Destiny 2 is now free-to-play and on Steam, so thousands of new gamers will discover Bungie’s MMO-inspired shared-world shooter (opens in new tab). Destiny 2 has developed significantly since September 2017, thus we created this guide. It’s a guide to Destiny 2 New Light and Shadowkeep.
Our end begins.
Destiny 2: Lightfall arrives Feb 28, 2023.
— Destiny 2 (@DestinyTheGame) August 23, 2022
How To Sign Up For Destiny 2?
What’s New Light?
New Light includes Destiny 2’s basic game and Year One content. That’s Destiny 2 and Curse of Osiris/Warmind. Forsaken, the Year Two season pass, and Shadowkeep are not included.
Bungie has also promised remastered areas from Destiny 1, like the Cosmodrome. This will help new players comprehend the importance of Guardians and Destiny 2’s lore. It’s better for newcomers to the series. Even without Year Two’s plot aspects, you can still explore the expansions’ realms and new content like strikes, event spaces, and raids.
This is a huge milestone for Bungie because you can play hundreds of hours of Destiny for free with your pals. Even if you’re unsure, try it. If you like it, you may buy the Year Two season pass and Shadowkeep, which covers September 2017 to September 2019.
What’s In Free Expansions?
New Light Includes A Lot Of Free Expansions And Zones. What’s In Each Game Section?
Destiny 2—Base game, including Leviathan raid, standard strikes, EDZ (Earth), Nessus, Titan, and IO as explorable places, and PvP Crucible content. Curse of Osiris adds (limited) exploration of Mercury. The expansion adds story missions centering on the rogue warlock Osiris and the Eater of Worlds Raid Lair. Curse of Osiris lets you grind for themed weapons, although none are great in PvE or PvP. Collectible.
Warmind resurrects Destiny 1’s, Rasputin. It adds Mars, the Escalation Protocol horde mode event, and PvP format changes. Escalation Protocol was exciting, and tough, and added one of Destiny 2’s craziest shotguns.
Forsaken adds two new regions, Dreaming City and Tangled Shore, plus Gambit, the Blind Well, and The Last Wish raid. Destiny 2’s initial level cap raise, from 30 to 50, included bows and a third skill tree for each Guardian. This expansion is needed if you love the free New Light story quests.
Season of the Forge—The first official season of Destiny 2, Year Two, was a mixed bag because players had to grind to unlock the new events. Season of the Forge adds 1-3 player Lost Forge challenges to pre-existing regions. Scourge of the Past was added. Forges allow you to construct weapon archetypes to get the optimal randomized weapon roll. New exotic weapons were included as quest/hidden prizes.
Season of the Drifter if you don’t like Gambit. Gambit Prime, Allegiance, and Reckoning were added. It came with some quality-of-life changes, exotic missions, and new maps for existing modes, but not much else.
Season of Opulence—Opulence introduced the Crown of Sorrows raid, the Menagerie 6-man PvE mode, and exotic missions. The expansion provides you runes to guarantee Menagerie drops. It’s a good method to complete your gun collection. Destiny 2’s story and mythos were developed with each expansion.
What’s My Class Like?
Destiny 2 has three slots and classes. If you adore Destiny, you can max out one class or three Titans. Hunters are secretive creatures who create traps and fire hot revolvers. Their major supers include a bow and arrow that can bind adversaries (great for PvP), a multi-shot pistol that can murder a fellow Guardian with one pull of the trigger, and a Jedi-like staff that shocks anything it touches to death.
Their main function is to take out lesser enemies or deal significant damage with the Gunslinger super and Celestial Nighthawk exotic helmet. They’re space magicians. Casting large destructive orbs, blasting lightning from their chest/fingers, and soaring with a blazing sword are famous supers, but the most popular is currently their incredibly potent Well of Radiance, a team support tool. Warlocks usually operate as support, ensuring no one falls during difficult actions, but because of their gear, they can perform anything.
