BFD, or Blackfathom Deeps, is a new 10-man raid that has been added to WoW Classic in the Season of Discovery. This raid is a reimagined version of the original 5-man dungeon, with new bosses, mechanics, loot, and secrets. In this article, we will provide a brief overview of the BFD raid and give you some tips and strategies on how to complete it.
What is BFD, and Why Should You Play It?
BFD is a raid that takes place in the underwater temple of Blackfathom Deeps, located in the northwest of Ashenvale. The temple was once a sacred site for the night elves, but it has been corrupted by the Old Gods and their minions, such as the naga, the murlocs, and the twilight cultists.

The raid consists of seven bosses, each with their unique abilities and challenges. The attack also has several secrets and hidden treasures for players to discover, such as the Secret of the Twilight Artisan, the Boon of Blackfathom, and the recipes for Blackfathom Sharpening Stones and Wizard Oil.
You should play BFD if you are looking for a fun and exciting raid experience that is different from the usual end-game content in WoW Classic. BFD is designed for level 25 players, which means that you can enjoy it without having to level up to 60 or gear up for the high-end raids.
BFD also offers a variety of rewards, such as new and improved items, achievements, and titles. BFD is also a great way to explore the lore and history of the Blackfathom Deeps and experience the Season of Discovery in a new way.
How Do You Access BFD, and What Are the Requirements?
To access BFD, you need to have the Season of Discovery patch installed, which is available for free for all WoW Classic players. It would be best if you also had a level 25 character and a valid subscription to the game.
You can access BFD through the dungeon finder or by traveling to the entrance of the Blackfathom Deeps in Ashenvale. You can also use the meeting stone outside the door to form a group with other players.
The requirements for BFD are similar to those for any other raid in WoW Classic. You need to have a balanced group of 10 players with a mix of tanks, healers, and damage dealers. It would help if you also had enough consumables, such as food, water, potions, and bandages.
You also need to have a sound communication system, such as voice chat or text chat, to coordinate with your teammates. You also need to have a basic knowledge of the raid mechanics, such as the boss’s abilities, the environmental hazards, and the strategies to overcome them.
What Are the Bosses, and How Do You Defeat Them?
BFD has seven bosses, each with their unique abilities and challenges. Here is a summary of each boss and how to defeat them.
- Baron Aquanis: The first boss of the raid, Baron Aquanis is a powerful water elemental that can summon waves, whirlpools, and geysers to damage and knock back the players. To defeat him, you need to avoid his water attacks and interrupt his healing spells. You also need to use the Fathom Core, a quest item that can be found in the dungeon, to weaken him and make him vulnerable to damage.
- Ghamoo-Ra: The second boss of the raid, Ghamoo-Ra is a giant turtle that can shield himself from damage and charge at the players. To defeat him, you need to break his shield by using the Blackfathom Sharpening Stones, a consumable item that can be crafted with the recipe found in the raid. You also need to avoid his charge and kite him around the room to avoid his melee attacks.
- Lady Saravess: The third boss of the raid, Lady Saravess is a naga sorceresswhot can cast various spells, such as frost bolts, frost novas, and mind controls. To defeat her, you need to interrupt her attacks and dispel her mind controls. It would be best if you also used her spells against her by reflecting them with the Twilight Mirror, a quest item that can be found in the dungeon.
- Gelihast: The fourth boss of the raid, Gelihast is a corrupted night elf warrior who can summon void murlocs and use various melee abilities, such as cleaves, whirlwinds, and stuns. To defeat him, you need to kill his murlocs and avoid his melee attacks. It would be best if you also used the Twilight Hammer, a quest item that can be found in the dungeon, to break his armor and reduce his damage.
- Lorgus Jett: The fifth boss of the raid, Lorgus Jett is a twilight cultist who can cast various totems, such as fire totems, frost totems, and void totems. To defeat him, you need to destroy his totems and avoid their effects. It would be best if you also used the Twilight Rod, a quest item that can be found in the dungeon, to bypass his magical barriers and damage him directly.
- Twilight Lord Kelris: The sixth boss of the raid, Twilight Lord Kelris is the leader of the Twilight cultists and the mastermind behind the corruption of the Blackfathom Deeps. He can cast various spells, such as shadow bolts, mind blasts, and sleeps. To defeat him, you need to interrupt his spells and wake up your teammates from his sleep. It would be best if you also used the Twilight Medallion, a quest item that can be found in the dungeon, to resist his mind control and turn him against his minions.
- Akumai: The final boss of the raid, Akumai is a three-headed hydra that serves the Old Gods and is the guardian of the Blackfathom Deeps. He can use various abilities, such as breath attacks, tail swipes, and bites. To defeat him, you need to avoid his breath attacks and position yourself behind him to avoid his tail swipes and bites. It would be best if you also used the Boon of Blackfathom, a world buff that can be obtained by completing the raid, to increase your damage and healing.
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BFD is a new 10-man raid that has been added to WoW Classic in the Season of Discovery. It is a reimagined version of the original 5-man dungeon, with new bosses, mechanics, loot, and secrets.
It is designed for level 25 players and can be accessed through the dungeon finder or by traveling to the entrance of the Blackfathom Deeps in Ashenvale. It offers a fun and exciting raid experience that is different from the usual end-game content in WoW Classic.
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