Death Stranding 2: Several returning cast members were confirmed in conjunction with the much-anticipated unveiling of Death Stranding 2 at The Game Awards 2022. Although Lea Seydoux’s Fragile was the primary focus of the trailer, viewers also got a glance at Norman Reedus’s Sam Bridges and Troy Baker’s Higgs in their updated costumes.
Among the many things that drew notice to the sequel to Death Stranding was Sam’s apparent age difference from the rest of the cast, which prompted many to wonder why he looks so much older than the rest of the cast.
Elle Fanning and Shioli Kutsuna, two other cast members credited but not seen in the trailer, are also present. Their function in the game is unknown at this time, despite Hideo Kojima’s Twitter hints about them being involved. Kojima’s trademark opacity means this teaser can be interpreted in a wide variety of ways. There are a few potential explanations for Sam’s dramatic age difference in the sequel to Death Stranding.

Timefall May Be Responsible for Sam’s Aging
Considering the gap in time between Death Stranding and its sequel, Sam may have aged, but that explanation seems too pat for Kojima Productions. For those who are familiar with Hideo Kojima’s Metal Gear franchise, Snake’s rapid ageing as a clone will come as no surprise.
Timefall, a strange rain that accelerates the ageing of anything it falls on, is Death Stranding’s in-universe cause of premature ageing. Any living thing or piece of machinery that comes into contact with time fall will eventually rust and die.
BREAKING: Hideo Kojima unveils DEATH STRANDING 2 at #TheGameAwards, and the trailer is packed with hidden clues… 🕵️
— GameSpot (@GameSpot) December 9, 2022
In Death Stranding, Timefall has previously been experienced by one character: Fragile, who tried to stop Higgs from destroying South Knot City but had it afflict her entire body save for her face. Considering the importance placed on Fragile in the announcement trailer, it’s probable that Timefall may play a bigger role in Death Stranding 2’s plot.
Maybe Sam aged faster than he would have otherwise since he was exposed to the phenomena for an extended period during the events of the first game.
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Sam’s Aging Could Be the Result of His Status as a Repatriate
Sam’s presence in Death Stranding is artificial, just like Snake’s was in Metal Gear. After his father, Cliff, tried to save him from Bridges’ experiments, he, like the other initial Bridge Babies, tragically lost his life. When Amelie revived Sam on the shore, he became a repatriation, a person who can prevent dying by returning home.
First look at Norman Reedus in ‘DEATH STRANDING 2’.
— DiscussingFilm (@DiscussingFilm) December 9, 2022
The capacity to cheat death comes at a price, and that price may be premature ageing for those who are repatriated. This would shed light on the unexplained elements of repatriation and the beach, while also explaining Sam’s age difference.
Sam also has DOOMS, a disorder that causes him to feel an affinity for the hereafter. His accelerated ageing from DOOMS is one possible cause, albeit it is not directly related to his status as a repatriation.
Similar to how excessive amounts of worry in the real world can lead a person to appear older than they are, the tension induced by the nightmares DOOMS produces could have led him to look older than he is. It doesn’t matter what sets things in motion, it will play a major role in Death Stranding 2.
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