Skyrim New Mod: One of those Skyrim characters that everyone loves to despise is Grelod the Kind. That is what happens to a person when they run an abusive orphanage.
However, unlike other despised figures like Nazeem or Belethor, you get to kill Grelod as part of a quest, since Aventus Aretino assigns you to do so while pretending to be a member of the Dark Brotherhood.
Grelod is the first person you murder before starting the Dark Brotherhood questline, therefore the only viable way to kill her is to sneak up on her and stab her. Sadly, the quest itself is very simple.
Thankfully, one modder has taken it upon themselves to provide gamers with a larger selection of Grelod combat options, including one for those of you who prefer to keep your hands clean.

Grelod can be killed in a variety of new ways thanks to the Innocence Lost – Quest Expansion mod by JaySerpa, which can be obtained on Nexus Mods. These include the option to poison her favorite wine and shove her into the water after luring her to the Riften docks.
To learn more about these choices, though, you’ll need to speak with Grelod. After you do, the Dark Brotherhood questline will resume as usual.
You can have Grelod jailed if you’re playing more of a pacifist and don’t want to have to watch her torture the orphans any longer. Either you can use your authority as the city’s Thane to have the guards come and take her away, or you can explore the orphanage itself to gather proof of Grelod’s terrible acts.
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When she is imprisoned, you might go visit her to discover that the Dark Brotherhood has carried out Arentino’s demand and murdered her there. But be careful that choosing the pacifist path prevents you from completing the Dark Brotherhood questline at all.
You won’t give Astrid a reason to abduct you if you don’t kill Grelod, therefore you’ll never actually interact with the Dark Brotherhood. On the other hand, if you aren’t killing someone as evil as Grelod, you’re probably committed to the “no murder” idea.
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