It is the Paladin’s sworn job to fight the forces of evil in Last Epoch because they are light-users. They are lucky that they are also very good at it, so they can fight a lot of enemies without worrying too much about dying.
Once players have a certain amount of skill in the Sentinel class, they can switch to the Paladin Mastery. While the Sentinel is usually the most tanky of the classes, it can also do a lot of damage.
This idea is taken further by the Paladin, who gives the player and their party more ways to stay alive. Adding the right skill nodes also helps it deal with huge amounts of Physical Damage, which can be raised as needed.
Find out everything you need to know to make the best Paladin.
Last Epoch Paladin Build Guide

The Paladin build we’ve come up with will make the player into a nearly immortal crashing ball. It pays close attention to how damage scaling affects Strength and also gives priority to nodes that block more and have more armor to lower incoming damage.
Paladin Passive choices
There are a lot of nodes in the main class tree that we used to choose our Paladin Passives. Some important general buffs in the Sentinel tree feel like they are almost required, no matter what Mastery you have.
When you max out Fearless and Overwhelm at the start of the tree, you get more damage, a chance to stun, and more health. We can get the Strength we need from this tree with five points in Juggernaut, leaving us with enough points to put other things first.
Valiant Charge, Armor Clad, and Aegis of Renewal raise your durability even more. Relentless adds one last power boost to this tree.
The Paladin Passive tree might look a little scary, but there is a pretty easy way to get to the top. At the beginning of the tree, it’s important to max out both Conviction and Honor because Honor makes you more likely to survive.
It does a lot of damage through conviction, which can drop an enemy’s resistance to 0% and make them lose health even faster.
This skill gives you more health and five points in Heaven. Fire is enough to deal more damage through shields.
As you move up the tree, you’ll get more Fire damage, which should work well with Conviction, as well as a useful Strength boost. Sanctuary Guardian and Shield Wall are meant to help the Tanking abilities of the class even more.
There are two nodes at the very end of the tree that you can’t miss. The first is the Reverence of Duality, which makes a lot of important parts of the class better. The other one is Light of Rahyeh, which should give twice as much damage as the fire damage we already added.
Last Epoch Paladin Skills
Depending on the build you want, the Paladin has several skills that are worth using. Warpath, Void Cleave, and Smite are all good damage skills that we haven’t chosen to use here. On the other hand, Healing Hands will be the choice of many Paladins who want to play a more supporting role.
Rive is a three-hit physical attack. The third attack in each chain hurts enemies in a circle around the player. Champion increases the power of the ability, and a point of Laceration infects as many enemies as possible. Coup de Grace makes it into execution when the health is less than 15%. The other nodes give general buffs.
In addition, the build makes use of attack speed buffs so that the character’s Javelin ability can grow with them.
For Paladins, the Javelin is the best long attack they can use. To get the most out of the Bleed, this build makes the most of Go For The Legs.
Scale Javelin gains more Attack Speed with Mighty Delivery. Serrated Javelin and Horde Spiker both do 30% more damage per hit and cut-through armor.
Monster Piercer does 120% more damage to monsters with a lot of health. This is very helpful because Javelin is a great ability to use when you first start fighting an enemy.
Holy Aura
Our Holy Aura tree uses four Vital Boon points to help your body heal faster. Call to Arms makes damage 50% better. Demoralizing Aura can sometimes slow down an enemy, which is very helpful when you’re in a tough spot.
Fanaticism and Strength From Afar are great ability nodes that work well together with Javelin. They let it throw farther and do more damage.
The most powerful skills a Paladin can use are Judgement and the next ability, Consecrated Ground. For the build to be as useful as possible, Destructive Impact is used to heal a much bigger area when Consecrated Ground triggers.
Holy Eruption, which does more damage when Consecrated Ground stops, makes this even better. The bottom tree is geared toward Proclamation, which gives Judgement 100% more damage and a 100% chance to stun.
Sigils of Hope
Sigils of Hope is great for doing damage to a large area while also healing yourself and your friends. Each sigil does 25% more damage when empowered, and Last Wish gives the Paladin a 6% chance to call up another symbol every time they kill someone.
The other nodes in the tree mostly improve its ability to heal and use power well. Fear is the other big choice. It makes Judgement a quick cast.
This is everything you need to know about Last Epoch Paladin Build Guide. Additionally, you can check our guide on Death King Blox Fruits: Location Guide and Palworld Wheat Seeds Location. Stay connected with to get the latest news and guides about the gaming world.