Starfield’s greatest update to date arrived this week, and players lost no time replying to the long patch notes with their list of future update demands. Bethesda has since reacted to a number of these new requests, confirming a long list of additional updates that would be released in the future.
Starfield Update Notes – January 18, 2024 [IN BETA]
byu/BethesdaGameStudios_ inStarfield
In the main Reddit thread addressing the Starfield patch notes, which were released *checks notes* yesterday, hundreds of people argue about how Bethesda’s spacefaring RPG may be improved further.
In the top response, a Bethesda spokesperson compiles a list of player requests and responds to each one in kind, clarifying the studio’s stance and indicating whether they’re under review, in active production, ready to ship with the next patch or none of the above.
For example, one Reddit user commented on the patch notes: “And still no flat fix for New Atlantis?” They seem to be alluding to an issue that can cause you to lose everything. Bethesda reacted.
“Hi – just wanted to confirm it is on our radar and the team is working on a fix. It’s related to quests that change the environment in New Atlantis, such as ‘High Price to Pay’ or ‘Eyewitness’. Until the team has a fix, we recommend waiting to decorate or store items in your New Atlantis penthouse until after you have completed the quests mentioned above.”
Another poster inquired whether “the Ryujin quest Sabotage is still broken,” to which Bethesda responded: “This fix is planned for a future update.” It will not be fixed in this one, but it is actively being investigated.”
“Was the feature with all items moving to the cargo bay even when you add a single hab fixed?” wondered a different Redditor. “There isn’t much point in decorating or displaying items in the ship when everything moves to the bay on a single change.”
“Hey, this is something the team is actively working on right now, we’ll update you when we have it locked in!” Bethesda informed them.
And so forth. Not all Bethesda responses were good confirmations of an upcoming repair. In several cases, the spokesperson requested additional information, and in one instance, they defended the studio when questioned why it sometimes takes devs longer to apply official fixes than it does for modders to create their answers.
“Official fixes and content additions have to go through lengthy certification and localization processes, especially for consoles (which is why the beta is only available for Steam users),” according to the developers. “There is also the reality that, as a result, patches are best integrated into bigger consolidated updates that target branch milestones, rather than being released on their own. It also allows for better build testing once all of the new code is in place.”
Of course, Bethesda has made it plain that it is far from finished with Starfield, recently confirming that fresh patches will be released “roughly every six weeks” beginning in February with “a major update.” The first story expansion, titled Shattered Space, is also planned to arrive early this year.
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