Despite Rockstar Games’ considerable attempts to prevent money issues from Grand Theft Auto (GTA) Online, gamers continue to find ways to exploit them. Recently, PrimeGaming (YouTube/@PrimeGam1ng) posted a video exhibiting a single money exploit that allowed them to gain millions of dollars. According to the user, the glitch is currently active in the game and may be used by anyone.
However, readers should be aware that Rockstar Games is extremely watchful about money exploits in multiplayer games and frequently takes harsh action against those who use them. Therefore, GTA Online gamers are encouraged to steer away from such acts.
GTA Online Infinite Money Glitch
On January 24, 2024, PrimeGaming posted the video above, which shows how to leverage the glitch to gain money in GTA 5 Online.

They state that you must first deposit all of your pocket money into your in-game bank account through the Maze Bank website. After that, navigate to the character change screen and remove the secondary character from there. Next, create a new character and save it with the default parameters provided by Rockstar Games.
However, while establishing the new character, you must select Yes, which allows you to duplicate progress from the old character to the new character. Once you’ve entered a fresh public session, go to any in-game website to purchase a new vehicle in GTA Online.
PrimeGaming recommended that first-time glitch users choose a low-cost automobile. Select any vehicle from any in-game website and click Buy It Now. Once you click it, the website should display a Transaction Pending notification. According to the YouTuber, gamers should unplug from the internet as soon as the game displays Transaction Pending.
After a limited period, the Transaction Pending message should change to Purchased. Next, reestablish your internet connection and join an Invite Only session. The YouTuber stated that if the game prompts you to change the appearance of your GTA Online character, press No.
Once you’ve entered an Invite Only session, contact your Mechanic and request delivery of the freshly purchased vehicle. Once delivered, take the vehicle to any of Los Santos Customs garages and sell it.
According to PrimeGaming, if you use the glitch correctly, the game should offer you the desired vehicle for free. After reconnecting the game to the internet and loading it into a multiplayer session, your bank balance should remain the same.