Meganium is a Grass-type Pokemon that evolves from Bayleef, which is the second evolution form of Chikorita. Meganium is one of the three final evolutions of the Johto region starters, along with Typhlosion and Feraligatr.
Meganium is a bulky and defensive Pokemon that can heal itself and its allies with its soothing flower. In this article, we will show you how to get and use Meganium in Pokemon Go, and what are its best movesets and counters.
How to Get Meganium in Pokemon Go?

To get Meganium in Pokemon Go, you need to evolve a Bayleef that you have caught or hatched. To do this, you need to follow these steps:
- Catch a Chikorita and evolve it into Bayleef using 25 Chikorita Candy. You can find Chikorita in the wild, especially in grassy areas and during sunny weather. You can also hatch Chikorita from 2 km eggs, or encounter it as a reward for completing certain field research tasks.
- Evolve Bayleef into Meganium using 100 Chikorita Candy. You can get more Chikorita Candy by catching more Chikorita, transferring them to Professor Willow, walking with Chikorita or Bayleef as your buddy, or using Pinap Berries when catching them.
- Alternatively, you can also get a Meganium by participating in a raid. Meganium is a Tier 4 raid boss, which means that you will need a group of 3-4 trainers with strong Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison, or Bug-type Pokemon to defeat it. You can also use a Remote Raid Pass to join a raid from anywhere. If you successfully beat Meganium, you will have a chance to catch it with Premier Balls.
How to Use Meganium in Pokemon Go?

Meganium is a Pokemon that can be used in both PvE (player versus environment) and PvP (player versus player) battles. However, its performance and moveset may vary depending on the mode and the league. Here are some tips on how to use Meganium in Pokemon Go:
PvE Battles
PvE battles include gym battles, raid battles, and Team GO Rocket battles. In these battles, Meganium can be used as a Grass-type attacker or a support Pokemon. However, Meganium is not very strong or fast compared to other Grass-type Pokemon, such as Roserade, Sceptile, or Tangrowth.
Therefore, Meganium is not recommended for PvE battles, unless you have a specific reason to use it, such as a type advantage or a personal preference.
If you want to use Meganium in PvE battles, the best moveset for it is Vine Whip and Frenzy Plant. Vine Whip is a fast and energy-efficient move that can charge up Frenzy Plant quickly. Frenzy Plant is a powerful and exclusive move that can deal massive damage to the opponent.
However, Frenzy Plant is only available for Meganium that were evolved during a Community Day event or with an Elite Charged TM. If you don’t have a Frenzy Plant, you can use Solar Beam or Earthquake instead. Solar Beam is a strong but slow move that can hit hard, especially against Water, Ground, or Rock-type Pokemon.
Earthquake is a decent move that can provide some coverage against Fire, Electric, or Steel-type Pokemon.
PvP Battles
PvP battles include trainer battles, Go Battle League battles and Silph Arena tournaments. In these battles, Meganium can be used as a Grass-type tank or a utility Pokemon. Meganium has high defense and stamina, which makes it durable and able to survive many hits. Meganium also has access to some useful moves that can help it win against various opponents.
However, Meganium also has low attack and speed, which makes it weak and slow compared to other Grass-type Pokemon, such as Venusaur, Tropius, or Abomasnow. Therefore, Meganium is not very popular or competitive in PvP battles, unless you have a specific strategy or a niche role for it, such as a counter or a switch.
If you want to use Meganium in PvP battles, the best moveset for it is Vine Whip and Frenzy Plant, plus Earthquake. Vine Whip and Frenzy Plant are the same as in PvE battles, and they are the main source of damage and pressure for Meganium.
Earthquake is a good addition that can give Meganium some edge against its common counters, such as Steel, Fire, or Electric-type Pokemon. However, Earthquake is also expensive and slow, so you will need to use it wisely and sparingly.
Meganium can perform well in the Great League and the Ultra League, where its bulk and moveset can help it overcome some of the meta Pokemon, such as Azumarill, Swampert, or Skarmory. However, Meganium will struggle in the Master League, where its low attack and speed will make it vulnerable and ineffective against many of the top Pokemon, such as Dialga, Groudon, or Mewtwo.
What are the Best Counters for Meganium in Pokemon Go?
Meganium is a Grass-type Pokemon, which makes it weak against Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, and Ice-type moves. Therefore, the best counters for Meganium are Pokemon that can use these types of moves and resist its Grass-type moves. Here are some of the best counters for Meganium in Pokemon Go:
- Charizard: Charizard is a Fire and Flying-type Pokemon that can deal super effective damage to Meganium with its Fire-type moves, such as Fire Blast, Blast Burn, or Fire Spin. Charizard can also resist Meganium’s Grass-type moves, thanks to its Flying-type. However, Charizard is weak to Meganium’s Earthquake, so be careful when using it.
- Moltres: Moltres is another Fire and Flying-type Pokemon that can counter Meganium with its Fire-type moves, such as Fire Blast, Overheat, or Fire Spin. Moltres can also use Sky Attack, a Flying-type move that can charge up faster and hit harder than Fire-type moves. Moltres can also resist Meganium’s Grass-type moves, but it is also weak to Earthquake.
- Honchkrow: Honchkrow is a Dark and Flying-type Pokemon that can counter Meganium with its Flying-type moves, such as Sky Attack, Brave Bird, or Peck. Honchkrow can also use Dark Pulse, a Dark-type move that can provide some coverage against Psychic-type Pokemon that may try to switch in. Honchkrow can also resist Meganium’s Grass-type moves, but it is also weak to Earthquake.
- Scizor: Scizor is a Bug and Steel-type Pokemon that can counter Meganium with its Bug-type moves, such as X-Scissor, Night Slash, or Fury Cutter. Scizor can also use Iron Head, a Steel-type move that can deal neutral damage to Meganium and hit hard against Fairy-type Pokemon. Scizor can also resist Meganium’s Grass-type moves, and it is immune to Earthquake, thanks to its Steel-type.
- Glaceon: Glaceon is an Ice-type Pokemon that can counter Meganium with its Ice-type moves, such as Avalanche, Ice Beam, or Frost Breath. Glaceon can also use Last Resort, a Normal-type move that can deal neutral damage to Meganium and hit hard against Ghost-type Pokemon. Glaceon can also resist Meganium’s Earthquake, but it is weak to its Grass-type moves.
Meganium is a Grass-type Pokemon that can be obtained by evolving a Bayleef that you have caught or hatched. Meganium is a bulky and defensive Pokemon that can heal itself and its allies with its soothing flower. Meganium can be used in both PvE and PvP battles, but it is not very strong or fast compared to other Grass-type Pokemon.
Meganium’s best moveset is Vine Whip and Frenzy Plant, plus Earthquake. Meganium’s best counters are Pokemon that can use Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, or Ice-type moves, such as Charizard, Moltres, Honchkrow, Scizor, or Glaceon.
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