Right now, the main character you play in Genshin Impact is called the Traveler. This character can use Anemo, Geo, or Electro powers, and each type needs to be built uniquely.
This guide will help you understand how to maximize each type of Traveler’s abilities. When you begin playing Genshin Impact, the main character, known as the Traveler, will have wind powers first because the starting place, Mondstadt, is associated with the air element.
The second region you can explore is Liyue, where the element is earth, so the Traveler will also have earth powers there. You can change the Traveler’s powers when you go to the Statues of the Seven in the game.
To do this, go to one of the Statues with the power you want and choose “Resonate with [Element].” As for which power is better, Anemo or Geo, the game is made so that both are equally strong. But most players seem to like using the Anemo power because its abilities are more helpful.
Genshin Impact Anemo Traveler Build
The Traveler’s wind powers are handy in fights, especially when creating the Swirl Reaction. Luckily, Swirl happens with any element except for the earth element. This means the Traveler can team up with different party members easily.
That’s why it’s a good idea for players to use the Traveler as an Anemo Support. This helps them do Anemo Damage and make the Swirl Reaction happen often. The Traveler doesn’t need things like ATK or Critical stats. They need Elemental Mastery and Energy Recharge.

The Best Artifacts for Anemo Traveler
The best equipment for Artifacts is perfect for players who don’t want to spend money. You can get this set by completing a special challenge in Mondstadt called the Valley of Remembrance. Wearing two pieces of the Viridescent Venerer set makes your Anemo abilities do 15% more damage.
If you wear all four pieces of the set, your Swirl abilities will do 60% more damage, and they will also make enemies take 40% more damage from the element combined with Swirl for 10 seconds. Swirl hurts multiple enemies at once, and the more enemies you hit with the Anemo Traveler’s abilities, the more damage you do.
Elemental Mastery and Energy Recharge are the best stats to aim for on your Sands, Goblet, and Circlet artifacts. Try to get a lot of Energy Recharge on the smaller stats of these artifacts. Another option is to focus on Attack power, Anemo damage, and Critical chance, which most players usually go for.
Best Weapons for Anemo Traveler
The top free weapons for the Anemo Traveler are Iron Sting and Festering Desire. You can make Iron Sting by crafting, and Festering Desire was given out in Version 1.2.
If you don’t have Festering Desire, Sacrificial Sword is a good alternative. It lets the Traveler use Palm Vortex two times and boosts their Energy Recharge by a lot (61.3%), so the Traveler’s special move charges up more quickly.
Regarding the best super-strong weapon, players should go for the Freedom-Sworn. This weapon makes the Anemo Traveler’s special powers even better by giving them more control over elements.
It also makes them an even better team player by boosting the attack power of the whole team and making their regular attacks stronger. If not that one, you can also consider the Primordial Jade Cutter and Mistsplitter Reforged as good choices.
Here, you can see our guide that explains how to use Elemental Sight in Genshin Impact. It tells you how to use it on a computer with a mouse, on a controller, or on a mobile phone.
Genshin Impact Geo Traveler Build
Geo Traveler can work well as a support attacker using the right setup. They can change the battle’s appearance by placing Geo structures like the Starfell Sword down. If you team them up with a character like Zhongli in Genshin Impact, they will keep causing much area damage with Geo powers.
While the Anemo (wind) character benefits from Elemental Mastery for more damage, giving the Geo Traveler the usual attack, Geo power, and critical-focused setup is best.

The Best Artifacts for Geo Traveler
As a Geo Traveler who won’t be in the field much, it’s a good idea to use a gear set that makes the next character even better. The best sets for this are 4 pieces of Noblesse Oblige or 4 pieces of Archaic Petra.
Noblesse Oblige is better because it gives a straightforward 20% increase in attack power whenever the Traveler uses their special move. However, using Archaic Petra is a bit harder, but it’s worth it if players can do its special move regularly.
Archaic Petra’s special move happens when the Traveler collects a special Elemental Shard that matches the Element they want. This makes the whole team’s attacks stronger by 35% for that Element.
You can make the Geo Traveler character deal strong damage without getting any benefits from their equipment. You can use either two pieces of the Archaic Petra set and two pieces of an artifact that increases Attack by 18%, or you can use two pieces of the Noblesse Oblige set, and two pieces of the Archaic Petra set.
Best Weapons for Geo Traveler
Like the special wind weapon, if you’re using the Geo character, the best free sword is Festering Desire. This is because most of their strong attacks come from their special move.
There are other good options, too, like the Harbinger of Dawn sword you can find, a sword you can make in Inazuma called Amenoma Kageuchi, and the Black Sword and Blackcliff Longsword. These are good because they make your attacks more likely to do extra strong damage.
If you like Gacha and enjoy playing Genshin Impact, the best weapons for Geo Traveler, a character in the game, are Mistsplitter Reforged and Primordial Jade Cutter.
These weapons are great because they increase the chances of landing critical hits and make your attacks stronger. The Summit Shaper weapon is another good option, although not as strong as the first two.
Genshin Impact Electro Traveler Build
The Electro Traveler is a really good battery in the game Genshin Impact. But the Electro Traveler can do more than just that. They can also help as a secondary attacker and keep applying the Electro element using a special move.
To make sure the Traveler can use their special move more often, players should make them have lots of Energy Recharge. This will make the main character even stronger and able to help out a lot with energy for the team.

The Best Artifacts for Electro Traveler
Because players want the Electro Traveler character to recharge energy faster, it’s a good idea to equip them with 4 Emblems of Severed Fate. These emblems work better as the character’s energy recharge gets higher.
Players can use Energy Recharge Sands, Electro Damage Goblet, and Critical Circlet to maximize the Electro Traveler’s support skills. The 4-Noblesse Oblige is a good option for the Electro Traveler in Genshin Impact. Many players usually use Noblesse gear for their support and secondary damage-dealing characters.
Best Weapons for Electro Traveler
The Traveler can use the Favonius Sword to make their energy charge faster, like a battery getting charged. Or, if players want to use the Traveler’s special abilities a lot, they can choose the Sacrificial Sword to keep their powerful moves always ready to use.