Resolving the Hogwarts Legacy Merlin Trials provides more equipped space; therefore, finishing them is critical if you want to avoid the notification that they are complete. There are 85 total, which appears to be a lot, but there are only nine variations to contend with, with essential puzzle setups recurring across the game.
The majority of Merlin Trials are a series of tiny problems requiring magic to complete, while there are also more practical versions. You’ll come across them as you explore the game, and you’ll need some Mallowsweet in your inventory to activate them.
To assist you, I’ve included advice on how to complete every Merlin Trial in Hogwarts Legacy, resulting in an abundance of Hogwarts Legacy Gear Slots to keep everything.
How to Get Hogwarts Legacy The Merlin Trials?
You’ll be able to access Merlin Trials by interacting with a witch named Nora Treadwell. She can be heard shouting nearby after completing Natty’s quest, “The Girl from Uagadou,” at Hogsfield

. Treadwell’s quest is explicitly titled “Trials of Merlin,” so it shouldn’t be challenging to overlook. After that, you’ll be able to finish the trials wherever you find them and begin earning more slots.
Hogwarts Legacy Merlin Trials Solution
To ultimately undertake Merlin Trials, you’ll need to obtain the Hogwarts Legacy broomsticks, as they cover the entire area and are frequently in places that are difficult to access on foot.
If at all possible. You’ll be able to fly around casting Revelio to find them as you go once you have a broom or a Hogwarts Legacy mount, which unlocks later.
You’ll also need Mallowsweet, a plant that can be purchased, grown, and found anywhere in the world because each trial is ‘activated’ by dusting Mallowsweet leaves on the markers you uncover.
There are nine Merlin Trials versions in total. When you cast Revelio, the solution to each one is always near the marker and highlighted in blue, so you always know what you need to interact with, if not how. Many Merlin Trials require one of these spells to be cast in order to be completed:
- Basic Cast (RT)
- Depulso
- Accio
- Confringo and/or Incendio
- Lumio
- Reparo
- Flipendo
Here are all of the Hogwarts Legacy Merlin Trials and how to solve them:
Large Stone Ball Merlin Trial
It’s as simple as casting Depulso (the push spell) and rolling a giant stone ball into a basin in the ground. The balls are frequently relatively high up, with a clear path to the goal. However, the balls move slowly, and it is difficult to change direction, so you must use caution.
Small Stone Balls Merlin Trial
On the floor around the Merlin Trial, there will be three stone plates with four circular holes in them, as well as three piles of little stone balls. To pass this trial, you must use Accio to guide the balls to each stone plate.
Braziers Merlin Trials
You must light three braziers mounted on stone columns in this trial. They can be spread out, which is why utilizing Confringo will make it much easier to cross them off. They’ll also need to be lit in a specific order because they’ll begin sinking into the ground as soon as they’re lit. To finish them all in time, start with the tallest and work your way down.
Moth Stones Merlin Trials
One of the Merlin Trials includes bringing a bunch of moths to a trio of luminous statues, a riff on the guiding of the moth to the frame side quest.
The statues will be easy to spot, but the moths will be a little more hidden and difficult to spot using Revelio. Call the moths to your wand with Lumio, then lead them to all three monuments.
Broken Statues Merlins Trials
When you begin the Merlin Trial, you’ll notice three statues scattered across the area that promptly explode into pieces. Use Reparo on all three, and you’ll be done in no time.
Matching Puzzle Block Merlin Trials
This is one of the more difficult Merlin Trials, and it consists of three stone columns constructed of two stone blocks with marks on them. You won’t be able to finish it unless you have Flipendo (which appears later in the game). Rotate the top stone block of each column with Flipendo until the symbols match.
To vary the direction in which you’re flipping the block, you’ll need to go around the block. It’s odd, but thankfully, this Merlin Trial variety isn’t popular.
Green Spotted Slabs Merling Trials
This is one of the simpler Merlin Trials because all you have to do is use Confringo to destroy all the blocks that look like the image above. There is always at least one concealed one, so use Revelio to make them glow blue and crush them all.
Balls on Sticks Merlin Trials
Another of the simpler Merlin Trials features a sequence of nine stone balls atop stone columns. They’re found in groups of three surrounding the Merlin Trial sign, and finding them is frequently the most challenging part.
Fortunately, they light with Revelio and can be found hidden behind walls and higher up than you might imagine. Once you’ve seen them all, all you have to do is hit them with a simple spell.
Platform Challenge Merlin Trials
Finally, a simple platforming challenge is arguably the rarest of the Merlin Trials. A succession of stone platforms form a line that serves as a simple obstacle course. Leap from one to the other without touching the ground until you’ve completed the course.
This is everything you need to know about Hogwarts Legacy Merlin Trials Solution. Please take a moment to explore our other guides, like Virizion Pokemon GO. Stay connected with to get the latest news and guides about the gaming world.