Season 2 of Overwatch has begun, and with it comes Blizzard’s most extensive set of modifications to the game since its initial release. Before the new season goes live, the corporation has posted the launch patch notes, so let’s check those out.
I’ve left off the complete patch notes because they’re too long for this post (they clock in at over 3,000 words). There’s a lot to cover, so I’ll be dividing it up into multiple posts.
We already know about the new map, the return of the Workshop, the addition of new safety tools (including a streamer mode), adjustments to matchmaking and Competitive mode, and the reintroduction of earnable Credits, so I won’t go into them here.
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An Inactive Role
- Every hero in the tank position will have less health in game modes without a role queue. In any game that supports Role Queue, the health totals for tanks will not change.
This adjustment to tank HP pools is made to balance the hero class in scenarios where many tanks are allowed on each team.
- There has been a reduction from 350 Doomfists to 200 for mechs’
- Base health in all game modes other than Role Queue.
Junker Queen
- Starting health from 450 to 300 in all modes other than Role Queue.
- The starting health for all Role Queue game styles is now 450.
- Damage reduction in non-Role Queue modes, from 425 to 300.
A developer notes that 25 HP has been added to Junker Queen’s total basic health.
- Reducing the base health from 275 to 125 in modes other than Role Queue.
Augmented Fusion Driver
- The drop-off distance for damage was lowered from 25 meters to 15 meters.
Season 3 Patch Notes! 
Accessibility Improvements
Earnable Overwatch Credits
Competitive Updates
Workshop Editor Returns
& much more!

— Overwatch (@OverwatchEU) February 7, 2023
- Base health decreased from 450 to 300 in all game types besides Role Queue.
- When the Ultimate deals damage to an opponent, the duration timer now ticks down rather than stops. Holds for up to 20 seconds
- In the end, the price tag rose by 12%
The thought of an Ultimate ability that might theoretically last forever is appealing, but in practice, if it’s too easy to accomplish, it leads to a lot of frustrations and, in the case of Ramattra’s Ultimate, an excess of visual noise, as explained by the game’s developers. We’re capping it at 20 seconds, which is still significant for most team battles but ensures it’ll wrap up in a timely fashion.
- The Charge base health in all other game variants has been lowered from 325 to 175.
- Eight seconds have been taken off the cooldown.
Arson Attack
- The damage level has gone boosted by 10.
- Drop from 250 to 170 in damage after a direct strike
- The time it takes to knock someone out has risen from 2.5 to 2.75 seconds.
- Total expenses went up by 7%
Lightning Bolt
- The initial knockback impulse was decreased from ten to six.
Similar to how we nerfed Roadhog’s Chain Hook combo before the season started last year, we’d prefer not to have heroes in the Tank role be able to one-shot kill foes. The damage done by an Earthshatter’s direct hit is being lowered with this intention. Even though the knockdown stun rarely saves the lives of its victim, it does give them a window of opportunity for their allies to step in.
Earnable Rewards 
New Control Map
#OnePunchMan Collab 
Seasonal Events
#Overwatch2 Season 3 and an all new Battle Pass arrive Feb 7! Free to play for everyone on console & PC.
— Overwatch (@OverwatchEU) February 6, 2023
Due to the high difficulty and high risk associated with using Charge Pins, we see no need to change the status quo and make it less deadly to many characters. It is true that the damage boost to Fire Strike means it can once again one-shot when coupled with Baptiste’s Amplification Matrix, but this needs an Ultimate combo with another hero. We’ll watch the situation unfold and make changes as needed.
Although it may seem like a weakness, Reinhardt’s Rocket Hammer has been nerfed such that he no longer mistakenly knocks foes out of melee range.
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Similar to how we nerfed Roadhog’s Chain Hook combo before the season started last year, we’d prefer not to have heroes in the Tank role be able to one-shot kill foes. The damage done by an Earthshatter’s direct hit is being lowered with this intention.
Even though the knockdown stun rarely saves the lives of its victim, it does give them a window of opportunity for their allies to step in.
