Resident Evil 4 is a remake of the ground-breaking 2005 classic, reimagined with modern controls, fresh material, and a few aesthetic tweaks. There are still plenty of weapons to find, bosses to take out, locations to explore, and puzzles to solve in the Resident Evil 4 remake, so do not worry. It is still the same action-packed horror adventure you remember.
If you’re unsure it’s for you, Aoife’s thoughts are included in our Resident Evil 4 remake review. To assist Leon in completing his mission in and outside of El Pueblo, check out the Resident Evil 4 walkthrough below for helpful hints and tips and a complete explanation of all the main story objectives and side Requests.
Resident Evil 4 Remake Guide and Walkthrough
The Resident Evil 4 remake has 16 chapters that can be played on Assisted, Standard, and Hardcore difficulties. After completing the main campaign, the Professional test and the New Game Plus mode become available.
Although most of our walkthroughs are based on a Normal playthrough, we have noted any noteworthy changes to boss encounters and puzzle solutions when playing on various difficulties. Here is our Resident Evil 4 walkthrough:
Chapter 1
See the cause of the delay:
- Track down the Hunter’s Lodge Key.
- Break out of Hunter’s Lodge.
Drive to the Lake:
- Hold until the bell rings to survive the brawl in the village square (the shotgun is located in the house that activates a cutscene when you enter it).
- Visit the Farm.
- Accept the first request to “Destroy the Blue Medallions.”
- Open the entrance to the Lakeside Settlement by locating the Wooden Cog.
- To find Luis, fight through or flee to the Lakeside Settlement home, then enter the cellar.
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Chapter 2
Arrive at the church:
- Return your equipment to the abandoned factory.
- Take the ‘Pest Control’ Request first.
- Find the hexagonal emblem to solve the slot problem.
- Run past the chainsaw foe or engage in combat.
- Resolve the puzzles for the Combination Lock and the Crystal Marble entrance in the Village Chief’s Manor.
- The Insignia Key, please.
Chapter 3
Arrive at the church:
- Outside the Village Chief’s Mansion, release the dog.
- To return to the town square, use the Insignia Key.
- Use the Insignia Key to open the Town Hall door.
- Accept the request for “Viper Hunter.”
- Pick up the Lakeside Map file hanging on the wall in the unlocked room by the church.
Across the lake:
- Accept the request for “Grave Robber.”
- Cross the bridge and proceed to the Quarries.
- Accept the request to “Destroy the Blue Medallions 2.”
- Pick up Hexagon Piece A to complete the hexagon puzzle (optional).
- At the Fish Farm, purchase boat fuel and use it on the boat at the dock.
- Pick up Hexagon Piece B to complete the hexagon puzzle (optional).
- Defeat Del Lago, the lake monster.
Chapter 4

Discover the church’s key:
- See the Lake image in the location of the Boathouse cave.
Look into the two places:
- On your way out of the Boathouse cave, collect the Old Wayshrine Key.
- Accept the “Egg Hunt” Request.
- Get the Red9 Handgun by going to the boat in the lake.
- Use the Insignia Key on the locked door when you return to Lakeside Settlement via boat to obtain the “Catch Me A Huge Fish” Request.
- The puzzles at the Small Cave Shrine and the Great Cave Shrine.
- Pick up Hexagon Piece C to complete the hexagon puzzle (optional).
- Complete the hexagonal Stone Pedestal problem (optional).
Get the Church’s key:
- To obtain the Church Insignia, place the heads of an Apostate and a Blasphemer on hand sculptures in the Boathouse cave.
Arrive at the church:
- Take down El Gigante, the giant, at the Quarries.
- Use the Church Emblem to enter the Church once more.
Seek Ashley out in the church:
- Solve the Church dial problem by locating the Blue Dial.
- Ashley is on the top floor, so climb the ladder.
Chapter 5
Leaving the Church:
- Boost Ashley so she may down the ladder on the church’s top floor and leave through the window.
Toward the extraction spot, move:
- Battle foes in the church cemetery.
- Accept the request for “A Savage Mutt.”
- Cross the bridge to the cabin before returning to the Farm.
- Till Ashley comes back, withstand the cabin onslaught with Luis.
Chapter 6
Leaving the village:
- Pass the Merchant and continue through the small valley to the checkpoint location.
- Put the crank on the Checkpoint door after defeating the Chainsaw Sister holding it (you can exit the building and fight outside for extra space).
Let the locals alone:
- Avoid Méndez and the other adversaries (take a left when you reach the collapsed bridge).
- Thwart Méndez.
Chapter 7
Approaching the courtyard:
- To use a cannon to damage the castle’s entryway, ascend the Castle Gate.
- Accept the request to “Destroy the Blue Medallions 3.”
- enemy killing in the audience chamber.
Find a different route:
- Boost Ashley over a barrier to unlock the Dungeons’ entrance.
- The Dungeon Key, please.
