Although the Lighthouse map has been available in Escape From Tarkov for some time, the community is still finding its feet. Unlike maps like Interchange and Customs, where the community has spent years determining the greatest – and most efficient – areas to plunder, Lighthouse hasn’t been around long enough to reach that point.
When combined with confusion over extract sites and a new type of adversary, Lighthouse becomes a particularly hazardous terrain for unprepared players. On Lighthouse, going into the incorrect location or failing to discover the proper extract is a quick recipe for death – and with so many other confused players meandering around the new map, calamity is never far away.
That’s why it’s critical to arrive at Lighthouse with as much preparation as possible – something we’re pleased to assist with. Knowing where every Lighthouse extract is can save your life, but knowing where to avoid it is equally important.
Whether you’re hoping to complete raids safely on your own or you want to be the teammate whom others trust, check out our Lighthouse preparation suggestions below.
Escape From Tarkov Maps: Lighthouse Extracts

It goes without saying that if you’re going inside Lighthouse for loot, you’ll need to know how to get out again. What’s the purpose of hunting down all that equipment if you can’t get it out? To avoid missing an extraction or becoming sidetracked in-raid while searching for a route out, make sure you know where your nearest extract is located.
#EscapeFromTarkov **Killa/Tagilla Event OVER**
I can confirm that Tagilla is back on Factory, Killa is back on Interchange (33 and 35% spawn rates).
Lighthouse extracts are 100% back to normal.
— LogicalSolutions (@LogicaISoIution) May 31, 2022
While you’re learning the loot places, spawns, and extracts, keep a map of the Lighthouse open and ready to help you navigate.
Fortunately, Lighthouse is pretty liberal with the number of extracts it includes. There are numerous exits to choose from depending on where you spawn; however, some of these require goods to reach.
The Road To Military Base V-ex costs 5000 Rubles per person to utilize. However, the Mountain Pass extract requires players to bring a paracord, a Red Rebel ice pick, and no armor vest.
The armored train will arrive between 23 and 28 minutes into each raid and will remain for around seven minutes before departing. Finally, the Side Tunnel extract requires a PMC and Scav to work together to escape the map.
Beware of the Water Treatment Plant
If you’ve played Lighthouse before, you’re probably aware that a terrifying new faction of NPC foes now inhabits the Water Treatment Plant. This AI, known as Rogues, is akin to Reserve’s raider group and will represent a far greater threat than typical Scavs seen elsewhere.
This can be especially difficult for BEAR players – or anyone traveling with a BEAR player – because Rogues will shoot anyone belonging to this group on sight. Because engaging these soldiers is dangerous, it is recommended that BEAR players avoid the Water Treatment Plant if they are not geared up and ready to pick off the Rogues.
Any USEC players will have an easier time in the region because Rogues will give them many warnings before opening fire. While this isn’t ideal, it allows USEC players a chance to get out of the situation – or at least avoid being mowed down by AI if they get too close to the Plant.
Learn to Avoid the Landmines
Lighthouse, like several other maps in Escape From Tarkov, is riddled with land mines. These are found on the map’s northern edge, past the river that divides the Lighthouse into two sections.
Almost the bulk of the mined sites are in and around the Water Treatment Plant. However, there are some strips of landmines in the mountain pathways to the east, south of the Road To Military Base extract.
If you’re still unfamiliar with the northern side of Lighthouse, keep an eye out for landmines listed on a map. If you’re under fire and don’t have time to continuously examine a map, a rough rule of thumb is that sticking to main highways will keep you safe from mines.
Stay Vigilant at the Southern Road Extract
Unfortunately, extract camping is nothing new in Escape From Tarkov, but some extracts are more deadly than others. One such location is the Southern Road Extract on Lighthouse.
Approaching the Southern Road pullout can leave a PMC feeling like a sitting duck due to the broad road going up to it and the sloping slopes to the north. Keep your guard up even if your path to safety appears to be close.
Continue to be attentive – keep an eye out for movement above and ahead of you, try to zig-zag up the road, and prepare your nearest escape route in case gunfire starts flying. Whenever feasible, try to stay on the northern side of the approach to the extract – you’ll be more likely to hear extract campers rustling in the brush, and any snipers waiting in the trees will have a more difficult time aiming at a closer target.
Don’t Go to the Lighthouse Itself Just Yet
Blasphemy, I know – the map is literally called Lighthouse, and you’re being urged to avoid it? It’s an obvious target for looting, especially because Battlestate Games COO Nikita Buyanov earlier stated that it would house an exclusive in-game trader.
Disregard that: the developer has recently confirmed that this version of Lighthouse is not the final version of the map, and certain elements, such as the trader, aren’t even in the game.
The only thing to be found at Lighthouse right now is a swift death – the approach is guarded by a highly accurate AI sniper who will quickly terminate your raid. In short, there’s no reason to visit the Lighthouse right now, though that will undoubtedly change in the future.
Cross the Map at a Slower Pace
Speed is everything in maps like Interchange, where getting to a hotspot first can mean the difference between a graphics card and a capacitor. That technique is more likely to get you murdered in Lighthouse.
You can’t predict where other (likely lost) PMCs will appear, where players will prioritize loot, or even which way people will move after spawning. Lighthouse is a new map, and gamers are eager to explore it; nevertheless, the community is unpredictable and thus dangerous.
Reduce your odds of being startled by a random PMC by packing a good headphones and navigating through Lighthouse at a little slower pace than you would in other maps. It pays to be the one in command on a map where people are still scurrying about like headless chickens.
Don’t sprint around corners, keep your ears open for movement, and don’t let your guard down in the map’s quieter parts. With those six strategies, you should be well-equipped for more tremendous success in Lighthouse.
Don’t be disappointed if you find yourself dying a lot: thoroughly learning a map takes a long time, and as we mentioned above, Lighthouse is significantly more deadly than most maps right now. If you’re becoming frustrated, take a break and run some raids on a map you’re more comfortable with – often, all you need is a short break before diving back in.
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