Annihilape is a new Pokemon that was introduced in Pokemon Go as part of the Raging Battles event, which runs from January 19 to February 2, 2024. Annihilape is a dual Fighting/Ghost type Pokemon that evolves from Primeape and has a fierce and vengeful personality.
Annihilate is also the final evolution of Mankey and has a unique ability called Rage, which boosts its attack and speed when it is hit by an enemy. In this article, we will show you how to get Annihilape in Pokemon Go, and what you need to know about the Raging Battles event.
How To Get Annihilape In Pokemon Go?

To get Annihilape in Pokemon Go, you need to evolve a Primeape that you have as your Buddy Pokemon. To do this, you need to follow these steps:
- Catch a Mankey and evolve it into Primeape using 50 Mankey Candy. You can find Mankey in the wild, in raids, or field research tasks during the Raging Battles event.
- Make Primeape your Buddy Pokemon by tapping on your avatar, then on the ME tab, then on your current Buddy Pokemon or Buddy History, then on Swap Buddy, and then on Primeape.
- Defeat 30 Ghost or Psychic-type Pokemon in battles with Primeape as your Buddy Pokemon. You can battle Ghost or Psychic-type Pokemon in raids, gyms, trainer battles, Team GO Rocket battles, or Team Leader battles. You can also use the Nearby or Today tabs to find Ghost or Psychic type Pokemon in the wild.
- Once you have defeated 30 Ghost or Psychic type Pokemon, you will see a notification that your Primeape is ready to evolve. Tap on it and confirm the evolution to get your Annihilape.
What to Expect from the Raging Battles Event in Pokemon Go?
The Raging Battles event is a special event that celebrates the arrival of Annihilape in Pokemon Go. The event features the following:
- Increased spawns of Fighting, Ghost, and Psychic type Pokemon, such as Mankey, Machop, Gastly, Abra, and more.
- New field research tasks that reward you with encounters with Fighting, Ghost, and Psychic type Pokemon, as well as items such as Rare Candy, Stardust, and Poke Balls.
- New raid bosses that include Fighting, Ghost, and Psychic type Pokemon, such as Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Gengar, Alakazam, and more.
- New Timed Research that rewards you with encounters with Fighting, Ghost, and Psychic type Pokemon, as well as items such as Rare Candy, Stardust, and Poke Balls.
- New avatar items and stickers inspired by Fighting, Ghost, and Psychic type Pokemon, such as a Mankey hat, a Gengar backpack, and a Primeape sticker.
Annihilape is a new Pokemon that you can get in Pokemon Go by evolving a Primeape that you have as your Buddy Pokemon and defeating 30 Ghost or Psychic-type Pokemon in battles.
Annihilape is a part of the Raging Battles event, which features increased spawns, raids, research, and rewards related to Fighting, Ghost, and Psychic type Pokemon. The Raging Battles event is a great opportunity to catch and evolve some powerful and rare Pokemon, as well as to enjoy some fun and challenging battles.
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