The Dying Light 2 Stay Human: I kick a bandit over a roof and into zombie-filled streets. I’ve spent 50 hours playing Dying Light 2 knocking opponents off roofs. My map urges me to scrounge resources, locate new areas, and fulfill parkour challenges.
Sorry. Never. Another bandit is on a rooftop. Reaching the roof is like flinging someone off. I zipline, leap pads, grapple, paraglide, climb, scramble, wall-run, and ledge-grab. Dying Light 2 features two-footed combat and first-person parkour. The game is amusing after a few hours and has a not-so-great story. Deserved.
Weekends fly fast, like an arrow.
How did you spend these 2 days, guys? Was your hunt successful? 🏹#DyingLight2
— Dying Light (@DyingLightGame) September 25, 2022
The Dying Light 2 Stay Human
Villeda is a city of falling buildings, undead, and fortified safe zones. As Aiden, a pilgrim, I’m looking for my long-lost sister Mia after memories show we were separated as children. Scientists accidentally created a deadlier zombie virus after creating a vaccine. Waltz may hold the key to finding my sister and exacting revenge.
To find Waltz, I must ingratiate myself with the locals, who loathe outsiders and only offer me information in exchange for favors, like throwing morons from rooftops. The Survivors create rooftop farms and safe zones, while the Peacekeepers are apocalyptic police. Aiden’s willingness to help gets him engaged in the conflict over the death of a Peacekeeper commander.
I’m not good at flying kicks and parkour when I arrive in Villedor. I’m a klutz at wall climbing and rooftop running. Dying Light 2’s early hours are slow and unreliable. I miss jumps, loiter at building ledges before leaping, and attack zombies with table legs and baseball clubs. Every foe I kill and wall I climb earns me combat and parkour XP, however, I only need one point to unlock a new method.
Dying Light 2 taught me a few new methods, unlike Far Cry 6. Approved. It makes growth appear earned and talent choice important. When I had a point to spend, I considered what would help me most throughout my pounding. Most skills affect my fighting and parkouring.
A vault kick allows me to use a disoriented opponent as a springboard to attack his partner (and if my kick stuns him I can simply turn around and springboard back to deliver another kick to the first guy). Air kick allows me to jump down and slow-kick an opponent from above. There’s a head stomp to mash an enemy’s brains and a way to ride a guy’s body to the ground and smash his skull. It’s not a kick, but a funny method to drop down.
You may collect sharp, rusty, and spikey weapons, bows, throwing knives, and mines and bombs. I grew attached to my two-handed axe, the Heavy Duty because it could hew off arms, legs, and heads and gave me a stamina regeneration bonus and a damage bonus when I was in low health. It also had three sockets I filled with electrical and toxic weapon mods that turned critical hits into gloriously gory and effective strikes. Since I enjoyed it so much, I made a third mod.
I never broke a weapon in Dying Light 2 since there were always newer, deadlier ones to buy or find. Bad Gal, a katana with night and day damage, replaced Heavy Duty. I built another mod so crits ignite opponents, which may spread to mobs. Bandits on fire and bleeding are more entertaining.
There are also single-use “opportunity weapons” buried amid opponent encounters, such as spears that may be plucked from corpses and flung at an opponent for a one-hit death, or bottles and stones that can be tossed to shock or stagger someone, giving enormous brawls an unplanned feel. Boomstick, the game’s only gun, was my favorite. I didn’t fire it for hours since it only has one shot and takes so much scrap metal until a bird-suited bandit leader sucker attacked me. It felt great to hit his beak after hours of wielding clubs and hatchets.
Parkour progress isn’t as fun as fighting or weapons—at first. It emphasizes practical skills like rolling after landing, leaping higher, and climbing quicker. This improves my mobility and confidence. Sliding instead of ducking never saved my life, but it feels great. Smoothly galloping across roofs makes me feel superhuman.

Midway through the main storyline tasks, I get a paraglider to fly over rooftops and capture updrafts from air vents. It’s helpful for fleeing zombies. I soon get a grappling hook, not a Just Cause-type for pulling myself into the air, but one to swing across gaps. Villedor becomes a playground I can solve by climbing, leaping, gliding, and swinging.
I haven’t spoken much about zombies since they’re boring and fighting them is boring. Some zombies shamble slowly, others swarm quickly. There are zombie specialties like howlers that attract crowds, spitters that pelt with ranged attacks, lurching blobby ones that explode, and slow-moving tanks that ground-pound and windmills with gigantic fists. Darkness changes everything in the original Dying Light.
When darkness falls, all the daytime-avoiding zombies emerge, meaner and faster. The night is easier since more people are outside. Nighttime activities are hazardous yet profitable since they provide extra treasure and XP. Tension. Creeping zombies or roof-scuttling zombies unnerve me. When you finish a long job and realize it’s nearly night, you rush to safety as alarm bells clang and zombies scream. Parkour challenges your skills.
City navigation and customization features are available. Water towers and substations dot Villedor’s districts. Electrical buildings, where you must connect transformers, offer wonderful parkour puzzles. Fixed-length cables can’t be coiled up and down halls. The cable’s source to the transformer must be parkoured. After vaulting, climbing, and swinging, it’s great to complete the puzzle.
Choose between Peacekeepers and Survivors. Each facility you surrender to the Peacekeepers adds to the city’s playground of traps, including vehicle bombs, sawblade-hurling turrets, exploding lanterns, and electrical and pendulum traps. Handing control to the Survivors will bring zip lines, jump pads, airbags you may ride to the ground, glider air vents, and other parkour-related aspects to the city. If you hate the Peacekeepers, giving them a building may seem strange. These options are about making the city your playground, and that’s more important (to me) than who you support.
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Dramatic characters abound. The story objectives will take you across the city, bookended by extensive cutscenes as you help Survivors and Peacekeepers and choose a side. The writing is okay. Appropriate for zombie flicks. Dying Light 2 kills out important characters. I expected to win over a jerk on my side. Nope! His murder. I enjoyed denying this guy a redemptive arc.
Many characters were appealing. A huge, bearded, enormous peacekeeper appeared stupid yet was smart and clever. A tough-looking lieutenant shows his soldiers’ laughter and tenderness. Rosario Dawson is gorgeous and undamaged as Lawan, the Alyx Vance of Villedor. Side-quest and main-story surprises surprised me.
My RTX 2080 and 16GB RAM played Dying Light 2 at 80-90 fps on high settings. My build was patched twice over the week I played, and I expect a Day One patch. A character essential to complete an optional task was trapped in the wrong place and unresponsive, so I had to finish a side-quest before he’d return to the primary goal. Zombies sometimes sprang forth. Map signs for sites I’d located sometimes disappeared, and a utility facility I’d cleaned didn’t register as done, but there were a few severe faults.
Menus and inventories are strangely set out for consoles, and although many keyboard actions are remappable, a few crucial ones aren’t—I can middle-mouse to use my grappling hook, but it’s also attached to Alt, which I can’t change.
Techland anticipated Dying Light 2’s completion would take 500 hours, including sidequests, challenges, activities, and secrets. After playing, close. Dying Light 2 is enormous. Even with a glider and parkour gear, traveling a district is time-consuming. Villedor’s spreading portions make it larger than the map suggests. After finishing the story, I discovered an underwater city portion. Game-changing.
After 50 hours of playing Dying Light 2, I still have much to accomplish. Even after completing the story, I still had skills, chores, and large parts of the city to explore—not to mention bandits.
Final Words
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