Mega Ampharos is an Electric and Dragon type Mega Raid Boss in Pokemon GO, that can be encountered from January 1st to 10th, 2024. Mega Ampharos is a powerful and majestic Pokemon, that can deal a lot of damage with its electric and dragon attacks.
However, it also has several weaknesses that can be exploited by smart and prepared trainers. In this article, we will show you how to beat and catch Mega Ampharos, by providing you with the best counters, movesets, strategies, and tips.
Mega Ampharos Stats and Movesets

Mega Ampharos has the following stats and movesets in Pokemon GO:
- Max CP: 4799
- Attack: 294
- Defense: 207
- Stamina: 207
- Type: Electric / Dragon
- Weaknesses: Dragon, Fairy, Ground, Ice
- Resistances: Electric, Fire, Flying, Grass, Steel, Water
- Fast Moves: Volt Switch (Electric), Charge Beam (Electric)
- Charged Moves: Thunder (Electric), Thunder Punch (Electric), Zap Cannon (Electric), Brutal Swing (Dark), Dragon Pulse (Dragon), Focus Blast (Fighting), Power Gem (Rock), Trailblaze (Grass), Return (Normal)
As you can see, Mega Ampharos has a lot of electric moves, which makes it very dangerous for water and flying types. It also has some dragon moves, which can hurt other dragon types.
However, it also has some non-STAB moves, which are not very effective and can be ignored. The most threatening moveset for Mega Ampharos is Volt Switch and Zap Cannon, which can deal massive damage to any Pokemon that is not resistant or immune to electricity.
Mega Ampharos Counters and Strategies
To beat Mega Ampharos, you will need to use Pokemon that can resist or deal super effective damage to its electric and dragon moves. The best types to use are dragon, ground, fairy, and ice. Here are some of the best counters and strategies for Mega Ampharos:
- Garchomp: Garchomp is the best counter for Mega Ampharos, as it can resist both electric and dragon moves, and deal super effective damage with its ground and dragon moves. Garchomp can use Dragon Tail and Outrage as its optimal moveset, or Mud-Slap and Earthquake as an alternative. Garchomp can also benefit from the windy weather, which boosts its dragon moves.
- Zekrom: Zekrom is another excellent counter for Mega Ampharos, as it can also resist both electric and dragon moves, and deal super effective damage with its dragon moves. Zekrom can use Dragon Breath and Outrage as its optimal moveset, or Wild Charge as an alternative. Zekrom can also benefit from the rainy or windy weather, which boosts its electric or dragon moves.
- Rayquaza: Rayquaza is a powerful dragon type that can deal a lot of damage to Mega Ampharos with its dragon moves. Rayquaza can use Dragon Tail and Outrage as its optimal moveset, or Hurricane as an alternative. Rayquaza can also benefit from the windy weather, which boosts its dragon and flying moves.
- Salamence: Salamence is another powerful dragon type that can deal a lot of damage to Mega Ampharos with its dragon moves. Salamence can use Dragon Tail and Outrage as its optimal moveset, or Draco Meteor as an alternative. Salamence can also benefit from the windy weather, which boosts its dragon and flying moves.
- Haxorus: Haxorus is a fast and strong dragon type that can deal a lot of damage to Mega Ampharos with its dragon moves. Haxorus can use Dragon Tail and Dragon Claw as its optimal moveset, or Outrage as an alternative. Haxorus can also benefit from the windy weather, which boosts its dragon moves.
- Mamoswine: Mamoswine is a great ice type that can deal super effective damage to Mega Ampharos with its ice moves. Mamoswine can use Mud-Slap and Avalanche as its optimal moveset, or Powder Snow and Avalanche as an alternative. Mamoswine can also benefit from the snowy weather, which boosts its ice moves.
- Reshiram: Reshiram is a legendary dragon and fire type that can deal super effective damage to Mega Ampharos with its dragon moves. Reshiram can use Dragon Breath and Draco Meteor as its optimal moveset, or Overheat as an alternative. Reshiram can also benefit from the sunny or windy weather, which boosts its fire or dragon moves.
- Dragonite: Dragonite is a classic dragon and flying type that can deal super effective damage to Mega Ampharos with its dragon moves. Dragonite can use Dragon Tail and Draco Meteor as its optimal moveset, or Outrage or Hurricane as an alternative. Dragonite can also benefit from the windy weather, which boosts its dragon and flying moves.
- Dialga: Dialga is a legendary dragon and steel type that can deal super effective damage to Mega Ampharos with its dragon moves. Dialga can use Dragon Breath and Draco Meteor as its optimal moveset, or Iron Head as an alternative. Dialga can also benefit from the snowy or windy weather, which boosts its steel or dragon moves.
- Landorus: Landorus is a legendary ground and flying type that can deal super effective damage to Mega Ampharos with its ground moves. Landorus can use Mud Shot and Earthquake as its optimal moveset, or Earth Power as an alternative. Landorus can also benefit from the sunny or windy weather, which boosts its ground or flying moves.
Other good counters for Mega Ampharos include Latios, Excadrill, Groudon, Rhyperior, Exeggutor (Alola), Hydreigon, Darmanitan (Galarian Standard), Kyurem, Tyrantrum, Latias, Xurkitree, Zacian, and Zacian (Hero).
The general strategy for beating Mega Ampharos is to dodge its charged moves, especially Zap Cannon, and use your own charged moves as often as possible.
You can also use the Mega Energy feature to mega evolve your own Pokemon, such as Mega Charizard X, Mega Gengar, or Mega Abomasnow, to boost your damage output and your team’s damage output. You can also use the Remote Raid Pass feature to join raids from anywhere, and invite your friends to join you.
Mega Ampharos Catching Tips
After you beat Mega Ampharos, you will have a chance to catch a regular Ampharos, which can be shiny. The catch rate for Ampharos is 5%, which means you will need to use your best balls and berries to increase your chances. Here are some tips for catching Ampharos:
- Use a Golden Razz Berry or a Silver Pinap Berry to increase your catch rate or candy reward.
- Use an Ultra Ball or a Premier Ball to increase your catch rate.
- Use the circle lock technique to land excellent throws.
- Use the curveball technique to increase your catch rate and XP reward.
- Be patient and wait for Ampharos to attack or jump before throwing your ball.
- Aim for the center of the circle to increase your accuracy and catch rate.
The CP range for Ampharos is:
- 1554 – 1630 CP at level 20, no weather boost
- 1943 – 2037 CP at level 25 with Rainy or Windy weather boost
The shiny rate for Ampharos is 1 in 60, which means you will need to do a lot of raids to get one. However, you can also use the Shiny Charm feature to increase your shiny odds by 50%. You can also use the Lucky Trade feature to trade your Ampharos with a friend and get a better IV or a shiny one.
Mega Ampharos is a challenging and rewarding Mega Raid Boss, that can be beaten and caught with the right counters, movesets, strategies, and tips. Mega Ampharos is weak to dragon, fairy, ground, and ice types, and has a lot of electric and dragon moves.
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