Skyrim Anniversary Edition For Switch: It’s hard to believe that another year has passed and Skyrim is still broken. The game that refuses to die, originally released by Bethesda, has received an upgrade for the Nintendo Switch in the form of an Anniversary Edition. (This version, which was released on other platforms last year, comes with a brand-new fishing minigame and other bonus features.)
Skyrim Anniversary Edition just unexpectedly landed on Nintendo Switch and is available to download now on the eShop.
— IGN (@IGN) September 29, 2022
Skyrim Anniversary Edition For Switch
If you already possess the base game, which is still $60 on Nintendo’s hybrid machine, you can pick up simply the update for $20, or you can get the whole Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition for $70, a pricing point that is becoming increasingly common across platforms. Regardless of how you get it, though, Switch gamers are reporting that the Anniversary Edition of Skyrim is severely flawed.
I wouldn’t blame you if you mistook the Anniversary Edition of Skyrim for one of the previous editions of the massive open-world role-playing game that Bethesda Softworks has released. There are reportedly at least 17 distinct versions of Skyrim available now. The Anniversary Edition is effectively the final product, and it’s available for PC and various platforms.
New additions, such as aquariums and fishing, are included with all the material from 2016’s Special Edition. So, even if you’re sick of spending money on Skyrim, the Anniversary Edition is your best bet for experiencing the game in its entirety, glitches and all. I mean, I’ve just bought it twice or three times, but I’m already hooked.
Even still, some Nintendo Switch owners who have purchased Skyrim: Anniversary Edition is unhappy with their purchase. Players’ complaints about the game’s terrible performance can be seen all over the internet, from Reddit and Twitter to YouTube. Skyrim’s poor performance has been debated at length on the r/NintendoSwitch subreddit, which is devoted to anything related to Nintendo‘s hybrid handheld/home system. Players have found that uninstalling and reinstalling the game fixes crashes, but the frame rate issues still remain.

Reddit user fmo94 posted a video of Skyrim: Anniversary Edition in action with the warning, “Don’t purchase Skyrim Anniversary Edition on Switch.” This causes a drastic slowdown in the frame rate.
In response to a tweet from the game’s official Twitter account announcing the Switch release of the Anniversary Edition on September 29, user Pentonize remarked, “Hey Elder Scrolls [and] Bethesda so, with this Switch update, there has been severe frame rate difficulties in certain towns but particularly Riften.” It’s fantastic that there’s been an update for the Switch, but we need a fix to put things back to how they were.
The poor frame rate in Skyrim was documented in a video posted by Xiphos Gaming on September 30. As you explore big towns like Dawnstar and Whiterun, you’ll notice that the frame rate drops below 30 rather regularly. Skyrim: Anniversary Edition for Switch runs at a meager 20 frames per second in places like Morthal and Riften.
On the Switch’s support website, Bethesda acknowledged the current situation and claimed it was “investigating allegations of performance difficulties.” These issues have persisted for a few days, so only time will tell whether they are resolved.
Nonetheless, it’s not a good look for a game that’s almost a decade old, has been re-released several times, and otherwise functioned well on Switch prior to this update. With all the time Bethesda has put into Skyrim, you wouldn’t think performance would be an issue. It would seem that there are certain insects that cannot be destroyed.
Final Words
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