A fan-made bot for Tekken 8 managed to climb up to the online rank of Destroyer by pressing just one button. Tekken, the popular fighting game series from Bandai Namco, has a big community of fans since it started back in 1994.
But not everyone agrees on how to play the game properly. Some players don’t like “spammers,” who use the same move over and over again. But this experiment with the bot showed that there might be a reason why spamming is so common.

Spammers are players who keep pressing the same button or doing the same move repeatedly during a fight. One character in Tekken, Eddy Gordo, is often associated with spammers because his moves are tricky to predict, especially for newer players.
While some fans appreciate the complexity of Eddy’s moves, others make fun of players who spam with him, especially in lower ranks.
A Twitch streamer named Jimmashima wanted to see how well a player spamming Eddy’s moves would do in Tekken 8’s online ranked mode. So, they used a bot that pressed one button over and over again, without considering things like timing or which character they were fighting against.
Surprisingly, the bot did pretty well, reaching the orange ranks and even getting to Destroyer, which is close to the highest rank in the game.
For those who don’t know, Tekken 8’s online matchmaking has different color divisions and orange ranks are considered to be for beginners. But even at this level, there are a lot of players. Reaching the orange rank means you’re better than more than half of all the players in the game.
Eddy’s return to Tekken 8 brought some changes and controversies to the community, especially since he was the first DLC character. But it’s funny to see that even in Tekken 8, people still like to joke about Eddy spammers.