DMCA Policy for Digital Millennium Copyright
Welcome to the Gameempress website (The “Site”).
We respect others’ intellectual property rights the same way we expect others to respect ours. In line with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c), which authorizes copyright owners or their representatives to do so, a takedown notice may be made to us via our DMCA Agent listed below. As an internet service provider, we are qualified to request protection from alleged infringement allegations under the DMCA’s “safe harbor” provisions. To file a good faith infringement claim, you must submit us a notice that contains the following information:
Claims of Notice of Infringement
The name of the infringing material that needs to be deleted and information that makes it reasonably possible for the service provider to find the material. 1. A written or electronic signature of the copyright owner (or a representative authorized to act on the owner’s behalf); 2. A description of the allegedly infringing work; and 3.
Please include the URL of the allegedly offending page to assist us in locating it. Information such as your name, postal address, email address, phone number, and fax number is reasonably necessary to enable the service provider to get in touch with the complaining party.
A declaration that the complaining party genuinely thinks the copyright agent has barred them from using the content. A statement that the details in the notification are accurate and that the complaining party has given the complaining party permission to act on their behalf under penalty of perjury.
Anyone who willfully and grossly misrepresents specific facts in a notification of infringement under 17 USC 512(c) is susceptible to civil damage penalties, which include costs and attorneys’ fees.
All takedown requests should be sent via our Contact page. Send by email if you would want a quick response.
Please be informed that we reserve the right to reveal our identity and any copyright infringement allegations we receive from the alleged infringer. You understand, accept, and agree that if you file a claim, the alleged infringer may learn you’re identity and the details of your claim.
Counter Notification – Material Restoration
You can send us a counter-notification if you want content that was taken down because of a copyright infringement accusation to be put back up on the website. Said notice shall be in writing and delivered to our DMCA Agent by 17 USC Section 512(g)(3). It must contain the following components:
1. Your physical or electronic signature.
2. A brief explanation of the deleted content and the URL of its original placement.
3. A statement was given under oath stating that you have a good faith belief that the content was removed or otherwise made inaccessible as a result of a mistake or incorrect identification of the content that was intended to be removed or otherwise made accessible.
4. A statement that you would accept service of process from the person or company that initially reported the infringement, along with your name, address, and phone number (or, if you are outside of the United States, that you will submit to the jurisdiction of any judicial district in which the service provider may be found).
5. To send your counter-notification, use our Contact page. Email is highly recommended.
Policy for Repeat Infringers
We take infringements on copyright very seriously. In compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s repeat infringer policy requirements, we monitor DMCA notices from copyright holders and make an effort to identify any repeat offenders. We will cancel the accounts of users who violate our internal repeat infringer policy.
We reserve the right to alter this page’s content at any time and for any reason, including how DMCA complaints are handled. You are recommended to review this policy frequently and check for modifications.