Red Dead Redemption 2 11 Helpful Hints: We’ve had Red Dead Redemption 2 for a while and want to help you get started with these 11-pointers. Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the year’s highest-rated games. True. Rockstar has set a standard for open-world gameplay and world-building. Early on, a game of this magnitude can be intimidating. Here are some tips to get you started. You’ll be a stronger, more confident Outlaw after reading this.
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— Amby (@Amby_VP) September 16, 2022
Trains Are Your Direct Path
Red Dead Redemption 2’s mini-map acts similarly to modern GPS systems — it will show you the right route via actual roads and walkways, but this is typically the longest route (often not a bad thing in this lush environment, mind). This is an open-world game where you can stray off the beaten path at any time, so we realized that the train line was the greatest way to get anywhere faster by risking our lives and our horses. We found them most useful when crossing vast chasms with no other bridges, which entailed walking into a cavern and back again. If you’re willing to risk not jumping over a bridge onto an oncoming train, we say do it.
Leave Your Horse Off City Streets
First. It will take you a long to bond with your horse, and a frightened horse can be trouble in town streets. If you accidentally knock someone over, the law or citizens may draw on you swiftly. There’s nothing worse than galloping into town with a hogtied bounty on the back, bounty thieves in close pursuit, only to bowl someone over as you make a sharp turn and knock them off their horse or kill them. Walking about villages helps you learn the Greet/Antagonize system, which might lead to quests or uncommon encounters. We’d forgotten our weapon was drawn and accidentally aimed it at a sheriff, which was annoying.
Holster Regularly
Speaking about encounters, you use the same button to aim and Greet. This can be dangerous if you forget to holster your gun in a crowded street. We’d forgotten our weapon was drawn and accidentally aimed it at a sheriff, which was annoying. Not packing heat can intimidate folks and provoke a disturbance. When the game gets more sophisticated and more things are happening around you, not being an adversary can help more than being one.
Jack Early’s Fishing
Fishing is a significant aspect of Red Dead Redemption 2, but if you neglect camp encounters and early objectives to explore, it will take you a while to get there. Abigail, Jack’s mother, and John Marston’s wife give you your fishing pole. You’ll also get a taste of John’s personality before he left the Van der Linde group. Plus, unlike at the end of RDR, Jack is cute in RDR2.
Paying Bounties Regularly Isn’t Chicken Feed.
Depending on how you play, money can be scarce early in Red Dead Redemption 2. You’re an outlaw, therefore you’ll break the law and often come into money, but that money is usually divided back up into the camp and split between you and anyone else who joined you. You’ll need a horse, weapons, clothes, bathing, groceries, etc.
But lawbreaking will undoubtedly earn you a bounty, and Red Dead Redemption 2’s bounty hunters are persistent. Consider how much access you need to a town or county to generate money and explore and if it’s worth paying a $120 prize over buying a new saddle or sidearm. We recommend the former because it’s easier.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is about saddles, sidearms, dust, mud, and grime. Blood is considered. Your horse will get dusty as a donkey from all the riding you do. Weapons get dirty and worn. Take all of these things into account and be the cleanest, most scrupulous criminal you can be. Brush your horse often (one D-Pad push isn’t enough), clean your guns periodically (you’ll need gun oil), and take baths if you can smell Arthur through the TV. It improves the functions of things you’re cleaning and helps you engage with game-world characters. Plus, bath time is luxurious.

Love, Dressage
As you adore and customize your Forza Horizon 4 automobiles, so do Red Dead Redemption 2’s horses. You’ll spend most of the game on horseback, partly because it’s the best horse riding experience ever made in games and partly because it helps you bond with your horse. Certain horses have different personalities, and the more you bond, the less they’ll buck.
You’ll unlock racing opportunities and challenges that improve your bond and horse’s stats. It’s also a good idea to keep a few horses stabled; the more diversity you have, the better you can tackle various duties. It’s worth it. You can play games in camp to strengthen your bond and learn more about the Van der Linde gang’s past.
Your camp will relocate multiple times, but the dates are widely apart. During that period, you’re the camp’s main breadwinner, worker, and ear, so perform your part often. Moving hay bundles, grain sacks, and water buckets may seem dull, but completing them enhances your camp status and boosts your stats.
Talking to campers will give you missions like fishing and robbing. You can play games in camp to strengthen your bond and learn more about the Van der Linde gang and its members. More money means faster camp upgrades, which keep everyone happy, nourished, healthy, and able to load weapons.
Apollo’s Arrows
Not all weapons are rifles and pistols. Early on, you’ll learn how to hunt with a bow, but the game doesn’t explain why. Depending on the cleanliness of your kill, you’ll have a Perfect, Good, or Poor pelt or carcass. Once you start building your camp, you’ll need to start hunting for perfect goods, so get good early.
You can use the Varmint Rifle on tiny wildlife to try to acquire perfect kills, but it’s not always guaranteed (though we also recommend the early purchase of this rifle). And study the creatures you haven’t researched because you’ll be able to make Calls to them to aid in your hunt. But keeping an eye on your arrow collection and crafting as much variation as possible is vital.
Throughout the game, you’ll encounter Stranger quests with varying outcomes. Early on, someone may be bitten by a snake, besieged by wolves, or ensnared in their own bear trap. You can ignore them, but we encourage helping them because later in the game, you’ll find them outside a Gunsmith’s or General Store and they’ll offer you a gift on their tab.
This can help you buy a good weapon early in the game or stock up on things like a coffee pot, which replenishes stats at a campground. In this brutal game world, the more people you help as an outlaw, the better off you’ll be.
Loot and loot often Any fresh murders of the O’Driscolls, Grays, Braithwaites, Lemoyne Raiders, et al will typically fetch you rings, pocket watches, and more. You’ll often find something valuable in abandoned or damaged buildings. Find the Fence (a shady merchant who asks no questions) and get rid of them. Everything in RDR2 has a price, and the Fence usually pays the most. Some Fences want specific items, so you can find better ways to get quick cash without killing and drawing the wrath of the law or bounty hunters.