Due to the inherent danger and complexity of the movie, we see no need to change the fact that a successful Charge pin will kill most characters. Although the damage increase from Fire Strike means it can once again be one-shot when coupled with Baptiste’s Amplification Matrix, doing so requires using an Ultimate combo with another hero. We’ll watch the situation unfold and make changes as needed.

Reinhardt’s Rocket Hammer has had its knockback reduced to prevent him from mistakenly knocking foes out of melee range.
- Reduced from 700 to 550, the base health of non-Role Queue modes
Swine to the Whole
- The previous cap of 6 seconds has been raised to 8
- In the end, costs rose by 8%
The ability to use other skills while Roadhog’s Ultimate was active made it far more reliable in a lone tank situation, although it often had the same effect as canceling the Ultimate when it ran out of time.
In order to give players more leeway in how they use the Whole Hog Ultimate, we’ve extended its maximum duration by a few seconds; nevertheless, we’ll continue to keep an eye on whether or not the attack’s knockback and damage are too high.
- Reduced from 350 to 200, the base health of non-Role Queue modes
Inertial Velocity
- Total expenses went up by 7%
- Base health dropped from 350 to 200 in non-Role Queue modes.
Barrier Projector’s
- Damage taken to health drops from 700 to 650
Destructive Force
- Reducing the default health in Role Queue modes from 600 to 450
- The standard health pool has been lowered from 600 to 300 in all game modes besides Role Queue.
- The health of my shield has gone from 0 to 150.
Socket-Ended Hammer and Anvil
- We’ve cut the cooldown in half, from 10 to 8 seconds.
Overwatch 2 Season 3 New Mythic Amaterasu Kiriko In-Game Reveal
#Overwatch2 Season 3 is Coming Soon!
— Naeri X 나에리 (@OverwatchNaeri) February 7, 2023
- Total expenditures rose by 9%.
- Reduced reloading time from 1.5 seconds to 1 second
As one of the most effective solo tanks in early testing, Wrecking Ball saw relatively minimal adjustments in the shift to 5v5. A lot more than other heroes, he has a lot more leeway in deciding when to engage in combat thanks to his high mobility and large health pool.
These adjustments will help him maximize his advantage by minimizing his downtime. Because the shield’s health pool constantly replenishes itself, players can usually reposition themselves without wasting time looking for health packs.
- From 250 to 100 base health in all other game types besides Role Queue.
Graviton Inflation
- In the end, costs rose by 8%
In-Battle Role-Playing
- Collisions with other players no longer impede movement.
- The 20-meter falloff range of the primary firing has been raised to 25 meters.
Creator’s Note: Warfare The removal of player obstruction from Roll is mostly a quality-of-life improvement intended to improve the ability’s flow, especially when used in a direction opposite to your current one.
Mine that Causes Concussions
- The damage cap lowered from 120 to 100
With the maximum damage reduced, Junkrat will need to be slightly more accurate with certain of his combos in order to reach the same lethality as before. This is because the Concussion Mine’s damage already decreases the further away from the explosion the enemy player is.
- Subtracting five percent from the total price
- 5 percent less money spent in the end
Symbolic of the arrival of death
- Total savings of 8%
Soldiers: 76
Rapid Fire Rifle for Heavy Targets
- The maximum number of shots required for recoil has risen from 4 to 6.
- Lessened recoil by 12%
This change was made more to improve how the gun handles than to increase its raw firepower. It returns the weapon’s handling to that of the original, making it possible to fire more accurately in rapid succession before the recoil becomes a factor.
Robotic Pistol
- The projectile damage has been raised from 7 to 7.5.
- The hacked health pack now lasts for 45 seconds.
Sombra’s performance has dropped with her most recent overhaul. In the meanwhile, we’re making headway on a minor revamp for her abilities, and this damage increase will help enhance Sombra even against targets that aren’t affected by her Hack effect.
