Saints Row Cheat: With the use of Saints Row hacks, you may quickly rise to power in Stilwater without putting in the time and effort required to construct a criminal empire from the bottom up, or you can make the city your own personal playground by making the wildest alterations possible.
These Saints Row cheats not only allow you quick access to a wide variety of weapons and vehicles, but also to an infinite supply of money, health, ammunition, and the power to Hulk-smash your adversaries with a single, devastating blow.
The Saints Row series is well-known for allowing users to create wacky situations, and these codes for the first game let you experience where it all began. Fire up your clunky early-aughts smartphone and punch in these hacks to kick off the fun.
The cheat DLC issue will be fixed once the patch is released.
— Saints Row – OUT NOW! (@SaintsRow) April 22, 2020
Saints Row Cheat: Tips For Using Saints Row Cheats
To activate Saints Row hacks, you’ll need to input their respective codes. To enter a cheat code in Saints Row, go to your smartphone through the menu and call the appropriate number followed by the # sign. Once you do so, a new contact will be added to your phone, and you may dial that number to activate the trick. If you’re accustomed to using hacks in Saints Row 2, you’ll feel right at home here.
Keep in mind that using cheats in Saints Row will prevent you from earning Achievements and will cause the game to end if you try to leave while cheats are active. To avoid losing access to future awards on your current save file, you should back up your game often when using these tricks.
- The Money Gives +$1,000 Cash – Ticket to Ride – #66639
- It’s full health time! #3855432584 (#fullhealth) – Max Health Player has reached full health
- There is no limit to the number of rounds that may be fired from these firearms.
- milk bones – 23376872537 (#beermuscles)
- To a greater extent, melee assaults succeed.
- Players with the #777468 (#sprint) Infinite Sprint ability can run as fast as they want without ever tiring.
- The player’s vehicle has boundless mass, allowing it to demolish everything in its path.
- Inappropriate pratfall for #72436557 (#ragdolls)
- When the player presses Primary Attack and Secondary Attack, they will pratfall.
- The Notoriety of Police Has Been Eliminated in #662677 (#nocops)
- The Notoriety of Gangs is Erased by the #6642647 Campaign
- Players get a t-shirt from Gamestop with the ID number “#42637867.”
- Fix-It-Up Repair Player‘s Current Ride (#778 (#rpv = repair vehicle))
- The drivers of #38452277 (#evilcars) vehicles will attempt to harm the player.
- Drivers of vehicles in the Evil Cars 2 game are going to start fighting with each other (#384522772).
- Use of the hashtag “#ambulance” (262852623)
- (#anchor) Medic Unit 262467 In this case,
- the anchor is 268 (#ant). Toad #2782 (#aqua)
- This is Aqua #288729463 (#attrazine).
- Attainment [mistyped cheat code] #22254563 (#backh5oe).

- The misspelling cheat code for “backhoe” is #226269 (#bagboy).
- Please refer to #22766, Bag Boy (#baron).
- The Baron, Number 23879 (#betsy) Bootlegger Betsy (#2668534427)
- Bulldog Bootlegger (2855364). Capshaw, Bulldog #227429.
- Cavallaro (misspelled as Capshaw)
- Cheat Code #228255276 Cavallaro #2667864 (#compton)
- Compton, #267667 (#cosmos)
- Delivery confirmation for Cosmos #33548379
- Truck 3378469 is on its way to fulfilling its
- #destiny as a delivery vehicle Predetermined #3479653 (#eiswolf)
- FBI #3373352623 (#ferdelance) –
- His wolf #324 (#fbi) Number 32830 in the Fer de Lance series (#500)
- Number Five #36755438 (#forklift)
- Number 4867546437 for the forklift (#gunslinger) and number 4252373
- (#halberd) for the gunslinger.
- Hammerhead halberd with the ID #4266374323.
- Hammerhead #42664225 (#hannibal) For example Hannibal (465599663) from Hollywood.
