Fortnite is one of the most popular and competitive games in the world, with millions of players across different platforms and devices. However, if you want to have an edge over your opponents and improve your skills and performance, you need to have the best keybinds for Fortnite PC.
Keybinds are the keys and buttons that you use to perform various actions and commands in the game, such as moving, shooting, building, editing, and more. Having the best keybinds for Fortnite PC can make a huge difference in your gameplay, as they can affect your speed, accuracy, comfort, and efficiency.
But what are the best keybinds for Fortnite PC, and how can you find them? In this article, we will give you some tips and recommendations on how to optimize your keybinds for Fortnite PC, based on your personal preference, playstyle, and hardware.
We will also show you some examples of keybinds used by some of the top Fortnite players in the world, such as Mongraal, Bugha, Tfue, and more.
Why Are Keybinds Important in Fortnite?
Keybinds are important in Fortnite because they allow you to perform various actions and commands in the game, such as moving, shooting, building, editing, and more.

These actions and commands are essential for surviving and winning in Fortnite, as they enable you to maneuver, attack, defend, and adapt to different situations and scenarios. Having the best keybinds for Fortnite PC can give you several advantages, such as:
- Speed: Having the best keybinds for Fortnite PC can increase your speed and reaction time, as you can perform actions and commands faster and more smoothly. This can help you gain an edge over your opponents, especially in close-range and high-intensity fights, where every second and movement counts.
- Accuracy: Having the best keybinds for Fortnite PC can improve your accuracy and precision, as you can aim and shoot better and more consistently. This can help you deal more damage and eliminate your enemies more easily, especially in long-range and medium-range fights, where every shot and bullet matters.
- Comfort: Having the best keybinds for Fortnite PC can enhance your comfort and ergonomics, as you can use keys and buttons that are easy and convenient to reach and press. This can help you avoid fatigue and strain, and play longer and better, especially in prolonged and intense sessions, where every game and match counts.
- Efficiency: Having the best keybinds for Fortnite PC can boost your efficiency and productivity, as you can use keys and buttons that are optimal and effective for each action and command. This can help you avoid mistakes and errors, and play smarter and better, especially in complex and dynamic situations, where every decision and strategy counts.
How to Find the Best Keybinds for Fortnite Pc?
Finding the best keybinds for Fortnite PC is not a simple or straightforward task, as there is no one-size-fits-all or universal solution. The best keybinds for Fortnite PC depend on several factors, such as your personal preference, playstyle, and hardware.
Therefore, you need to experiment and test different keybinds, and find the ones that suit you the best. Here are some tips and steps on how to find the best keybinds for Fortnite PC:
Step 1: Identify your hardware and setup. The first step to finding the best keybinds for Fortnite PC is to identify your hardware and setup, such as your keyboard, mouse, monitor, and headset. These devices can affect your keybinds, as they have different features, specifications, and layouts. For example, some keyboards have more or fewer keys, some mice have more or fewer buttons, some monitors have higher or lower resolution, and some headsets have better or worse sound quality. You need to know your hardware and setup, and adjust your keybinds accordingly.
Step 2: Choose your main keys and buttons. The second step to finding the best keybinds for Fortnite PC is to choose your main keys and buttons, which are the ones that you use the most and the most frequently in the game. These keys and buttons are usually the ones that control your movement, shooting, building, and editing, as these are the core mechanics of Fortnite. You need to choose your main keys and buttons, and assign them to the most comfortable and accessible keys and buttons on your keyboard and mouse. For example, some common main keys and buttons are:
- Movement: W, A, S, D
- Shooting: Left Mouse Button, Right Mouse Button
- Building: Q, E, R, F, Mouse 4, Mouse 5
- Editing: G, V, C, Mouse Wheel Up, Mouse Wheel Down
Step 3: Choose your secondary keys and buttons. The third step to finding the best keybinds for Fortnite PC is to choose your secondary keys and buttons, which are the ones that you use less and less frequently in the game. These keys and buttons are usually the ones that control your inventory, weapons, traps, communication, and miscellaneous actions, as these are the secondary mechanics of Fortnite. You need to choose your secondary keys and buttons, and assign them to the less comfortable and accessible keys and buttons on your keyboard and mouse. For example, some common secondary keys and buttons are:
- Inventory: I, Tab, M
- Weapons: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- Traps: T, H, Y, U
- Communication: X, Z, B, N
- Miscellaneous: Space Bar, Left Shift, Left Ctrl, Left Alt
Step 4: Test and practice your keybinds. The fourth and final step to finding the best keybinds for Fortnite PC is to test and practice your keybinds, and see how they work and feel in the game. You need to test and practice your keybinds, and evaluate their speed, accuracy, comfort, and efficiency.