With her rapid rate of fire, even a slight increment per shot rapidly mounts up. The health pack recharge time has been somewhat increased so that you won’t have to re-hack them as often.
The Light Barrier: A Brief History
- Complete Expenditures Rose by 10%
Place the Turret
- Health reduction from 250 to 225 for turret bases.
Despite being less effective than before, Torbjorn’s turret has proven to be more resilient in the new 5v5 format. To make it feel less like a sixth player and easier to deal with once someone’s attention is focused on it, we’ve reduced its health slightly.
- Reduced from 200 to 175 health at baseline.
Due to fears that the increased power of tanks might render Widowmaker too vulnerable to them, the development team briefly tried out a version of the champion with 200 health. Since she benefits more from 5v5 than she loses, we’re lowering her health back to 175 so that more heroes may challenge her deadly ranged attacks.
Granade of Living Matter
- The four-second duration of the effect has been shortened to three minutes and fifty seconds.
Overwatch 2 x One Punch Man New Screenshot 

The #Overwatch2 One-Punch Man Doomfist Skin Crossover Event begins on March 7!
— Naeri X 나에리 (@OverwatchNaeri) February 6, 2023
Packet for Making Repairs
- Decreased from 55 to 50 healing per second over time
- Instantly restoring 25 HP while using a Repair Pack.
- 10 percent less money spent in the end
Giving Brigitte some control over whether or not she can save an injured comrade by using the Repair Pack by giving her a small amount of rapid healing helps her ability to feel more responsive and meaningful.
Distant Noise Limitation
- In the end, expenses were cut by 7%
The Guardian Angel That Watches Over Us
- The delay between uses has doubled, from 3.5 to 7.5 seconds.
- If you’re holding the reverse direction input and canceling an ability with Jump, your forward movement speed has decreased by 20%.
The staff of the Caduceus
- From 55 hrs down to 45 hp, healing has slowed.
- Allies with less than 50% health receive boosted healing.
Transformative Passive Regeneration
- Taking the Passive Out of “Regeneration”
Recuperation by sympathetic understanding is the newest passive phrase.
Whenever Mercy uses the Caduceus Staff to heal, she receives a quarter of the benefit for her own well-being.
After all support heroes obtained a similar version of it through their Role Passive, we intended to replace Mercy’s Regeneration passive with a more intriguing interaction.
Having the Caduceus Staff modified in this way will give Mercy even more leeway as a triage healer and increase the likelihood that she will be able to save her companions when they are critically low on health. It still takes about the same amount of time to fully heal a hero with 200 HP from 1 HP.
The recent modification to Guardian Angel’s leap cancels drastically enhanced mobility, hence a longer cooldown is required to mitigate this. Because of this, Mercy could throw herself great distances in any direction and play fast and loose with her surroundings for such a brief respite.
- 5 percent less money spent in the end
Destructive Orb
- From 20 to 25 rounds of ammunition.
We’ve been exploring ways to improve Zenyatta’s survival, as a developer said. Prior beta experience has shown that Zenyatta’s equilibrium is precarious at best. Adding 25 shield health to his existing total made him an absolute must-pick at the professional level.
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His immobility is a deliberate drawback that was built into the character to counteract his high damage output, thus we’d rather not see it changed too much. Instead, we’re beefing up our ammo supply in order to make the gaps between Zenyatta’s most susceptible states (when he’s reloading) even longer.
We hope you have found all the relevant information about the Overwatch 2 Season 3 Patch Notes Bring a Blizzard of Exciting New Features! Stay tuned with us here for more latest news and updates.
Frequently asked questions
When does season 3 start Overwatch?
Season 3 of Overwatch 2 is set to premiere on February 7. Is there a season 3 trailer for Overwatch 2? The third season trailer for Overwatch 2 has arrived.
How do you get overwatch drops on twitch?
To paraphrase, "How do I as a streamer get Twitch Drops on my channel?" A. Having your Twitch and accounts linked and opting into Drops is all that's required (see Drops Streamer Home).