Star Citizen Loaner Matrix: If the ship or vehicle you just bought isn’t ready to fly quite yet, you’ll be able to use a loaner until it is. Arena Commander’s present limitations necessitate the use of supplementary loaners for some ships; for example, the Freelancer MAX may use a Freelancer for PU and a Hornet for AC.
#StarCitizen Loaner Ship Matrix
Last Updated: May 19th, 2022 | 3.17.1-live.8073467
— Kitsune_Eco (@Kitsune_Eco) May 20, 2022
Star Citizen Loaner Matrix
Even if the primary vehicle is ready to fly, certain ships are designed to have a loaner vehicle included. Loaner ships DO NOT STACK, thus if you have numerous ships of the same type, you will only get one of each.
The loaner list will be updated whenever a new concept ship goes on sale or a major patch is released, so players can anticipate another update by the end of March, alongside the release of 3.5 LIVE and the reworked 300 series, Reliant variants, and Banu Defender.
From the 100 Series all the way up to the 600i Explorer, you’ll find models like the Cyclone Apollo, Constellation Taurus, Crucible, Genesis, and the Explorer 300i.
The Andromeda Starship: A Trip to a Distant Galaxy
Dragonfly, Nox – Aurora MR Defender, San’Tok.Yai – Khartu-al (Xi’an Scout), and several Cutlass Black Cyclone, Cutlass, and Cutlass Buccaneer variants.
For example the Hercules Starlifter, the Gemini Vulcan, the Hull A and B, the Freelancer Endeavor, the Merchantman, the Hull C, the Starfarer; the Lynx Rover, the Nova, the URSA Rover; the P-72; and the Archimedes, the P-52. The Valkyrie Redeemer, the Vanguard, the Caterpillar Polaris, the Hammerhead Prowler, and Merlin the Pioneer. Hoplite
All the Reliant Varieties: Reliant Kore, Retaliator, Gladiator SRV, Orion, Prospector Terrapin, Valkyrie, Hurricane, Heartseeker, F7C-M Harbinger, and Sentinel – Vanguard Super Hornet Warden You can utilize these Ships to access a variety of different ships.
Vehicles: Vulture: Prospector; Buccaneer X1; Aurora MR; Nox Kraken: Hammerhead; Buccaneer Idris-M & P; Hammerhead; MPUV Passenger Javelin; Hammerhead; MPUV Cargo Carrack; Constellation Aquila; URSA Rover 890 Jump: 600i Explorer; 325a; 85x Mercury; Freelancer; Herald;
Final Words
We hope you have found all the relevant information about the Star Citizen Loaner Matrix: The Ship Loaner Matrix Has Been Updated Pre 3.5 Alpha. For more latest news and information stay tuned with us here at