Overwatch is a team-based shooter game that features a diverse cast of heroes, each with their unique abilities and playstyles. The game requires players to work together and coordinate their strategies, as well as adapt to the changing situations and enemy compositions.
However, not all heroes are equally effective or suitable for every scenario. Some heroes are more versatile, consequential, or popular than others and have a higher impact on the game’s outcome. Therefore, it is helpful to know which heroes are the best choices for each role and map in the current meta.
In this article, we will provide an Overwatch tier list that ranks the heroes for each role: damage, tank, and support. We will also explain the criteria and methodology for our rankings and provide some tips and suggestions for playing the heroes.
Our tier list is based on the latest patch and balance changes, as well as the professional and competitive scene, and is valid for all ranks and modes except for the experimental and arcade modes.
Overwatch Tier List Methodology
Our Overwatch tier list is divided into four tiers: S, A, B, and C. The S-tier heroes are the best of the best and are almost always a good pick for any team and map. The A-tier heroes are still powerful and viable but may have some weaknesses or counters that limit their effectiveness.

The B-tier heroes are decent and situational but may require more skill or coordination to perform well. The C-tier heroes are the worst of the worst and are rarely seen or recommended, as they are either too weak, too niche, or too out of meta.
Our rankings are based on several factors, such as:
- The hero’s overall strength and performance are measured by their win rate, pick rate, and kill/death ratio.
- The hero’s synergy and compatibility with other heroes, both allies and enemies and how they fit into different team compositions and strategies.
- The hero’s versatility and adaptability and how well they can handle different maps, modes, and scenarios.
- The hero’s skill floor and skill ceiling, how easy or hard they are to learn and master, and how rewarding or punishing they are to play.
- The hero’s popularity and preference, and how often they are seen or requested by the players and the community.
We also take into account the feedback and opinions of the players, the experts, and the developers, as well as the latest trends and developments in the game. However, we also acknowledge that our tier list is not absolute or definitive and that it may change over time due to patches, updates, or meta-shifts.
Therefore, we encourage you to use our tier list as a general guide and reference, but not as a strict rule or authority. Ultimately, the best hero for you is the one that you enjoy and excel at playing and that suits your playstyle and goals.
Overwatch Tier List: Damage Heroes
The damage heroes are the ones that deal the most damage and eliminate the enemy heroes. They are responsible for securing kills, breaking shields, and creating openings for their team. They are also the most diverse and numerous roles in the game, with 17 heroes to choose from. Here are our rankings for the best damage heroes in Overwatch:
- S-tier: Ashe, Soldier: 76, Sojourn, Sombra, Bastion, Hanzo, Torbjorn, Echo, Tracer
- A-tier: Cassidy, Genji, Symmetra, Mei, Widowmaker, Junkrat, Reaper, Pharah
- B-tier: Doomfist
- C-tier: None
The S-tier damage heroes are the ones who have the highest impact and presence in the game and can dominate and carry their team to victory. They have high damage output, mobility, survivability, and utility and can deal with most threats and situations.
They are also very versatile and compatible and can fit into any team composition and strategy. Some examples are:
- Ashe: Ashe is a hitscan hero who can deal consistent and burst damage from long range and has a powerful ultimate that summons a robot named B.O.B. that acts as a seventh member of her team. Ashe can also use her dynamite and coach gun to deal area damage and create distance from her enemies. Ashe is a great hero for controlling the high ground and the sightlines and can easily pick off key targets and pressure the enemy team.
- Soldier: 76: Soldier: 76 is another hitscan hero who can deal reliable and sustained damage from medium range and has a self-healing ability that allows him to stay in the fight longer. Soldier 76 can also use his sprint and helix rockets to chase or escape from his enemies, and his ultimate grants him perfect aim and increased damage. Soldier 76 is a great hero for flanking and harassing the enemy team and can easily shred through shields and squishes.
