Callisto Protocol Dead Space: Callisto Protocol, a horror game coming out next month for consoles and PC, looks and plays a lot like the acclaimed Dead Space series. A lot of the killings in Callisto Protocol seem just as gruesome as those in Dead Space, whether you end up biting the dust or your alien enemies do. However, fresh information found on the game’s Steam shop page reveals that some of these horrific death animations will be exclusive to the game’s season pass. And that’s just odd and stupid.
In the year of our Lord twenty-two thousand and two, virtually every video game has downloadable content, paid add-ons, and season passes. The way things are done now has always been like this. Since this has been going on for so long, few of us can remember a time when we weren’t being actively sold crap by publishers in addition to the real game.
Thanks for the support. Something tells us you’ll be ready for the mayhem on Callisto.
— The Callisto Protocol (@CallistoTheGame) October 21, 2022
Callisto Protocol Dead Space
When a firm decides to charge for access to death animations, it serves as a stark reminder of how childish and materialistic some members of the gaming industry can be. For example, it has been reported that certain death animations in the upcoming horror game Callisto Protocol will be locked behind a season pass purchase.
Updated information about the contents of the game’s multiple editions and the season pass has been added to the horror game’s Steam page, as discovered by VGC. In addition, two downloadable content packs on Steam advertise a total of 25 unique deaths for players to watch. Twenty-three are unique deaths for protagonist Issac Clarke Jacob, while the remaining twelve are unique deaths for antagonists.
Fear takes no prisoners.
— The Callisto Protocol (@CallistoTheGame) November 17, 2022
In addition to the digital deluxe edition’s $80 price tag on PC, purchasers will also receive access to the season pass at no additional cost. (We’re talking $60 for the core game.)
It should be noted that the season pass DLC includes more than just death animations and that the game itself will have a number of horrible deaths that are yet unknown. Therefore, players who opt to forego the downloadable content and instead purchase the original game need not worry about missing out on the experience.
However, it does seem absurd to restrict access to, of all things, death animations behind a paywall, especially in a horror game that has spent so much time advertising the graphic nature of its killings.

Some people might not care or might argue that it’s only a small piece of content that’s unavailable to those who don’t want to spend any extra money on the game. But I can’t help but speculate about the long-term effects of this model, along with downloadable content and season passes in general, becoming the norm.
In fact, this isn’t the first time a publisher has tried to monetize optional cutscenes by charging players. A portion of this was done earlier this year by Sega in conjunction with the launch of Sonic Origins.
Learn more about the original song from our launch trailer by @kingselliot.
— The Callisto Protocol (@CallistoTheGame) November 28, 2022
If this becomes something routine, what will happen then? Is there any more “minor” content that may be removed from the main game and sold separately? Additional reload sequences? More meaningless chatter? Do levels get more props to make them less monotonous? It’s absurd, but we’re actually seeing publishers put animations behind DLC and paywalls. Next steps? I don’t want to know the truth.
Your time at Black Iron Prison starts in one week.
— The Callisto Protocol (@CallistoTheGame) November 25, 2022
The release date for Callisto Protocol is December 2 for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the Callisto Protocol a Dead Space Game?
A homecoming awaits you in The Callisto Protocol, a new game from a firm with no previous releases. It unabashedly borrows the immersive science fiction horror elements of Dead Space and applies them to its gameplay, landscapes, and monsters.
Is the Callisto Project Connected to Dead Space?
The Callisto Protocol shows clear signs of being influenced by the critically acclaimed video game Dead Space. In terms of the games’ respective backstories and intellectual properties, The Callisto Protocol has nothing to do with Dead Space. Although there are good reasons for fans to assume a connection between the two IPs, they are in fact completely separate.
What Happened to the Dead Space Game?
Motive Studio and Electronic Arts are hard at work on a new survival horror game titled Dead Space (EA). EA Redwood Shores’ remake of the 2008 game of the same name is set for release on January 27, 2023, for PlayStation 5, Windows, and Xbox Series X/S.
Final Words: We hope you have found all the information regarding the Callisto Protocol Dead Space: Horror Game Hides Kill Scenes Behind Season Pass. For more latest news and information stay tuned with us here at