Even though it’s common knowledge that Pokemon come in many sizes, one Pokemon GO user caught a Tyranitar that was so little it defied belief. Collectors of Pokemon GO often seek out pocket monsters of varying lengths, as trainers can encounter Pokemon all over the world, with some appearing smaller — and in some cases more significant — than others.
There was a special event called the Larvitar Community Day Classic in Pokemon GO not too long ago, and it was all about collecting Larvitar and its shiny variants. Players who were prepared to shell out a few dollars may take part in a three-hour-long event that offered unique challenges and rewards, like Poke Balls, Larvitar candies, and experience points, among other things.
One Pokemon GO Friends player noticed something strange about the Larvitar, from which they eventually evolved a Tyranitar. Neonwolf9, a user on the Pokemon GO subreddit, uploaded a photo of their unique Tyranitar, complete with a 1.0 meter (or 3.28 foot) tag.

Although Niantic’s recent addition of several XXS and XXL Pokemon in a Pokemon update shows that the extraordinary-sized Pokemon is nothing new, this one may be the most exceptional of them. In their full-size guise, tyranitars may tower over seven feet tall and weigh a hefty 445 pounds, making this version look positively puny.
Many people have remarked that Neonwolf9’s Tyranitar, despite weighing in at a hefty 200 pounds, is disproportionately wide for its height. One of the more than 400 comments posted in the thread that gained over 3,000 likes in its first 24 hours on the subreddit was written by a user lastdarknight and read, “God help us, it’s a 200-pound angry toddler.”
The pseudo-legendary Pokemon with the types Rock and Dark, first introduced in Pokemon Gold and Silver, immediately became a fan favorite because of its enormous mass and potent initial attack. Mega Evolution is a new feature in Pokemon X and Y that allows trainers to utilize specific items to turn their Pokemon into more vital, effective forms.
When exposed to Tyranitarite, Tyranitar became one of the 48 Mega Evolutions, evolving into Mega Tyranitar. The new year has gotten off to an excellent start for Pokemon GO, with many exciting events and tasks planned to keep players engaged and having fun.
Crackling Voltage, Pokemon GO’s next event after the Larvitar Community Day Classic, will bring a slew of new, more common wild Pokemon, plus, if they’re lucky, uncommon spawns of Meltan and Dedenne. Beginning on January 27, players will get the chance to catch a shiny version of the legendary Pokemon Tapu Koko, the Land God, in 5-star raids for the first time.
The popularity of Pokemon GO shows no signs of slowing down in 2023, with new content planned for release in February. Now you can catch ’em all with Pokemon GO, accessible on both Android and iOS.
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