- The Movie Industry: #46837378 (#Interesting) There’s some buzz around the post
- #5225722248 (#jackrabbit), and it’s got my interest.
- The #5878423 Jackrabbit (#justice)
- True Justice: #53978663 (#keyconcept)
- Komodo, or Keystone, #566636. #52383792 Komodo (#lafuerza)
- Issue 624 of La Fuerza – Mockingbird (#66254642473), a magazine.
- It’s a Mockingbird, Number 635766 (#Nelson)
- Newman #639626,
- Nelson – Newman, serial number 66732374 (#nordberg)
- This is Nordberg #67498 (#nrgv8)
- ENERGY V8 #73223533737 (#peacekeeper)
- The #782727 Peacekeeper (#quasar) Quote from Quasar 78682.
- Budget #7267243 (#rampage) Outbreak #7288537 (#rattler)
- Raycaster #729227837 Rattlesnake To the Raycaster with the ID of #732737 (#reaper)
- Grim Reaper 74262 438 (#ricochet).
- Ripcord #782587 (#ruckus)
- Unrest #746486 (#shogun)
- Slingshot Shogun #754647468
- This is Slingshot #762425483 (#socialite).
- The #72887786 socialite (#statusquo)
- Cheat code typo: #784553886 (#stilletto) –
- The Current Stasis Typo: Stiletto (#8294) is the taxi cheat.
- Job #843562, Taxi #843562
- This is the Job #84383427
- (#TheVegas) Vegas Show #846764663
- (#thorogood) Titan Thorogood #84826 Comparison between Titan
- #87299627837 (#traxxmaster) vs Traxx Master #8277489 (#varsity)
- #836662527742 (#venomclassic) Varsity.
- Classic #Venom #83666 (#venom)
- The #vortex-venomous #867839
- Voxel vortex ID: #86935 – Idiot Voxel #93782879 (#westbury)
- Westbury (#936484): The Pinnacle of Success
- A pinnacle #94667 (#zimos)
- Zircon, hex code: #947266 (Zimos) Color:
- #966524 (#zomkah) zircon. It’s Zomkah.
- #1242843 (#12gauge)
- Shepard #74374373 (12 gauge). –
- ar40xtnd 44 Shepherd (#ar40xtnd)
- #27127468 AR-40 Xtnd (#as12riot) #baseball
- AS12 Riot #22732255 – 434250 GDHC50
- Baseball Bat #4736233 (#grenade) on the GDHC.
- Assault Rifle #56578568 (#k6krukov)
- Grenade K6 Krukov No. 56433 (#knife)
- #62262687 MacManus Knife McManus
- #6656868 (#molotov) [cheat code misspelled]
- This is Molotov cocktail number 6444878425
- (#nightstick). Nightstick 674 (#nr4);
- NR4 #74672263 (#pimpcane). –
- Pipebomb Pimp Cane (#74732662) Rocket-Powered Pipe Bomb
- #762538 RPG #75777733 (#skrspree) – [misspelled cheat code]
- #83587226 (#t3kurban) SKR-7 Spree Tire Iron: –
- T3K Urban #84734766 –
- Tombstone Tire Iron
- #866278663 Gravestone: 84239 (#vice9)
- Indicator #11111: Midnight Time for Test 1
- Time is now 12:00 pm; this is Test Time 2, Option 1.
- #78669 (#sunny) Cloudless Skies
- #62278 (#ocast) – Partly cloudy, with a temperature of 57.246 degrees and precipitation of
- #lrain Mild Rain #67248 (#mrain) –
- Light Rain, Temperature 47.2 (#hrain) –
- The Wrath of God, Number Ten in Heavy Rain (Thunder and Lightning)
Final Words
We hope you have found all the relevant information regarding the Saints Row Cheat Codes On A Mobile Device that May Unlock In-game Advantages. Stay tuned with us here at