Titans are one of Destiny 2’s least-used classes due to their small margin for error. They serve a function, nevertheless. Titans may rain down flaming hammers, fire like an electric missile, and use a shield to smash enemy defenses or deflect bullets. Titans are dominant in PvP because of their one-hit K.O. shoulder barge and are depended on to debuff larger foes during team events. Titans are adaptable but don’t excel as support or damage sources.
You can play any class and their kits are all unique, albeit each subclass covers one of the three energy kinds (Void, Solar, and Arc). Thanks to Destiny 2’s layout, establishing several characters and moving between them doesn’t affect your ability to use your favorite weapons.
How To Level Up?
Level to the max in Destiny and other MMOs, and then the “real game” begins. Shadowkeep and Year Three have rendered this proverb obsolete. All characters start with no levels and a base Power Level of 750, allowing you to explore Year One and Year Two content without a grind. XP still exists and goes toward your Seasonal Artifact and Season Pass.
How Do I Upgrade My Season Pass/artifact?
XP is the simplest solution. Since Fireteam Medallions are gone, only ghost shells can raise your XP. Everything helps with XP grind. POP, BOUNTIES, EVENT PARTICIPATION. Keep playing. If you finish a character’s bounty, move on. Because the Season Pass and Seasonal Artifact are tied to your account, all character experience counts.
Leveling up
After leveling up, raise your Power Level. Power Levels determine which activities you can do and your survivability. You should aim for 960 Power Level without Seasonal Artifact power as soon as feasible. Find stuff to alter, infuse, and shader. Start by completing Powerful Gear-granting actions. Powerful Gear always drops higher or equal to your Power Level up to 950. Pinnacle Gear is next. Each activity has a reward tier. With Vex Offensive and the new raid, higher tiers could drop.
How Do I Finish All These Activities? I Get…
Public Events occur across the system and differ by the planet. They involve teamwork to defend/destroy a localized objective and reward participants with random rewards. Players can complete secret conditions during events to earn extra prizes.
Crucible – Your PvP playlist. Teams or solos compete. Modes start with deathmatch and advance to control-focused ones. In Mayhem, supers renew automatically and everyone goes wild. You gain generic gear each match completion, however, you can boost this by completing Weekly/Daily activities for Powerful Gear and Legendary Gear by leveling up through the Crucible’s Valor experience system. Every completed match earns Crucible Tokens that can be transferred to Saladin for Legendary Gear.

Iron Banner – During Iron Banner, players can compete in PvP modes similar to the Crucible, but their Power Levels are taken into account. The highest Power Level players have a tiny advantage, but not so much that you can’t win.
Strikes are periodic PvE tasks including a boss fight. You may find them in the Strike playlist directory. Strike playlists often feature modifiers, unlike planet-based strikes. Nightfalls are harder than Strikes. Nightfalls are like hard mode Strikes with a special card that lets you alter modifiers for point multipliers. Each Strike has a unique weapon you can obtain during Nightfall, but all end with a chest containing glimmer, Vanguard tokens, and gear.
Gambit is a PvE/PvP hybrid. Killing AI foes in an arena yields emotes. Primeval bosses appear after collecting enough emotes. Whoever kills Primeval first wins. Simple. Maybe. Players can meddle throughout rounds. Players can attack the rival team’s arena after collecting a certain number of emotes to kill them and heal the Primeval or steal their motes. You construct a vast tug of war between teams as you defend against invaders and adversaries. Similar to the Crucible, you gain gear, Infamy experience, and Weekly activity goals.
Bungie altered Gambit’s balance, catch-up features, and match length to create Gambit Prime. Like before, players combat A.I. and other players in one round. It takes more motes to call the Primeval, and you can only damage it by killing particular foes and standing in a rift after they collapse. Gambit is more sophisticated, but the theme is the same. Again, this contributes to Weekly Activity goals, you earn gear and Infamy points.
Daily Heroic Story Missions are hard mode variations of story missions. Higher-difficulty quests give greater items. You can get Legendary Gear from these assignments twice a week and once for completing three. Even after completing these goals, you’ll receive gear, but it won’t improve your Power Level.
