Virizion is a legendary Grass/Fighting type Pokemon that belongs to the Swords of Justice trio, along with Cobalion and Terrakion. Virizion is known for its graceful and swift movements, as well as its ability to confound opponents with its attacks.
In Pokemon GO, Virizion can be encountered as a tier 5 raid boss, and it can also be shiny. In this article, we will tell you how to catch Virizion in Pokemon GO, including its stats, moves, counters, and shiny odds.
What Are the Stats and Moves of Virizion Pokemon Go?

Virizion has the following stats and moves in Pokemon GO:
- Max CP: 3417
- Attack: 192
- Defense: 229
- Stamina: 209
- Weaknesses: Flying, Poison, Fire, Psychic, Ice, Fairy
- Resistances: Ground, Rock, Water, Grass, Electric, Dark
- Fast moves: Quick Attack (Normal), Zen Headbutt (Psychic), Double Kick (Fighting)
- Charged activities: Stone Edge (Rock), Leaf Blade (Grass), Close Combat (Fighting), Sacred Sword (Fighting)
How to Beat Virizion Pokemon Go Raids?
Virizion is a challenging raid boss that can deal a lot of damage with its Grass and Fighting-type moves. However, it also has many weaknesses that intelligent trainers can exploit. The best counters for Virizion are Flying, Psychic, Fire, Fairy, Ice, and Poison-type Pokemon, as they can deal super effective damage and resist some of its attacks. Here are some of the top counters for Virizion, along with their optimal move sets:
- Moltres: Wing Attack (Flying) + Sky Attack (Flying)
- Yveltal: Gust (Flying) + Hurricane (Flying)
- Rayquaza: Air Slash (Flying) + Hurricane (Flying)
- Staraptor: Wing Attack (Flying) + Brave Bird (Flying)
- Honchkrow: Peck (Flying) + Sky Attack (Flying)
- Tornadus (Therian): Gust (Flying) + Hurricane (Flying)
- Mewtwo: Confusion (Psychic) + Psystrike (Psychic)
- Alakazam: Confusion (Psychic) + Psychic (Psychic)
- Espeon: Confusion (Psychic) + Psychic (Psychic)
- Azelf: Confusion (Psychic) + Future Sight (Psychic)
- Reshiram: Fire Fang (Fire) + Overheat (Fire)
- Darmanitan (Galarian): Fire Fang (Fire) + Overheat (Fire)
- Chandelure: Fire Spin (Fire) + Overheat (Fire)
- Blaziken: Fire Spin (Fire) + Blast Burn (Fire)
- Charizard: Fire Spin (Fire) + Blast Burn (Fire)
- Togekiss: Charm (Fairy) + Dazzling Gleam (Fairy)
- Gardevoir: Charm (Fairy) + Dazzling Gleam (Fairy)
- Granbull: Charm (Fairy) + Play Rough (Fairy)
- Mamoswine: Powder Snow (Ice) + Avalanche (Ice)
- Weavile: Ice Shard (Ice) + Avalanche (Ice)
- Galarian Darmanitan: Ice Fang (Ice) + Avalanche (Ice)
- Glaceon: Frost Breath (Ice) + Avalanche (Ice)
- Roserade: Poison Jab (Poison) + Sludge Bomb (Poison)
- Gengar: Lick (Ghost) + Sludge Bomb (Poison)
- Victreebel: Acid (Poison) + Sludge Bomb (Poison)
How to Catch Virizion in Pokemon Go?
After defeating Virizion in a raid, you will have a chance to catch it with a limited number of Premier Balls. The catch rate of Virizion is 2%, which means you have a 2% chance of seeing it with each throw, assuming no other factors. However, you can increase your catch rate by using the following tips:
- Use Golden Razz Berries to boost your catch rate by 2.5 times.
- Use Curveballs to boost your catch rate by 1.7 times.
- Aim for Excellent or Great Throws to increase your catch rate by 1.85 or 1.5 times, respectively.
- Use a Pokemon with the Gold Medal for Grass and Fighting types to increase your catch rate by 1.3 times.
- Coordinate with your teammates to use the same type of Pokemon in the raid to get the Team Bonus and boost your catch rate by up to 1.1 times.
- Be patient and wait for Virizion to attack or jump before throwing your ball to avoid wasting your throws.
What Are the Shiny Odds of Virizion in Pokemon Go?
Virizion can be shiny in Pokemon GO, which means it has a different color scheme than the standard version. Shiny Virizion has a pink body and greenhorns instead of a green body and pink horns. The shiny odds of Virizion are 1 in 20, which means you have a 5% chance of encountering a shiny Virizion after winning a raid. However, this is not a guarantee, and you may need to do multiple attacks to get a shiny Virizion.
Virizion is a legendary Grass/Fighting type Pokemon that can be caught in Pokemon GO raids. Virizion is a powerful and graceful Pokemon, but it also has many weaknesses that can be exploited by using the right counters, strategies, and tips. By following this guide, you can beat and catch Virizion and add it to your collection. Good luck, and happy hunting!
This is everything you need to know about Virizion Pokemon GO. Please take a moment to explore our other guides, like Mega Houndoom Counters. Stay connected with to get the latest news and guides about the gaming world.