- Defeat the Garrador Dungeon boss or avoid him.
- To get to the Treasury, use the Dungeon Key.
- Complete the sword problem in the Treasury.
Directions to the Courtyard:
- To obtain Halo Wheel, battle your way through Water Hall.
- Move stairs and create a bridge to the Courtyard with the Halo Wheel.
- Ashley will be lifted over the Courtyard wall.
Chapter 8
Find Ashley:
- From the Merchant, purchase the body armor.
- Kill the red-robed Zealot foe in the Wine Cellar to obtain the Crimson Lantern.
- Return and open a way to the Bindery using the Crimson Lantern.
- Find the Lithographic Stones, then work out the problem of the Wall with Four Slots.
- By blasting down big hanging weights and utilizing the Sun and Moon levers to open and close doors, you can move through the Castle Battlements.
- Shooting hanging weights to lift and utilize the canon to slay the giant.
- To locate Ashley, return to the castle.
Chapter 9
Navigate to the ballroom:
- To lower flags in the courtyard, locate the Tower Lever positions.
- Pick up the merchant’s request to “Destroy the Blue Medallions 4” as you enter the castle.
- Pick up the demand for “More Pest Control” in the grand hall.
- To obtain the Serpent Head, resolve the Dining Hall bell puzzle.
- To defeat knight foes, grab the Lion Head from the armory.
- Take the Cubic Device as you leave the armory.
- In the gallery, retrieve the goat head.
- Fix the Serpent, Lion, and Goat Head to the Great Hall statue.
Liberate Leon:
- To enter the Mausoleum, you must correctly solve the Grandfather Clock challenge.
- To receive the Salazar Family Insignia, you must solve the lantern puzzle.
- Open the Leon gate with the Salazar Family Insignia.
Chapter 10
Step inside the throne room:
- Accept the request for the “Merciless Knight.”
- The gates of the Throne Room’s Antechamber can be unlocked using the levers in the Ballroom.
- To obtain two unicorn horns, kill the Garradors while they are distracted by the bells.
- To open the door to the Throne Chamber, insert the unicorn horns into the statues.
Bring yourself up to the surface:
- Reach the Underground Laboratory via ascending.
- Use the lever at the back of the lab to turn the elevator back on.
- Till the elevator comes, defeat Verdugo or outlast it.
- Take the elevator up.
Chapter 11
Bring yourself up to the surface:
- Grab some dynamite from the mines, then blow out the obstacles in your path.
- Win the Blast Furnace battle against the two giants.
- To get to the Stopover, use the minecart.
- Return to the Hive in the minecart.
- Accept the request for the “Insect Hive.”
- Take Krauser on.
Chapter 12
Bring yourself up to the surface:
- To reach the surface, use the elevator.
Approaching the clock tower:
- ‘Jewel Thief’ Request, pick up.
- Accept the request for “The Shame of the Salazar Family.”
- Get to the Clock Tower using the gondola lift next to the shopkeeper in the Ballroom.
Reach the clock tower’s summit:
- Battle your way to the top of the clock tower, where you can raise the lift by pulling the lever.
- Battle foes on the elevator, then leave the Clock Tower’s summit.
Chase Ashley:
- Take Ramón Salazar down.
- Down to the boat on the elevator.
Chapter 13
Chase Ashley:
- You can navigate the Wharf using cunning, force, or a combination of both (stealth is hard to perfect here).
- Until you reach Surveillance, fight through the remainder of the island.
- Push the switch higher up the ladder to power the door out of Surveillance.
Defend Ashley:
- Enter Facilities 1 Storage and Utilities and proceed through.
- Find the file labeled “Laboratory Notification” in the southeast corner of the shadowy area.
Chapter 14
Travel up to the summit:
- Ashley needs a push to escape Facility 1 Storage.
- Pick up the 5 Requests to “Destroy the Blue Medallions.”
- Enter Facility 2 through Cargo Depot.
- Go to Facility 2 and get Ashley to hold the lever to unlock the door before returning to save her.
- Calculate waste disposal correctly.
- Pick up the request for “Even More Pest Control.”
- Protect Ashley while interacting with the crane until the wall is taken down.
- Accept the request for “The Wandering Dead.”
- Use the elevator to interact with the sizable piece of Amber.
Chapter 15
Travel up to the summit:
- With Mike’s assistance, battle your way through the Stronghold.
- Take off the anti-aircraft weapon.
- To move through the region, use the levers at Bulwark Gate.
- Take up the request to “Destroy Blue Medallions 6.”
- Get away from Regenerators in Specimen Storage or fight them.
- Run through Sanctuary Approach or fight.
- The Sanctuary, please.
- Chase Ashley down.
- Locate Luis’ Laboratory.
Chapter 16
Getting off the island:
- Go for the loading docks after climbing the ladder outside Luis’ lab.
- Take Sadler down.
- Go off the island with a jet ski!