Season of the Drifter’s The Reckoning centered on wave-based PvE objectives. In a wave-based sprint to the finished environment, players chose from three difficulties. This setting lets you chain kills under pressure. If you offer specified motes before entering the arena, you’ll get Gambit Prime-specific legendary gear.
In The Blind Well, players slay hordes of monsters from safe havens. Tier 3 events enable Tier 4 blind wells, which yield Legendary Dreaming City staff. The Blind Well doesn’t follow Destiny 2’s fireteam limits, enabling numerous fireteams in the instance.
The Black Armory brought four Lost Forges. The Lost Forges are another series of PvE events where players fight adversaries that drop orbs. After clearing two waves, you’ll confront a Lost Forge monster and receive Lost Forge-specific weaponry. You’ll get a new weapon if you complete a Lost Forge with a leveled weapon frame. Completing two weapon frames in a week earns you Black Armory armor from Ada-1 in the tower.
Vex Offensive – Activity Drops On October 5th
Raids are the game’s most difficult events. They’re usually the most time-consuming, although completion might net a raid-specific exotic and raid-specific gear. Leviathan, Eater of Worlds, Spire of Stars, Last Wish, Scourge of the Past, Crown of Sorrows. Each raid is unique and requires six players to work together to defeat the boss.
Seasonal events are seasonal. During these times, performing chores can net you rare gear. Valentine’s Day, Christmas, and Halloween are celebrated. The Valentine’s event (Crimson Days) introduces two-versus-two Crucible playlists for you and you’re betrothed.
Wave-based PvE event Escalation Protocol. It’s on Mars and consists of seven waves and a boss encounter. Like The Blind Well, these events can include more than three players. Depending on the boss you kill, you can get the greatest shotgun in Destiny 2 and Escalation Protocol shaders.
Destiny’s newest expansion, The Menagerie. It lets 6 players cycle through alternating scenarios for variation. Six Guardians can participate instead of the usual three. A chalice determines your prizes. The chalice lets players insert runes to determine their special rewards.
There are enough PvP and PvE activities to keep players engaged. Each activity has its own rewards, and every season Bungie introduces pinnacle weaponry to motivate players to tackle each mode in different ways to obtain distinctive weapons.
Gear Difference?
Destiny 2 requires the correct gear, not just any. Weapons, spirits, and sparrows are shared, but not armor. Hunters have cloaks, Warlocks have bonds, and Titans have marks. Rare gear exists. Here’s what they signify. Common – White and rare, these items are stepping stones to better riches. Usually, they have one weak benefit. After reaching level max, you won’t see much white gear until you start picking up Uncommon gear.
Uncommon is above common. Green uncommon gear has two bonuses. They’re not as awful as Common gear, but they’re still bad. Like common gear, you’ll never see this type again at peak level. Rare equipment is blue and weak. Despite their name, they’re the most common drop at max level. They fall 20 levels short of max Power Level. Three weapon perks make them more viable than the preceding two rarities.
Destiny 2 is about legendary gear and perfect rolls. As you become used to seeing the rich purple of a legendary weapon, you’ll examine its four bonuses. Due to the large pool of perks and mods, you’ll never be pleased with your initial roll. Once you settle on a build, you may utilize Masterwork Cores to level up the weapon, enhancing its reload speed, handling, and other attributes to guarantee it feels just perfect.
As Destiny 2’s rarest item categorization, you’ll spend hours hoping dropped loot is Exotic. Gold gear determines your build. You can equip one exotic weapon and one exotic piece of armor, therefore you must decide which pieces hold precedence and which subclass they suit.
Gear is crucial. Whether it’s a legendary rocket launcher with cluster bombs to beat Riven or a PvP sniper rifle with snapshot sights, you’ll be grinding. Many items of gear are quest rewards or activity-specific. All this makes Destiny 2 a vast, involved game. You can run three characters and nearly everything refreshes weekly. When you start digging for uncommon weaponry, you’ll lose days at a time.