Diablo Immortal is a mobile action RPG that is set between the events of Diablo II and Diablo III. The game features six classes: Barbarian, Monk, Wizard, Demon Hunter, Crusader, and Necromancer.
However, the game also introduces a new class, the Blood Knight, which is exclusive to Diablo Immortal. The Blood Knight is a hybrid melee and ranged class that uses blood magic and a polearm to fight against the forces of evil. In this article, we will provide a guide to the Blood Knight class, and how to play it effectively.
What is the Blood Knight Class?

The Blood Knight class is a human who has been bitten by a vampire but has resisted the transformation into a mindless thrall. Instead, the Blood Knight has gained some of the vampire’s powers, such as enhanced strength, speed, and regeneration.
However, the Blood Knight also has to deal with the curse of vampirism, which makes them crave blood and risk losing their humanity. The Blood Knight class belongs to the Tank faction, which means they have high defense and health and can withstand a lot of damage.
The Blood Knight class also has three roles: Attack, Defense, and Heal. The Attack role focuses on dealing damage and applying effects to enemies. The Defense role focuses on protecting allies and reflecting damage to enemies. The Heal role focuses on healing allies and removing negative effects.
The Blood Knight class uses a polearm as their main weapon, which allows them to attack enemies from a distance or up close. The Blood Knight class also uses blood magic, which involves draining enemies’ life force and using it to power their skills.
The Blood Knight class has four skills: a basic attack, an active skill, a passive skill, and a leader skill. The basic attack is the default action, which can deal damage, heal, or apply effects. The active skill is a special ability, which can be activated by spending energy.
The passive skill is the innate trait, which can provide bonuses or effects to the Blood Knight or the team. The leader skill is the unique talent, which can only be used by the Blood Knight who is assigned as the leader of the team.
How to Play the Blood Knight Class?
To play the Blood Knight class, you will need to:
- Choose your skills: You can choose your skills from a pool of 12 skills, which are divided into four categories: Blood, Shadow, Curse, and Vampirism. You can only equip one skill from each category, and you can change your skills at any time outside of combat. You should choose your skills based on your role, strategy, and preference, and try to create a synergistic combination. You should also consider the enemy’s faction, role, and skills, and try to counter them. You can also upgrade your skills by using skill points, which can be obtained from leveling up or completing quests.
- Manage your blood: You can manage your blood by using your skills, items, and abilities. You can gain blood by attacking enemies, being attacked, or using items. You can spend blood by activating your skills, healing yourself, or using abilities. You should manage your blood wisely, and try to balance your offense and defense. You should also avoid running out of blood, as it will make you vulnerable and weak.
- Use your abilities: You can use your abilities by tapping the ability icons on the screen. You can use three abilities: Blood Rage, Blood Bond, and Blood Sacrifice. Blood Rage is an ability that increases your attack and movement speed, and reduces your damage taken. Blood Bond is an ability that links you with an ally, and shares your blood and effects with them. Blood Sacrifice is an ability that consumes your blood and deals damage to enemies around you. You should use your abilities strategically, and try to benefit yourself and your team and hinder the enemy.
- Equip your items: You can equip your items by accessing the inventory menu. You can equip various items, such as weapons, armor, accessories, and relics, to improve your stats and performance. You can also use the game’s crafting system, which lets you upgrade and modify your items without destroying them. You can also collect and equip idols, which are powerful artifacts that grant you passive bonuses and effects. You should equip your items based on your role, strategy, and preference, and try to enhance your strengths and cover your weaknesses. You should also consider the enemy’s faction, role, and skills, and try to counter them.
What are the Best Items and Skills for the Blood Knight Class?
The best items and skills for the Blood Knight class are the ones that suit your playstyle, strategy, and preference. However, some items and skills are generally considered to be more useful, versatile, or powerful than others, based on their stats, effects, and rarity. Here are some of the best items and skills for the Blood Knight class, according to our tier list:
- S Tier: Siphon Blood, Swarm of Bats, Blood Curse, Vampiric Aura, Spiteful Blood, Bloodthirsty Blade, Bloodstained Armor, Bloodlust Ring, Blood Moon Relic
- A Tier: Blood Strike, Shadow Slash, Blood Boil, Vampiric Touch, Blood Pact, Blood Reaper, Bloodied Helm, Blood Bond Necklace, Blood Fiend Relic
- B Tier: Blood Spear, Shadow Burst, Blood Hex, Vampiric Embrace, Blood Fury, Blood Drinker, Bloodied Gloves, Blood Oath Bracelet, Blood Eye Relic
Here are some brief explanations of why these items and skills are ranked as they are:
- Siphon Blood: Siphon Blood is the best basic attack skill for the Blood Knight, as it can deal damage and heal the Blood Knight based on the enemy’s health. It can also apply a bleed effect to the enemy, which can stack up to three times.
- Swarm of Bats: Swarm of Bats is the best active skill for the Blood Knight, as it can summon a swarm of bats that can attack multiple enemies and drain their blood. It can also increase the Blood Knight’s attack and movement speed, and reduce the enemy’s defense.
- Blood Curse: Blood Curse is the best passive skill for the Blood Knight, as it can curse the enemy with every attack, and reduce their attack and movement speed. It can also deal damage to the enemy based on their health, and heal the Blood Knight for the same amount.
- Vampiric Aura: Vampiric Aura is the best leadership skill for the Blood Knight, as it can grant the Blood Knight and the team a chance to heal for a percentage of the damage they deal. It can also increase the Blood Knight and the team’s attack and defense.
- Spiteful Blood: Spiteful Blood is the best legendary gem for the Blood Knight, as it can increase the Blood Knight’s attack and critical rate, and reduce the enemy’s defense and dodge rate. It can also deal damage to the enemy based on their health, and heal the Blood Knight for the same amount.
- Bloodthirsty Blade: Bloodthirsty Blade is the best weapon for the Blood Knight, as it can increase the Blood Knight’s attack and critical damage, and reduce the enemy’s defense and dodge rate. It can also deal damage to the enemy based on their health, and heal the Blood Knight for the same amount.
- Bloodstained Armor: Bloodstained Armor is the best armor for the Blood Knight, as it can increase the Blood Knight’s defense and health, and reduce the damage taken from enemies. It can also reflect damage back to enemies, and heal the Blood Knight for a percentage of the damage reflected.
- Bloodlust Ring: The Bloodlust Ring is the best accessory for the Blood Knight, as it can increase the Blood Knight’s attack and movement speed, and reduce the enemy’s defense and dodge rate. It can also increase the Blood Knight’s blood gain and energy regeneration, and reduce the blood cost of skills.
- Blood Moon Relic: Blood Moon Relic is the best relic for the Blood Knight, as it can increase the Blood Knight’s attack and defense, and reduce the damage taken from enemies. It can also increase the Blood Knight’s blood gain and energy regeneration, and reduce the blood cost of skills.
The Blood Knight class is a hybrid melee and ranged class that uses blood magic and a polearm to fight against the forces of evil. The Blood Knight class is exclusive to Diablo Immortal and is the first new class in the Diablo series since the Crusader.
The Blood Knight class is a dark and mysterious class, that has to balance their power and curse. The Blood Knight class is a versatile and powerful class, that can deal damage, heal, and protect themselves and their allies.
The Blood Knight class is a class that will appeal to fans of vampires, anti-heroes, and blood magic, and will offer a fun and immersive experience in Diablo Immortal.
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