- Sojourn: Sojourn is a new hero that was introduced in Overwatch 2 and is a hybrid hero that can switch between a rifle and a railgun mode. Sojourn can use her rifle mode to deal rapid and accurate damage from medium range and her railgun mode to charge up and unleash a powerful shot that can pierce through multiple enemies. Sojourn can also use her slide and jump jet abilities to move around the map and gain momentum, and her ultimate grants her unlimited ammo and an increased fire rate. Sojourn is a great hero for sniping and bursting down the enemy team and can easily exploit the map geometry and the angles.
The A-tier damage heroes are the ones that are still very strong and viable but may have some weaknesses or counters that limit their effectiveness. They may have lower damage output, mobility, survivability, or utility or may require more skill or coordination to perform well. They may also be more specialized or niche and may not fit into every team composition or strategy. Some examples are:
- Cassidy: Cassidy is a cowboy hero who can deal great damage and stun enemies with his revolver and flashbang. Cassidy can also use his combat roll and fan the hammer abilities to reload and burst down his enemies, and his ultimate grants him a one-shot kill on any enemy in his line of sight. Cassidy is a great hero for dueling and finishing off enemies and can quickly punish out-of-position or low-health targets.
- Genji: Genji is a ninja hero who can deal swift and lethal damage with his shurikens and sword. Genji can also use his deflect and dash abilities to deflect enemy attacks and energy through enemies, and his ultimate grants him a powerful melee attack that can slash through multiple enemies. Genji is a great hero for flanking and assassinating enemies and can easily disrupt and eliminate critical targets.
- Symmetra: Symmetra is a builder hero who can deal significant damage and manipulate the battlefield with her turrets and teleporter. Symmetra can also use her photon projector and orbs to deal ramping and splash damage, and her ultimate creates a considerable barrier that blocks enemy attacks and vision. Symmetra is a great hero for defending and controlling chokepoints and objectives and can easily zone and trap enemies.
The B-tier damage heroes are the ones that are decent and situational but may require more skill or coordination to perform well. They may have meager damage output, mobility, survivability, or utility or may require a specific team composition or strategy to work. They may also be very easily countered or outclassed by other heroes in a similar niche. The only example is:
- Doomfist: Doomfist is a brawler hero who can deal massive damage and knock back enemies with his fists and gauntlet. Doomfist can also use his rocket punch, seismic slam, and rising uppercut abilities to move around and combo his enemies, and his ultimate allows him to leap into the air and slam down on a targeted area. Doomfist is a great hero for diving and disrupting enemies and can easily instakill squishes.
The C-tier damage heroes are the ones that are the worst of the worst and are rarely seen or recommended, as they are either too weak, too niche, or too out of meta. They have a shallow impact and presence in the game and can hardly contribute to their team’s success. They are also very hard to play and master and very unrewarding and punishing to play. There are no examples of C-tier damage heroes, as all of them have some redeeming qualities or potential.
Overwatch Tier List: Tank Heroes
The tank heroes are the ones that have the most health and armor and can protect and enable their team. They are responsible for creating space, blocking damage, and initiating fights. They are also the most limited and contested role in the game, with only eight heroes to choose from. Here are our rankings for the best tank heroes in Overwatch:
- S-tier: Orisa, Ramattra, D.Va, Sigma, Zarya, Junker Queen
- A-tier: Winston, Wrecking Ball, Reinhardt
- B-tier: None
- C-tier: Roadhog
The S-tier tank heroes are the ones that have the highest impact and presence in the game and can dominate and carry their team to victory. They have high survivability, damage, and utility and can deal with most threats and situations. They are also very versatile and compatible and can fit into any team composition and strategy. Some examples are:
- Orisa: Orisa is an anchor tank that can provide consistent and reliable protection and damage for her team. Orisa can use her fusion driver and halt abilities to deal damage and disrupt enemies and her fort.
This is everything you need to know about the Overwatch Tier List. You can also read our guides on MM2 Values List and Doom 3 Locker Codes. Stay up to date with GameEmpress.com for the most recent gaming news and guides.