You might have seen that your favorite streamer’s Valorant game looks a bit different from yours. Some streamers and pro players use a stretched screen to change how they see things in the game. In this guide, we’ll talk about Valorant FOV, stretched screens, and how to set them up.
FOV and Stretched Resolutions
FOV (field of view) is like the view your character has in a game. In some games, a small FOV makes things look bigger, and you see less of the game. A big FOV lets you see more of the game.
In Valorant, the FOV is always 103 degrees, and you can’t change it like in other games. But you can use special screen settings to make it look like the FOV changes. Valorant’s regular screen size is 1920×1080, which is the same as most screens and monitors.
Stretching resolutions in games means taking a regular widescreen picture and making it wider to fit different shapes, like 4:3 or 16:10. This stretching makes the game’s graphics wider. Still, it might not look as good as the original.
In games like Valorant, some players use stretched resolutions instead of the default widescreen. This is because many pro Valorant players used to play CS:GO, where trying the resolution is common and can sometimes help them play better.
Best Stretched Screen Resolutions for Valorant
There isn’t a single best-stretched screen look for Valorant, but we do have some popular options to suggest if you want to change from the standard 1920×1080.

1. 1280×960 (4:3): This is a common stretched view used in Counter-Strike. Because many esports players stick to what they know, some CS:GO pros have carried over this resolution when switching to Valorant.
2. 1680×1050 (16:10): 1680×1050 has a screen shape that’s a bit wider than the usual. It’s a good choice if you want a slightly stretched view in Valorant but don’t want it to be as extreme as the 4:3 option.
3. 1024×768 (4:3): If you’re on a tight budget and play Valorant on a less fancy gaming PC, choosing a 1024×768 resolution can help your game run faster. However, keep in mind that this resolution doesn’t look as pretty but can make your game smoother. We suggest it for players who have trouble keeping a steady 60 FPS.
How to Change to a Stretched Screen in Valorant?
Changing to a stretched screen in Valorant is easy. Here’s how:
1. Start Valorant and open settings by pressing ESC in the game or clicking the settings icon at the top right on the main menu.
2. Go to Video Settings and click on the General tab. Choose your preferred resolution and aspect ratio from the dropdown menu.
3. After selecting your resolution, click the Apply button next to “Aspect Ratio Method.” Then, click the Close Settings button at the bottom. Your screen will update to the new resolution.
You can use a stretched resolution without worrying about changing your mouse sensitivity. It will remain the same no matter the resolution you pick.
How Stretched Resolutions Affect Valorant Gameplay?
Using a stretched resolution in Valorant can be helpful, but it’s not quite the same as in other games. In Valorant, the field of view (FOV) always remains fixed at 103, regardless of your screen resolution.
This means that stretching the resolution won’t give you a competitive advantage, as player models and objects maintain the same size.
However, stretching your resolution does change the in-game user interface (UI), so your crosshair will appear wider with a broader aspect ratio. Some players like this wider crosshair look, which isn’t possible with the standard resolution.
What Resolutions Do Professional Valorant Players Use?
We looked at what resolutions professional Valorant players prefer by checking their in-game settings.
- 75% of the pros we follow use the game’s default resolution, which is 1920×1080 (16:9).
- The second most popular resolution we found is 1280×960, chosen by 11% of the pros.
- When it comes to aspect ratios, 82% of pros prefer the standard 16:9 ratio, 14% opt for a 4:3 ratio, and 4% go for a 16:10 ratio.
How Stretched Resolution Affects Valorant FPS?
Using a stretched resolution in Valorant can make the game run smoother, especially for your FPS. Stretched resolutions are typically lower-quality versions of the standard 1920×1080 resolution.
If you want better performance in Valorant, you don’t have to use a stretched resolution. You can lower the resolution to something like 1280×720 while keeping the 16:9 screen shape. This way, the game will run better without the strange stretched look.
This is everything you need to know about Best FOV and Stretched Resolutions for Valorant. Additionally, you can check our guide on VALORANT Purchase History. Stay connected with to get the latest news and guides about the gaming world.