You can test and practice your keybinds in different modes and scenarios, such as Creative, Playground, Team Rumble, Solo, Duo, Squad, and Arena. You can also use various tools and resources, such as aim trainers, edit courses, and build battles, to improve your skills and performance. You need to test and practice your keybinds, and make adjustments and changes as needed, until you find the ones that suit you the best.
What Are Some Examples of Keybinds Used by Top Fortnite Players?
If you need some inspiration or guidance on finding the best keybinds for Fortnite PC, you can look at some examples of keybinds used by some of the top Fortnite players in the world, such as Mongraal, Bugha, Tfue, and more.
These players have proven their skills and performance in various tournaments and competitions, and have gained a reputation as some of the best players in the game. However, you should not copy their keybinds blindly, as they may not work or fit for you.
You should use their keybinds as a reference or a starting point, and modify them according to your personal preference, playstyle, and hardware. Here are some examples of keybinds used by top Fortnite players:
Mongraal: Mongraal is a professional Fortnite player from the UK, who plays for FaZe Clan. He is known for his fast and aggressive playstyle, and his impressive building and editing skills. He uses his mouse buttons for building, and his keyboard keys for editing. His keybinds are:
- Movement: W, A, S, D
- Shooting: Left Mouse Button, Right Mouse Button
- Building: Q (Wall), Mouse 4 (Floor), Mouse 5 (Stairs), E (Roof), T (Trap)
- Editing: F (Edit), Left Mouse Button (Select), Right Mouse Button (Reset), G (Confirm)
- Inventory: I (Inventory), 1 (Harvesting Tool), 2 (Weapon Slot 1), 3 (Weapon Slot 2), 4 (Weapon Slot 3), X (Weapon Slot 4), C (Weapon Slot 5)
- Communication: V (Push to Talk), B (Emote)
- Miscellaneous: Space Bar (Jump), Left Shift (Sprint), Left Ctrl (Crouch), Left Alt (Auto Run), Mouse Wheel Up (Use), Mouse Wheel Down (Slot Down)
Bugha: Bugha is a professional Fortnite player from the USA, who plays for Sentinels. He is the winner of the Fortnite World Cup 2019 Solo Finals, and one of the most popular and successful players in the game. He uses his keyboard keys for building and editing, and his mouse wheel for resetting. His keybinds are:
- Movement: W, A, S, D
- Shooting: Left Mouse Button, Right Mouse Button
- Building: Q (Wall), E (Floor), R (Stairs), F (Roof), T (Trap)
- Editing: G (Edit), Left Mouse Button (Select), Mouse Wheel Down (Reset), Mouse Wheel Up (Confirm)
- Inventory: Tab (Inventory), 1 (Harvesting Tool), 2 (Weapon Slot 1), 3 (Weapon Slot 2), 4 (Weapon Slot 3), 5 (Weapon Slot 4), 6 (Weapon Slot 5)
- Communication: V (Push to Talk), B (Emote)
- Miscellaneous: Space Bar (Jump), Left Shift (Sprint), Left.
This is everything you need to know about Best Keybinds for Fortnite PC. Please take a moment to explore our other guides, like How To Play MW3 Multiplayer Early PC. Stay connected with to get the latest news and guides about the gaming world.