Do you want to know how to get a Shiny Genesect in Pokemon Go? Every Pokémon Go Trainer seeks to acquire the strongest, rarest, and most gleaming Pokémon. And if a Pokemon possesses all of these characteristics, it will be a priceless trophy in any player’s collection.
Genesect is a Shiny Bug and Steel-type Mythical Pokémon with exceptional powers and attributes. Genesect can only be obtained by defeating it in a Raid Gym and then catching it with your greatest Poké Ball throws.
Even defeating a Genesect is complex, and gaining a Shiny Genesect is even more difficult, but our tutorial will show you how to get a Shiny Genesect in Pokemon Go.
How to Get Shiny Genesect?

In Pokemon GO, Genesect (Douse) is a powerful monster with Bug and Steel typing. Only by conquering this raid boss will you have an opportunity to meet Shiny Genesect (Douse). Because the raid boss is an exceedingly powerful Mythical creature, defeating it demands a team of trainers.
The Shiny encounter, however, is not assured; some Pokemon GO players may encounter it while others may not. To meet a shining Genesect (Douse), one must catch up to its shining spawn rate. To maximize Genesect (Douse) encounters, the primary strategy is to fight as many 5-star raid monsters as possible.
As formidable as Genesect (Douse) is as a raid monster, it has flaws that players must be aware of before embarking on the raid. In Pokemon GO, the monster is vulnerable to Fire-type moves while resisting Normal, Grass, Poison, Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Ice, Steel, and Psychic-type attacks.
Trainers must construct a battle roster that includes strong counters while avoiding opposition. As previously said, Genesect has a lot of resistance and only one vulnerability, and in order to defeat him, you must choose Genesect countermeasures based on this.
The main weakness of Genesect is its Fire-type attacks, which deal a whopping 256% damage. As a result, you should put together a team of Pokémon that have Fire-type attacks and are resistant to Bug and Steel-type assaults. We decided to assist you by compiling a list of the most excellent Genesect counters in Pokemon Go:
- Chandelure: Fire Spin, Overheat.
- Darmanitan: Fire Fang, Overheat.
- Volcarona: Fire Spin, Overheat.
- Blaziken: Fire Spin, Blast Burn.
- Moltres: Fire Spin, Overheat.
- Flareon: Fire Spin, Overheat.
- Entei: Fire Fang, Overheat.
- Heatran: Fire Spin, Flamethrower.
- Infernape: Fire Spin, Blast Burn.
- Charizard: Fire Spin, Blast Burn.
This is everything you need to know about How To Get Shiny Genesect. Additionally, you can check our guide on How To Get Shiny Koraidon and How To Get Tushita. Stay connected with to get the latest news and guides about the gaming world.