If you’re playing Fallout 4 and you can’t listen to the Mysterious Signal on your pip-boy radio, don’t worry. You can continue the mission. You need to go to the Harbourmaster Hotel, which is marked on your map.

Getting to the hotel might be tough, especially if you’re still new to the game and don’t have strong weapons. But if you save your game often, you can keep trying until you make it.
When you reach the hotel, be careful because it’s now a raider base surrounded by a fence. You’ll have to fight the raiders to get inside. Or, you can try running in and hoping to reach the door before they attack. I threw grenades over the fence to take out some raiders before going in.
When you open the door, you won’t be able to listen to the Mysterious Signal anymore, but you’ll start the next part of the quest: Investigate the New England Technocrat Society.
Inside, you’ll be attacked by ghouls, but once you defeat them, you’ll be ready for the next part of the quest, which involves finding the All Hallows’ Eve password.