to have enough spell power to deal decent damage and threat, as well as to heal yourself with your drains and Hearthstone.
- Armour: This is your third most important stat, as it reduces the physical damage you take. You want to have enough armour to mitigate some of the damage, especially when you are not in demon form. However, you don’t need to stack too much armour, as you will get a huge boost from Metamorphosis.
- Hit Rating: This is your fourth most important stat, as it increases your chance to hit your enemies with your spells and abilities. You want to have enough hit rating to avoid missing your attacks, especially your Demonic Slash, which is your main source of damage and threat. You need a 9% hit rating to reach the cap for spells, and an 8% hit rating to reach the cap for melee attacks.
- Critical Strike Rating: This is your fifth most important stat, as it increases your chance to deal double damage with your spells and abilities. You want to have some critical strike rating to increase your damage and threat output, as well as to procure some of your talents and effects. However, you don’t need to stack too much critical strike rating, as you will get a decent amount from your gear and buffs.
- Other Stats: The other stats, such as intellect, spirit, haste, and resilience, are not very important for demon tanking, as they have little impact on your performance. You can ignore them or get them as secondary stats on your gear.
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As for your talents, you want to follow a hybrid build that combines the best of the Affliction, Demonology, and Destruction trees. Here is an example of a 30/21/0 build that you can use for demon tanking:
- Affliction: You want to get the following talents from the Affliction tree: Improved Corruption, Improved Curse of Agony, Suppression, Improved Drain Soul, Amplify Curse, Nightfall, Grim Reach, Empowered Corruption, Shadow Mastery, and Contagion. These talents will increase your damage and threat output with your curses and dots, as well as give you some mana and health regeneration and procs.
- Demonology: You want to get the following talents from the Demonology tree: Improved Healthstone, Improved Imp, Demonic Embrace, Fel Intellect, Fel Domination, Fel Stamina, Master Summoner, Unholy Power, Improved Enslave Demon, Demonic Sacrifice, and Master Demonologist. These talents will increase your health and survivability, as well as your pet’s performance and utility. You can also use Demonic Sacrifice to sacrifice your pet and gain a passive bonus, such as increased damage, health regeneration, or resistance.
- Destruction: You don’t need to get any talents from the Destruction tree, as they are not very useful for demon tanking. You can save your points for other trees or spend them on some
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