Mega Houndoom is a Dark/Fire-type Pokémon that can be encountered as a mega raid boss in Pokémon GO. Mega Houndoom has a high attack stat and can deal a lot of damage with its dark and fire moves. However, it also has several weaknesses that smart trainers can exploit. In this article, we will show you how to beat Mega Houndoom with the best counters, strategies, and tips.
What Are the Stats and Moves of Mega Houndoom?

Mega Houndoom has the following stats and moves in Pokémon GO:
- Max CP: 3842
- Attack: 289
- Defense: 194
- Stamina: 181
- Weaknesses: Fighting, Ground, Rock, Water
- Resistances: Dark, Fire, Ghost, Grass, Ice, Psychic, Steel
- Fast moves: Fire Fang (Fire), Snarl (Dark)
- Charged moves: Crunch (Dark), Fire Blast (Fire), Flamethrower (Fire), Foul Play (Dark)
Mega Houndoom Counters
The best counters for Mega Houndoom are Rock, Water, Fighting, and Ground type Pokémon, as they can deal super effective damage and resist some of its attacks. Here are some of the top counters for Mega Houndoom, along with their optimal move sets:
- Primal Groudon: Mud Shot (Ground) + Precipice Blades (Ground)
- Primal Kyogre: Waterfall (Water) + Origin Pulse (Water)
- Mega Swampert: Water Gun (Water) + Hydro Cannon (Water)
- Terrakion: Double Kick (Fighting) + Sacred Sword (Fighting)
- Mega Blaziken: Counter (Fighting) + Focus Blast (Fighting)
- Mega Diancie: Rock Throw (Rock) + Rock Slide (Rock)
- Mega Rayquaza: Dragon Tail (Dragon) + Dragon Ascent (Flying)
- Mega Blastoise: Water Gun (Water) + Hydro Cannon (Water)
- Mega Tyranitar: SmackDown (Rock) + Stone Edge (Rock)
- Keldeo (Ordinary): Low Kick (Fighting) + Sacred Sword (Fighting)
What Are Some Tips and Strategies for Mega Houndoom Raids?
Here are some tips and techniques to help you easily defeat Mega Houndoom raids:
- Use the weather to your advantage. Rainy, Cloudy, and Partly Cloudy weather boost your Water, Fighting, and Rock-type counters, respectively. Sunny and Foggy weather enable Mega Houndoom’s Fire and Dark-type moves, respectively, so avoid them if possible.
- Use the mega boost to your advantage. Mega-evolving your Pokémon will give them and your teammates an attack boost, as well as an additional boost if their attack types match the mega-evolving Pokémon’s type(s). For example, Mega Swampert will boost all Water-type attacks, while Mega Blaziken will boost both Fighting and Fire-type attacks.
- Dodge the charged moves if you can. Mega Houndoom’s charged moves can deal a lot of damage, significantly if they are boosted by the weather or the same type of attack bonus (STAB). Try to dodge them if you have enough time and energy, or use Pokémon with high defense or stamina to tank them.
- Coordinate with your teammates if you can. Mega Houndoom raids can be done with 3-4 trainers with average teams or two trainers with optimal teams and weather. However, coordinating with your teammates can make the raid easier and faster, as you can use the same type of evolved Pokémon or use different styles to cover each other’s weaknesses.
Mega Houndoom is a powerful mega raid boss that can challenge even the most experienced trainers. However, by using the right counters, strategies, and tips, you can defeat it and earn some rewards, such as Mega Houndoom energy, rare candies, golden razz berries, and a chance to catch a regular Houndoom. Good luck and happy raiding!
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